How do we stop the regression of black America?
How do we stop the regression of black America?
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Why don't white people worry about themselves?
We do, some of us. Far more than we worry about others.
last time they did that, they enslaved the world
White people aren't undermining the foundations of civilization
Literally fuck them
I wonder who could be behind this post?
LITERALLY nothing wrong with this
Mulatto kids are fucking hideous though, look at the OP
Oy vey I agree my fellow white user hehe when will these stupid I mean guys realize that race mixing is good for you heheh
Try to get them to get the fuck out of the cancer that is black culture.
>what every white male should do
I'm not American so I may be judging without knowing everything.
But it seems to me that segregation is starting again, but with another arguments to sustain it (blacks united against white supremacy and police brutality, and reclaiming their lost heritage).
But isn't segregation anyways?
I'm just a Spanish guy truly, sincerely asking for a honest answer
black women are fucking ugly but I love girls who are half black or even "black" girls who obviously have a lot a white ancestry from slave masters
Yes YES! White males need to start having more nappy haired mocha babies yes yes very good hehhee it is LITERALLY the only way we can avoid another holocaust hehehe
You have to have made progress in order to regress. Niggers have been here for 400 years and they are still niggers by and large.
Blacks have basically started segregating themselves
No you are correct. The Black Lives Matter crowd unironically advocates for segregation. We are living in bizarro world.
But why? Why should they want to segregate now that they have the same legal status as everyone else in the USA?
It's like women advocating for a men-only voting system.
Hey, faggot mods. Do your fucking jobs.
You people are so lazy you just read the title and assume an attack on the race. You're as knee-jerk as the unreasonable tumblrites you whine about.
Here's some excerpts from the article for lazy readers
>My children are black and white. They're extremely proud of their race, but still, I get nervous when my kids make friends with white children. That's not because I'm anti-white, or because I think that white children make terrible friends. It's more that I get nervous about what these children are being taught in their homes by their white parents
>Once, I was at a friend's house with my two kids and her two children. At one point, the oldest of her two kids walked up to my daughter and said, "Why did God give you this gross hair? Why didn't he give you princess hair like mine?" I just stared at her, because I couldn't fathom why she would ever say something like that.
She's not claiming whites are somehow terrible or that she intends to keep her kids away from those of other ethnicities, only that she is uncomfortable with what her kids might hear and that she has experience to corroborate this discomfort. Her kids are presumably half white too, so her being white supremacist is akin to Richard Spencer marrying a black woman and still claiming to be "white nationalist" or whatever he calls himself
It's because these people sincerely believe that all their problems are caused by white people so therefore if you remove the white people the problems will go away. The idea is that if your city has a white mayor or white police officers they cannot adequately serve the black community because their whiteness is an insurmountable obstacle to understanding black people. Yes this is a profoundly racist worldview but it's okay because academia teaches us that black people cant be racist.
Oh I get it now.
It happens here in Spain too but with muslims (mostly from Morocco) and gipsies, but not to the extent it has got in the USA.
Gracias tío! Thanks for your answer!
Pretty interesting how this author doesn't feel uncomfortable about what black families might be teaching their kids about white people.
De nada amigo.
>Richard Spencer
Oh my god go back to raddit
agreed, but she still was being an ass. i have no idea why she's avoiding people just because they say something like "we don't see color" which though i agree is a cringy thing to say, there's literally nothing wrong with it. no, they're not literally saying they can't tell your kid is black. would she prefer that they say "oh we were so glad when we found out johnny made friends with a BLACK kid!" these people care more about language than intent
Per the author's own claim, 90% of her kids' playmates are white. Why she wouldn't go into such a long diatribe for an under-represented group in her nice suburban environment is no surprise.
I think she already said what she prefers and it isn't "made friends with black kid," she finds the "we don't see color" deal offensive because, as she argues, it's a bit of ignoring that there are problems for blacks today, be they from within or outside their communities. Sure, I'll grant you it's politically smug to expect that level of intellectual involvement in politics from some housewife or engineer, given most people don't delve in those circles. But it's not wholly unreasonable.
Good job at summarizing a bunch of people's different opinions into the most unreasonable ones to fit your own political narrative, your head is as deep inside your own ass as that of the "only whites can be racist" crowd.
No one is morally obligated to provide you with racial representation or safe spaces in universities, these are niggling problems.
"Black autonomy" had been a consistent demand of the BLM leadership which is precisely what I was referring to and here's an example of them advocating for it
Does this believe every person who has ever posted #BLM on twitter wants this? No but don't act like it's some kind of fringe element when it is very much part of the mainstream of their "movement."
>implying you are not arabid yourself.
This is not the argument anyone is making in this thread, nor related to its topic or the attached article. Make your own thread to whine about your off-topic perceived grievances
But black self-segregation and enclaves isn't a consistent demand of BLM leadership, it's an opinion held by some (see: the least ideologically moderate among them) members. And that example happens to be the fourth result in a Google search, not the result of you carefully looking through the opinions of BLM activists.
You're objectively wrong. I'm as pale as it gets and the blacker the better. I would take a dark skin girl over a light skin girl any day, the contrast is the best part.
>Natalie Immanuel
>the contrast is the best part.
if you get turned on by color contrast then why don't you stick your cock in a bucket of black paint?
Because black paint is cold and not made for fucking, and black pussies are warm and made for fucking.
>Because black paint is cold and not made for fucking
put it in thw microwave first dummy
Ew, that would just scald my penis. I'll stick with an orifice I can at least be certain is body-temperature.
Last time we did that you guys had an entire civil rights movement to get us to worry about you.
>cheated on her white husband
>I don't want my kids around white people
>Why don't white people worry about themselves?
We would rather do so, except Blacks won't stay in their own neighborhoods and insist that White people pick-up the check.
But this won't last, as the Western elite are fucking us all to make a quick buck and soon there won't be enough money to carry the Blacks and they'll have to readopt behaviors and a lifestyle they had in prior to the 1960s do it on their own.
Yeah I found that article in 5 seconds on google and the fact that I didn't have to go digging around for it shows that perspective has a lot of traction within BLM.
The jokes write themselves.
>The Black Lives Matter crowd unironically advocates for segregation.
>But why?
If that was all BLM was calling for, I'd whole heartedly support them, as I believe every ethnic group functions best within it's own ethnic group but unfortunately, they're got all kinda other retarded ideas (such as eliminating loitering and noise ordinances) and expect Whites to pay for them all.
BLM doesn't advocate for segregation, he's just citing the memes in his head or some retarded BLM sign-holder. Segregation never really ended, saying that its "starting" again isn't even remotely true, nor is it accurate
really makes you think
"I didn't have to go digging around on Google so it must be true!"
you almost had me there
>BLM doesn't advocate segregation
>holds segregated events
It's just a maymay guise xdd
>black lives chapter
hmmm so not representative of all of BLM???
>"segregated event" = advocates for segregation
I guess father daughter dances are sexist too then mister sensitive?
That doesn't mean they're advocating institutional segregation.
If I don't want a black person to come to my house, there's nothing illegal about that.
If I don't want a black person in my restaurant, then there's an issue.
Also saging so I don't bump a blatant /pol/ thread.