Whats the best translation and why?

Whats the best translation and why?

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah 34:7&version=KJV

KJV because it sounds coolest


>reading shit that says that unicorns exist

>implying unicorns don't exist

KJV for quotes, ESV for reading

suck every dick in the known universe


not an argument

If you want english you got to go with the douay rheims bible.



Having considered this in quite some detail for my own purposes for a while, I would recommend *either an RSV translation *or an NRSV one. The reason I say this is because it is pretty conclusively known in scholarly as well as religious circles that the best translations come from either the RSV undertaking or the more up-to-date NRSV.

I would personally like to have just recommended the NRSV, since it is the newer updating of what the RSV started, but there are many who accuse the former of being overly liberal in interpreting many segments and of also unnecessarily changing the wording of many classic passages that have been pretty much untouched for centuries by other translations, just for insubstantial accuracy points.

However, the NRSV still does a lot well, for example by paying attention to the correct gender of many audiences speakers in the Bible, and so I finally recommend you to read an NRSV translation first, to get the bare basics of a absolutely solid translation, and then read Scott Hahn's Ignatius Study Bible (RSV-2ndCE) for a more subtle and accurate theological translation.

NASB is good too. It's more accurate in terms of gender

Trips don't lie

Only plebs translate it. Read it in Greek or you risk going to Hell.



All the atheist butthurt.


>theists believe in unicorns
Finally I have absolutely no reason to take you retards seriously anymore.


> Da time wen eryting had start, God wen make da sky an da world. Da world come so no mo notting inside, no mo shape notting. On top da wild ocean dat cova eryting, neva had light notting. Ony had God Spirit dea, moving aroun ova da watta. Den God say, “I like light fo shine!” an da light start fo shine. God see how good da light. Den he put da light on one side, an da dark on da odda side. Da light time, he give um da name “Day time.” Da dark time, he give um da name “Nite time.” So, had da nite time an da day time, az day numba one. Den God say, “I like get someting inside da middo, fo no let da watta up dea an da watta undaneat come togedda!” An dass wat God wen do. God make someting fo no let da watta up dea an da watta undaneat come togedda. Da ting inside da middo, God give um da name “Da Sky.” Had da nite time an da day time, az day numba two.

whatever version the spirit of truth reads

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah 34:7&version=KJV

I want to start reading it, should I start with the old testament or the new one?

Skim and read summaries of OT or watch vids. You need a solid understanding but it's a shitty read. Then actually read the NT

>it's a shitty read.

In what sense? Badly written or just badly translated?


Not him, but as someone who actually studied biblical Hebrew, it's amazing just how bad translations of the OT are on average. Connections which are obvious in Hebrew are just skipped over entirely in translation. Grammar is muddled, and I mean all the fucking time. Descriptions of age and social rank, which Hebrew is pretty precise about, are just glossed over.

KJV is the only legitimate version of the bible

>translation of a translation
Are KJV folk trolls or the retarded branch of Protestantism is still alive?

KJV is shit, it derrives from vulgate and certain parts that exist in the greek text are omitted. Do not use KJV

Literally anything that's not the KJV or a paraphrase.

They're retarded.


>Da Boss Above, he take care me, jalike da sheep farma take care his sheeps. He goin give me everyting I need.

>He let me lie down wea da sweet an soft grass stay. He lead me by da water wea I can rest.

>He give me new kine life. He lead me in da road dat stay right, cuz I his guy.

How is this real?

>KJV is shit, it derrives from vulgate
The KJV is derived from the antochian scrolls translated by Erasmus, who also exposed the catholic vulgate as corrupt as it contains added text into the scriptures to support their pagan practices and assert control over the ignorant masses.

What translation would you recommend then that does the best in eliminating this vagueness?

Good for them, but not using Greek texts makes it a shit translation. The rest is still from vulgate.
NT was written in Greek, I don't expect 15-16th century bongs to know about hebrew and aramaic but for NT they still used the latin translation of a greek text. Nevermind the fact Erasmus and many brits of that time knew greek

KJV is promoted due to anglo protestant ideology, not because it is a good translation.

>not because it is a good translation.
Apparently it was a good enough translation to force the catholics too change "penance" to repent

Historically I'm sure, If you were a 16 century protestant KJV is as best as it gets, but not today.

>What is the best english translation of a text that is written in greek/hebrew and some aramaic
>I know, it is an older english translation of a latin translation of greek and greek translations of the parts hebrew and aramaic .With some modifications. This is the best translation you can get in year of our lord 2017.

KJV has its faults but ironically protties cling to it in a very similar fashion Catholics clinged to their vulgate back in 15-16th cenutry

>latin of greek translations of the parts*

fucking hell, what a mess.
anyways gotta sleep, but protestants proud themselves of `looking into the text` and I suggest their translation preference should reflect their philosophy,

James literally ordered the translators to make sure the KJV supported the new church structure.

You have to be retarded to use the KJV if you're serious about scholarship or, y'know, what the Bible was actually intended to mean and such.

KJV mistranslation. Pretty much everyone believes it's supposed to be just a goddamn ox.

The new Southern Baptist gender-neutral translation, of course.

Honestly, I would recommend the Oxford study bible, but that's kind of expensive.

are there any proper translations of the greek text?

it's 20$ on amazon...


Brenton's Septuagint with Apocrypha. All translation of the NT should be from a Greek text.

>Da time wen eryting had start, God wen make da sky an da world.2Da world come so no mo notting inside, no mo shape notting. On top da wild ocean dat cova eryting, neva had light notting. Ony had God Spirit dea, moving aroun ova da watta.

>Ova da watta

This is truly God's words

Vernacular worship was a mistake

I read the Oxford Study Bible and used it for a class, and it is honestly one of the worst I could imagine, in terms of its vacuousness and sheer lack of substance. It is based on the NRSV, which is good, but all its study bible-esque "footnotes" and other background context only allow one to get a basic understanding of much Biblical text. Many subtle yet crucial points my Professor made about certain passages were never even hinted at by the footnotes. Sure it's better than nothing, but if you're gonna go through an entire Study Bible and pay attention to the extra material, makes sure to get a good one, like Scott Hahn's Ignatius Study Bible for example, which, though annotated with a clear Catholic bent, still represents more holistic and thorough research in its added content.

>All translation of the NT should be from a Greek text.
didn't you guys say that KJV is not fromt he greek text?

>not believing in single-horned malformed deer

Most people before the printing press in Europe couldn't read. I guess they're all going to hell.

Wycliffe Bible

If you don't read the NT in Greek you risk going to Hell

Any particular examples of problems? Reviews about it seem only to be glowing.

I assure you, my dear friend, that Rhinoceros Unicornis does in fact exist, is commonly known as the Asian rhino, and that you would not expect to yoke two and have them plow your fields for you.

There are of course other unicorns, such as the narwhal, and iirc certain members of the gazelle family.

But the bible certainly refers to the Asian rhino, as the definition of unicorn 2000 years ago was not "mythical magical horse with forehead horn".

So yes, it's safe to presuppose that absolutely everything in the bible is true.


NKJV if you aren't into ye olde ænglisc

>all these people unironically saying kjv
it was commissioned by a heretic to conform to the heresy of the anglican church. it has numerous mistranslations and is a generally unreliable translation taken from less than ideal sources. but all this is ignored because >muh old english style

I'm aware of the KJV translation supporting the various heresies of Christianity through the OT, but not something unique to Anglicanism.
Could you provide examples of this?

>not reading KJV to have a better grasp of literature
>not reading NABRE to read the bible

NASB and RSV are God tier.

I personally own the New American Bible, mainly because I don't want my holy book contaminated by Lutheran propaganda but that's just me. You can really choose what bible you want to own for what reasons, just do a little research and you'll find it.