Who started the troubles in Northern Ireland
The English, by going to Ireland in the first place.
The UVF and RUC, by attacking NICRA and Catholic civilians repeatedly until the IRA's policy of non-violence failed and PIRA mobilized.
Note that the IRA was actually caught flat footed by the Battle of the Bogside and was unable to defend Catholic neighborhoods.
Catholics were hoping the British Army would protect them, but instead the British Army started interning exclusively republicans.
>IRA's policy of non-violence
The Irish for not abandoning papalism
stupid dumb phoneposting hun scum
That's not nice
The british for crimes like bombay street, false flag bombs and killing innocent people. How come irish were second classed in the north yet british had equal rights in the south. The english are starting to see how stupid and bitter these so called british in ireland are! Theyre not the same and theyre unwanted by britain
You can play he said she said for a long time, centuries even.
The correct answer is:
>Partition is retarded, border is drawn pretty much at random to make sure NI has the bare minimum of clay to stop it being an even bigger meme than it already was
>Regardless, it happens
>Despite the fact that there are huge amounts of irish people living within NI, Protestant Loyalists decide that it's their own fault for not living south/west of the border
>Several autistic policies later, Irish people are economically and culturally bullied to a laughable point
>Can do fuck all in regards to voting/housing/employment etc
>People start to protest this, civil rights marches
>Civil rights marches are violently beaten down
>Students then protest the beating down of the civil rights marches
>The students protesting the beating down of a protest are violently beaten down
>Tensions rise
>All the while Ian Paisley stirs the pot and riles up more anti catholic and anti irish behaviour
>Some people get shot/firebombed by loyalists
>Loyalists set off bombs and blame the IRA so they can cuck the UUP out of power
>Some old faggot gets beaten to death by the RUC in a house raid-this is considered the first death of the Troubles by most
>Soon after the IRA *start* their campaign
>Seconds later it devolves into a series of revenge bombings, or rather """"attacks on infastructure"""""
>Loyalists go out and murder almost exclusively non-combatant catholic civilians, having absolutely 0 impact on the conflict whatsoever
>IRA bomb shit and say it's a war but really they're unco-ordinated and ready to splinter because nobody can agree what their end goal is
>British show up
>Everyone happy because they'll keep the peace
>Brits side with the RUC and the loyalist paramilitaries, help them commit atrocities to keep up with the IRA terrorism
>Brits get bored of helping the loyalists kill indiscriminately so they immediately infiltrate the IRA out the ass
>IRA turn to peace, the end
Northern Ireland has been British and Protestant for thousands of years
You should post the screen cap if your going to spout Orange shit.
Beat me to it. I will never not laugh at this shit
Joke went over your head
It's all satire at this point, I doubt there's anyone who doesn't think the whole thing a lot of fun to lampoon
>fenians being trolled to this extent
will they ever learn lads?
If you'd been in the thread, (and as you can tell from the screenshots) several fellow bongs and loyalists tell him he's a retard. Moreso than the fenians, actually. The thread didn't turn into the banterfest that's in that screenshot until about 2/3s of the way through.
Will Britain ever recover?
why do those H's look so familiar...
>this desperate attempt at hibernian damage control
>he doesn't realize those bongs telling him he's wrong were actually part of the order and we're just egging on the republicans to set up this masterclass in rusemanship
might as well blame the normans
or richard de clare
either way, not exactly "english"
>posting normanie memes
It was the dirty imperialist eternal anglo that started it when they moved to the Island in the first place
The Provisional IRA was the breakaway group which was a key militant component of the Troubles
delete this
>thousands of years
GR8 B8 M8 I R8 IT 8 OF 8
That image started out on Veeky Forums though, I remember when it first started to get posted frequently on /v/
>the IRA's policy of non-violence failed
The dark side of the Force has clouded their vision, my friend.
They thought that the early Irish settlers of the American colonies were proud "alster skaaaatch" Loyalists even though they freely identified themselves as Irish.
The irish by leaving the UK for some dumb reason
The UK will NEVER give up Norn Iron because after Brexit sharing a border with an EU nation becomes extremely important and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.