but it is literally unstoppable
>Could online harrassment control blockchain's growth?
Fucking lol
To be fair, Vitalik gets shit too.
But he's not muh wimmin
i know the exact meme they're talking about kek
We all do.
Plot twist: Vitalik made the anti-semitic Bancor Benartzi memes
Of course the author of this article doesn't mention the 4 men in the image, the ones who have lost their money to this kike's scheme.
This is not the type of attention that is good for Bancor. Why can't they just continue with their plans. I don't think this is a good thing for Bancor for publicity... what fucking timeline is this?
>Bancor stole everyone's money because of anti-semitism!!!
Incredible how it didn't stop them from making millions off the retards that still bought this overvalued shitcoin.
>veeky forums
journalism is dead
Hurray, people are paying attention to us.
>/pol/ sets the political world ablaze
>Veeky Forums sets the financial world ablaze
We're definitely living in a simulation.
>veeky forums
They know that's just a mirror of Veeky Forums posts with avatars and usernames applied, right?
If your crypto can't survive Veeky Forums shitposting, it's crap. All these coins get trashed in the most crude way possible, but when it's a jew and a woman the victim card gets immediately played. Is Da Honfei whining that ANS has been called a chink scam for months?
All publicity is good publicity moron-san
>mfw I see an article mention veeky forums
Incorrect, this is happening because Bancor is a legit scam that can't stand to scrutiny.
Leave Galia and Emin alone
nobody goes after eyal online, they don't want mossad coming after them :^)
>veeky forums
its obvious these people literally googled 'bancor jew' and used the first few links as sources holy shit
nobancs cope
fucking kek
I lol'd more than i have in a long long time
Of course he doesn't, he knows he's a scammer
The only difference is the kike has her 200 gorillion sympathy card
except Bancor has been under more scrutiny than 99% of crypto, and has BTFO literally all of its detractors. The only reason why you don't like Bancor is that you know it's a fucking amazing project that's going to moon, and you hate it, because some people from Israel made it, and you hate they are going to be successful. You are a pathetic little NEET man.
If eth hadn't mooned it would not be like this. They only would have raised $18 million.
t. >50% losses
Enjoy poverty.
>implying ETH moon wasn't because of BNT in the first place
>he does not accumulate the dip
>he doesn't buy a coin that will do at least 100x
>he will buy my bags when BNT is worth 200 usd per coin
I feel pity for you cuck
I'm not implying that. I'm saying there wouldn't be as much scrutiny if they hadn't raised as much in $.
>WAHHHHHHHHHHH muh antisemite.
Seriouly who the fuck still think it's an insult nowadays? They keep proving people right.
As for bancor:
>Shady af
>goes against everything crypto stands for.
>atrocious coin performance.
It deserve every bit of criticism it receives, jewish or not.
>>Shady af
wrong again
>>goes against everything crypto stands for.
wrong again and again
>>atrocious coin performance.
wrong again and again and again
Oh yeah you totally convinced me.
I find fucking hilarious how they're browsing Veeky Forums. Which clearly imply they employ a couple paid shills as well.
jidf go away
>Which clearly imply they employ a couple paid shills as well
Later this month user. The shill bounties aren't running atm :^)
of course jews employ paid shills, they are well known for those tactics
you're right though it is hilarious they just outed themselves for it
Yeah you can tell a couple of those fuckers by their styes and how they try to fit in while having no idea what the board is about.
It's bad enough they're shilling but they're terrible at it on top of it lol.
It's actually much cheaper than you think to hire a shill team
My business has been approached several times for it by three different companies.
They call it shit like "Web and social media image and reputation services"
For just two or three hundred dollars, you can have your own pajeet army making a couple hundred posts across the most popular forums related to your business.
>you make retarded statements
>I point out you're wrong
>"hurr durr you should have convinced me"
you didn't make an arugment, so there was nothing to refute
I defend the coin, not the people behind it, they could be mongolian for all I care. It is you the nigger bashing the project just because da joos
Only newfags call others newfags.
Nigger I have been on Veeky Forums since 2008. You fuck off from here you fucking r*dditor cuck
>implying I am not european
>implying I am not rich and I need to get paid to shill
>implying I am not making you a favour by telling you to buy something that will make everyone rich
>I am not european
Fuck off Muhammed
>still holding muh bag of BNT
>Crying, waiting, hoping it will moon someday
Not an argument
There is a central authority who can create and delete coins at will. It's centralised.
>being this triggered
I find hilarious you felt targeted by my post as it wasn't aimed at you specifically. But I guess it applies then. Thank you for the good laugh, brainlet.
Finally, the recognition I deserve.
>52% white country calling others muhammed
I'm whiter than you could ever dream to be
There isn't, that was just for the ICO to avoid a DAO 2.0 situation (which was part of the FUD by you cucks btw) and ensure a smoorth transition at the beginning.
>calls me newfag
>I say he's wrong
>"hurr durr triggered"
confirmed for r/the_donald r*dditor using buzzwords instead of coming up with a comeback
Post a picture of your eyes Rajeesh
Blue or green or gtfo back to zazimistan
>taking a photo of me in the middle of the night and sending it to a sissy american cuck just to prove him I'm white
sorry m8 I'll pass, I actually have a life unlike you basement-dwelling NEET poorfag virgins
holy fuck
this is amazing
Vitalik probably gets more shit than anyone else in crypto from all the bitcoin maximalists, but he doesn't give a fuck.
>Bancor is a scam.
>Benartzi is a fucking kike.
>Bancor stole everyone's money
>look on the rich list and watch whales accumulating.
Thanks shabbos goy. 0.000001 bnt have been deposited to your wallet.
So you're assuming I'm from The_Donald from one word I wrote? and somehow you think that would be a bad thing?
lmao I was just fucking around about my post applying to you but I I might have struck gold after all
Well Shlomo I Hope Bancor don't pay you niggers too much for your shilling because you're so fucking bad at it.
Mudskin detected
like fucking clockwork
Gas yourself, Sheila
How many BTC to stick it in her kike holes and make her scream "Oy Vey!"?
>Veeky forums