>everyone claiming they pay their taxes
Everyone claiming they pay their taxes
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i dont, fuck the system
Go away IRS
What kind of socialist cuck would pay their taxes?
Do taxes pay me back if I'm in a loss ?
Hell no, i'm working a minimum wage job to be in the lowest tax bracket, I have £300,000 to my name (albeit in crypto) but its not enough to retire, so i'm living this double life, and I don't mind it to be honest. I go to work, do minimum effort, socialize and feel philosophical among the plebs.
>be european
pick one
It's funny when uneducated Americans call us "socialist". Only wagecucks pay high taxes, capital gains are barely taxed at all
kind of, you can write off losses and they can carry over years later
trump did this on a very large scale
Here in the us its the wild wild west for crypto no taxes, no rules, nothing.
>capital gains are barely taxed at all
uhh no fellow eurocuck user.
aren't they taxed the same as gold or stocks - capital gainz tax?
i have all my ETH in the gemini exchange, based in NYC and fiduciary compliant with that states insane regulations, so i think i will have to pay my taxes :C
Sucks to be you, haha
In spain you pay like 50% if you made more than €100000
sombody is paying for Mohammad and his 6 kids flat in london when they move from Syria.
They are. If you report them
Taxes are for poor people.
Yeah, the wagecuck. Meanwhile you're allowed to invest with autismbux and there's no cap on net worth for eligibility for this form of welfare LOL
time to get cucked again, amerifats lawl
does anyone have experience with gemini? Do they tattletale?
>They are. If you report them
surely they would get independently audited by the IRS, cross referencing their accounts against your return
how could they not? i mean really, they aren't some pajeet operation, NYS fidiuciary regs are probably the strictest in the US. they probably hand over all their clients yearly summaries to the IRS just to imdemnify themselves. why wouldn't they? it would be easy
Haven't filed ever.
Sales tax and multiple civil forfeiture tho.
So it probably evens out.
How are they going to find your account if you never use your real name
If you have G gains and L losses,
where the gains are bigger than the absolute value of losses
then indeed losses help you in that you are only taxed for the difference,
wtf do you think.
>tfw your taxes this year are more than your net worth
I guess im going to prison then
don't have to pay taxes when you've got nothing but losses m8
one day hopefully..
what if you made less than 10000
I can only use Gemini and they report to the IRS