>the bolsheviks and soviet union were a jewish conspiracy to take over the world
>the soviet union was a nationalist, state capitalist nation
pick one fuckos.
>the bolsheviks and soviet union were a jewish conspiracy to take over the world
>the soviet union was a nationalist, state capitalist nation
pick one fuckos.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why can't it be both?
>these two contradictory statements are always said by the same group of people
when will this meme end?
Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
hi /pol/
I never understood the Bolsheviks were a jewish conspiracy meme since Soviet Union had several purges that were aimed towards eradicating jews.
Only stormfags and commies say those things
>Soviet Union in 1918 was the same Soviet Union as in 1990
>United States in 1776 was the same country as in 2017
See how retarded you look now?
Jews in the 20th century adhered to two competing ideologies - zionism and communism. The communist Jews violently murdered the tsar and installed a Jewish regime in Russia, heavily persecuted Christians, criminalized anti-semitism, legalized homosexuality, abortion and divorce, and created the doctrine of korenizatsya (basically multiculturalism).
Now enter Stalin, who in the 1930s started purging these communist Jews, especially in the NKVD, and pursued a more nationalist policy. He recreated Russian imperial orders, was more lenient towards the Orthodox Church, ended korenizatsya and pursued aggressive russification of non-Russian people.
Eventually Israel got created and many communist Jews in the USSR started feeling more loyal to Israel than to the Soviet Union, to the point of being treasonous and wanting to assassinate Stalin. Stalin realized this and launched the Doctor's plot process which led to the arrest of many Jews in the USSR.
Eventually many Soviet Jews abandoned communism altogether and just fucked off to Israel and switched their allegiance to America and the capitalist Atlantic powers. You could easily argue that by the early 1950s, the USSR was hardly a the Jew-controlled country it started out as.
Soviets never tried to "eradicate" nations, though. They broken them into submission.
>Jewish regime in Russia
No such thing
>heavily persecuted Christians
...and Jews
Phew, well thank god they only killed millions and displaced even more just to break people into submission. Imagine if they actually wanted to eradicate them.
>Imagine if they actually wanted to eradicate them.
World without /balt/? Count me in!
>First people's commissariat
wtf is that supposed to be?
>OP destroyed in first 3 posts
fake he did not say Goyim
He did actually, listen to it again.
This is the most autistic thing i've read in awhile. Approximately 10,000 Eastern European Jews immigrated to Palestine early on, as compared to nearly a million Jews who immigrated to the United States. To say Zionism was even relevant shows how little you understand. When the Bolsheviks started it was 2.7% Jewish. after Pogroms it rose to 5.6% Jewish, then after more Pogroms ended up at 12% Jewish. Stalin joked about how Pogroms would help them recruit more Jews.
To say that either Zionism or Bolshevism were relevant to Jews is idiotic. Mensheviks had more Jews early on but they were less relevant.
Literally nazi propaganda. Don't even bother
>T. Vladimir Vladovich Lieberman
but we all know that USSR was really a crypto colony of the eternal anglo in his shadow war with the united states.
Before the Great Purge, the Soviet Union was a regime heavily staffed by Jews motivated by hatred of goyim. Stalin purged them, and transformed it into a nationalist regime.
That's why so many (((anti-communists))) criticize Stalin and the Great Purge, but never Lenin, Trotsky and the dekulakization. They don't care about human rights abuses in the Soviet Union, but they do hate the fact that during the late 1930s, Jews were systematically purged from the communist party and the secret police.
>Jews in the 20th century adhered to two competing ideologies - zionism and communism.
lmao wat. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about
mensheviks were by far the more popular party. the bolsheviks were a small hardcore group of zealots that took advantage of the chaos of 1917, during which the mensheviks sullied themselves by associating with the provisional government (and even then in elections late in that year they won a fair portion of votes)
>countries cant change over time
Stalin basically ended the jewish influence in the USSR the hard way
yes, because churchill was such an expert on jewish affairs, and as the other user posted, most eastern europeans either stayed in europe, where they mostly associated with the jewish labor bund, a social democratic party, or they moved to america, where they voted left wing but over the decades have produced many conservative thinkers and donors.
Most people who lived under the Soviet Union during the early years will tell you the Bolsheviks were mainly Jewish. However, that doesn't make it a "Jewish" conspiracy to take over the world. Additionally, the Soviet's had nothing to do with Capitalism until near the very end, when they had to reform the economy.
>muh "GB2 /POL/" posts
I haven't seen a single thread were no one has accused anyone of being from /pol/
>OP destroyed in 2 minutes and 43 seconds
>"y-yeah well ur /pol/ gottem haha"
>Most people who lived under the Soviet Union during the early years will tell you the Bolsheviks were mainly Jewish.
even if most people say it, hearsay means jackshit and people tended to blame everything bad on the jews in the early ussr because they had always done that before the soviets
The USSR was always capitalist. It had wage labor and industry wasn't controlled by the workers.
Never heard of Urlitsky and the People's Commisariat had way more positions than that.
ignore, it says Uritsky not Urlitsky.
>what is vanguard party representing the workers
What do you mean? Workers elected their managers...
>Most people who lived under the Soviet Union during the early years will tell you the Bolsheviks were mainly Jewish
Wrong. By the Revolution the Bolsheviks had less than 2% Jewish membership. The 1922 census shows that there were 964 Jews who had joined before 1917; in 1922 it stood at 2,200 which is less than 5% of the party. Bolsheviks never stood at more than 11% Jewish and that was in 1907, right after the RSDLP split.
A lot of the Jewish members over time defected to the the Mensheviks who had the support of the Jewish Bund (the largest secular Jewish party) and other minor Socialist Jewish parties. Most of these Jewish parties only came to support the Soviets after the discovery of the pogroms. And even then there were "right-wings" of these parties who happily supported the Whites.
The main Socialist Revolutionary Party stood at about 15% Jews between the years 1907 and 1917. The Bolsheviks were the least Jewish of all the main Left parties.