What the hell is up with all these blatantly racist and disgusting threads populating Veeky Forums ? I don't even want to call them /pol/-tier because this shit would even be deleted from /pol/.
What the hell is up with all these blatantly racist and disgusting threads populating Veeky Forums...
Hello, Reddit
Go back and stay there you faggot
Just ignore it m8.
Seriously, gb2 Reddit. We don't need you here and we definitely don't want you here.
I don't know, and whenever I try to disprove their racist arguments, they just go "WE WUZ" or "nigger". I don't let it bother me, though, as I know not only white people did great things throughout history. Also (even though this is a meme), they are only racist because of their own insecurities. I just laugh at them.
>t. black guy who knows his history
They do it to annoy you and you're either counter-trolling them or are butthurt.
You guys are morons. This has nothing to do with a "sjw safe space". It's becoming impossible to have a discussion in any thread without it being derailed into non-white genocide or how blacks are genetically inferior.
Ok, you're right. I get it. You win. Now shut the fuck up and let me discuss the Byzantine empire with my other Veeky Forums friends. Why don't YOU go back to stormfront you delusional retards
>that distinctive Reddit writing style
Lmao you guys don't even try
>>t. black guy who knows his history
How's everyone's summer/winter?
This is why we need white genocide.
Congratulations, this is the exact response they wanted from you. They will stop now that they have gotten it.
Wow, four racists triggered in like 5 minutes. I knew you guys were sensitive, but this? This must be a new record.
The sad thing is that this is the most reasonable post in this thread and you're still being called a wuzzer.
Implying OP isn't literally one of those people posting those threads and is just reverse Larping
If you want serious discussion about history rather than pointless arguments with racebaiting teenagers, go to Krautchan. This board has already been hopelessly polluted by /pol/ immigrants and has a noxious attitude toward impartial, topical dialogue.
t. racist but actually like history
The worst part is, I'm not even trying to claim superiority over these people. I am fully aware of the fact that white people have established some amazing civilizations. All I'm saying is that other people did too, and they refuse to recognize their achievements (because of their racism, obviously).
What is so wrong about racism, anyway, that it must be considered unacceptable discourse, while socialism and communism, for example, are acceptable?
Racism only killed 15 million people, while socialism/communism killed 100 million. It was better to live under racist apartheid South Africa then to live under socialist Venezuela or communist North Korea, and that can easily be seem by the fact that people flee socialist/communist countries, but migrate into racist countries.
Racism is bad, I understand. Such prejudices are inherently wrong by nature, but it is not worse than socialism or communism.
i dont like niggers very much
>t. 15 year old burger
Oh please it isn't even /pol/posting cuz these shitposters shit up germanic threads all the time so we who want to talk about Germanics can't.
Worst are the ones using * in words
>t. Swede
"Why do people disagree with me?"
Grow the fuck up, oh my fucking god.
People want to participate. Every brainlet can participate in a race circlejerk thread.
It's not about having different opinions you retard, its about stormfags not being interested in learning and using this board to confirm their retarded conspiracies/beliefs.
Hello JIDF.
Again, grow the fuck up. People will disagree with you. It's part of life. Not everyone is going to be a tumblrite faggot like you.
>>t. black guy who knows his history
>every single ethnicity, down to provinces within countries, gets shit on in their respective threads
>everyone shits on and bants about each others heritage for tribal wars which happened thousands of years ago
>its meant to be in good fun
>but you think youre special, and feel the need to bring up your race for extra brownie points (no pun intended)
>"haha ur insecure" is supposed to strike a chord with people who just yesterday had a thread that became praise for a philosopher known to shit in theaters to prove a point
I dont think you're quite up to speed on this board. Most of what youre mad about is just deep bants. Genuine /pol/posting gets deleted pretty quickly.
they do get deleted. it's just that the shitposters are more dedicated than the jannies.
Exactly this. There are numerous thread on the front page right now where people call for the genocide of Germans, Russians are called subhuman Mongols, Spaniards are called subhuman moors, Anglos are called the ultimate evil, etc. But someone decides to make fun of blacks and it's a crime against humanity.
>Russians are called subhuman Mongols
this sounds more insulting to the mongs
Considering Mongolia right now is an irrelevant shithole completely colonized by the Russians to the point they had to adopt cyrilic alphabet, I wouldn't necessarily agree with you.
>people who post things i dont agree with are all stormfags or conspiracy theorists
Im assuming your arguments towards them are about as sensible. This place isn't nearly as /pol/ flooded as you think. In fact id imagine a lot of people come here because /pol/ is incredibly gloomy and depressing, and want to talk about fun history related things instead of high intensity happening threads every 2 seconds. /pol/ is also borderline unusable because its raided every so often.
>inb4 someone denies that there were raids
It couldve been them raiding themselves for all i care, but it happened and it was retarded
Some of it is /pol/ some of it is pissed Veeky Forums posters LARPing as /pol/, and some of it is just history.
Are you seriously crying because you're getting trolled on Veeky Forums?
/pol/ is a shithole, but it's not because of their ideologies. It's because of those fucking country flags. Ever since they got introduced in 2014, the place turned into /int/ 2.0, everyone LARPing as their flag and all "arguments" consist of attacking the poster's flag rather than the merit of his post.
>German flag posts
>cuckold, Mehmet, Merkel, how's rapefugees treating your wife
>Russian flag posts
>vodka, Ivan, squatting, communist, Putin
>American flag posts
>fat, retard, get shot, Jamal, Jose
etc. I abandoned /pol/ for this exact reason, it's impossible to actually have a discussion there anymore.
>metapost pls no bannerino
Hiroshimoot rescinded country flags if you don't want them. It's flag of choice like it was before, but there are fewer flags to choose from.
Mods are from /pol/. There's literally no other explanation.
Fuck you mods.
>implying we even have a mod
Is that why they constantly ban me for racism and transphobia?
The anti-Turkish sentiment on here is some of the worst