It's not too late to get on the SIGT train!
No stopping this once it gets listed in Bittrex

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Easy 10x once it gets listed on Bittrex.

I love this damn coin

Sig train! Will post nudes for sig!


Also Ive put around 2 btc over the last day! :)

No more money though but i want more sigt :(

Burgers will fuel the momentum once they wake up

>Went down from 2500 to 1750 in like no time at all

some whale is fucking with us...


Maybe a good time to load up for those who missed out

Too late haha.

The volatility right now is amazing.

Already back up 2.3k+ :3

Some faggot whale dumpd hard but the SIGIMARINES will prevail

it's unbelievable how much money is in crypto currency, and it's so easy to get into...

Never a dull moment in Crypto

it's making me crazy, from 2500 to 1700 in seconds

Marines will never fail! lets get rich Veeky Forums marines!

buy the dip guys...

this is ur last chance before we take off.

found the pajeet

found another pajeet

haha bro I'm holding 54k sigt... just saiyan

A whale is manipulating the price, putting fake buy walls and pushing the price up, then dumping.

Please send me some, will do anything

I ain't holding your bags, mate.

I'm in for 40k, not letting go until after this shit hits Bittrex

I wonder if people will make the same mistakes they did with DGB and hodl?

Mate my bags are packed for the moon.
I'll wave to you from lambo land

hodl strong marine!

DGB pup was driven by fake news. Check the volume and hashrate. It will be big

There is no point of selling it before POS


i cant fucking transfer my money to cryptophia

Daily reminder that maximum SIGT supply is only 137,500,000. Grab yourself a piece of the pie before it's all eaten.

you guys all seem like cool dudes.
can't wait to see ya'll on the moon with my best bud, SIGT.