This YouTube video about kurdish history seems very legit what do you think?
This YouTube video about kurdish history seems very legit what do you think?
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>buttmad ASSyrian, Arab or Turk can't stand the thought that Kurdistan is about to become reality thanks to US intervention so he makes this weak bait thread
Just like the Jews got their ancient homeland so will the Kurds with the help of the West.
Pretty good
i dont know what i expected
Man i can't wait until ISIS is defeated, and America stops it'support for the K*rds. Assad and Erdogan are going to push their shit in so hard.
I really fucking hate turks and arabs but i am still glad the kurds are not independent
Just an opportunity to depose their asses
k didn't see the video but here's the issue with conflating nation-states in regards to the middle east. The concept of nation states can't be tied to historic legitimacy because in the middle east there was rarely ever states that were founded based on the territory of one tribe/ethnicity. For the most part, there would be a local authority that would report to a higher up that would eventually move up the chain to some great sultan or caliph that ruled over all of these ethnic groups. For that reason, the concept of Kurdistan is no less organic than say- Syria, Iraq, or Lebanon which were pretty much drawn up from Ottoman administrative units and Sykes-Picot.
Even if the Syrian crisis works out for the Kurds this would literally be the extent of the country
not legit enough
You're delusional if you think they can now
I've seen some WE WUZ shit before, but this is on another level.
At least he was nice enough to leave out the rest of Asia desu
>K*rds having Baghdad and Damascus.
Not in a Trillion years.
The only who is delusional here is you mate. You actually believe K*rds can take on Assad, Erdogan, and Iran without the backing of America?
Kurdish Joke incoming
'a Kurd cop pulls a 4X4 jeep, and starts questioning the occupants.
"Where are the other 4 people?" he asks. the occupants are confused, and he angrily says "it's says 4x4 on the car. I see 4 people, where are the other 4?!" They argue for a while, until they convince him to call another cop. he calls him, and explains the situation, only for the other cop to answer "just shut up, I am having a bigger problem, I've got a mazda 323 over here...'
another one if you fancy
'Hamas decides to hire their first kurd suicide bomber. He get's to Tel Aviv, Rabin square, and calls his operator:
"I am at rabin square, there are 10 people around me, suicide or no suicide?'
"no,no, too low people!"
He then moves to the central station.
"I am at the station, there are 50 people around me, suicide or no suicide?"
"no, no, still no enough."
finally, he moves to Dizingof center mall, and calls again.
"There are 100 people around me, suicide or no Suicide?"
"yes, suicide now!" tells him the operator.
The kurd yells 'Allahu Ackbar', and then shoots himself in the head.
What do you call a bus full of kurds exploding?
Hating kurds is just a meme.
t. western european that has dealt with a lot of them
>No matter your opinion on kurds, you're a t*rk
kraut here, kurds are not human
turks are salvageable
even albanians are ok sometimes
kurds are vermin
>turks are salvageable
>"great" history of kurdistan
>10 minutes
oi im laffin m8
>Kraut here
>turks are salvageable
You aren't fooling anyone Mehmet
I want it to happen because Turkey was a mistake.
In addition, the West can finally apologize to Russia by giving them their rightful clay they have been jewing Russia from having, Constantinople.
Armenia and Greece can save some clay as compensation for the genocide.
Just your average Kurd practicing your average European values
"Green = Less than 3%, Blue = 15-25%, Red = Above 50%"
then you wake up
and Turks are still here, dominating the region
like the past 1000 years
you could hit the major points of rome in ten minutes if you did it efficiently. you have no point
>dominating the region
>like the past 1000 years
This is what Mehmet believes.
You have been allowed to exist the last 300 years by the mercy of France/UK/US. Had we not been around, the Ruskies would destroyed you disgusting roaches a long time ago.
>Had we not been around, the Ruskies would destroyed you disgusting roaches a long time ago.
But they didn't and the Ottomans still ruled over North Africa and Balkans STRONK
>who is An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, Jerr?
Iraqi Kurdistan is getting an independence referendum
Two pieces of the four part puzzle complete
They're the next ISIS that's actually competent at fighting
>all this unwarranted Kurd hate
>while retarded Arabs keep killing eachother
>smelly (F)ersians keep spewing their sharia shit and sucking Arab cock while remaining isolated from the modern world
>Turkroaches are slowly becoming 3rd world once again and alienating themselves from the West while also sucking small hairy Arab cock
>ASSyrians, Chaldeans and all the other meme ethnicities made up by Arab LARPers keep crying like little bitches on the internet while being dependant on Kurdish protection and sovereignty
>all while Kurds are building a secular nation that will become the second democracy of the ME together with its ally Israel and friend of the West
Keep crying while Kurds expand their historical borders cause of Arabs having the IQ of seagulls and give it up with almost no fighting involved.
I used to think the 6-day war was an impressive feat by our Jewish friends. But then I realized they were fighting literal retards and there isn't a race dumber on the planet then Arabs when it comes to warfare.
how clenched are turk butts for when ISIS is finnaly put down and kurds are armed to the teeth, same can be asked about iraqis
Sweetie the Kurds genocided Armenians too
Have a you!
>historical borders
the kurds in the ISIS fighting videos look more white than the turks ive met, maybe the turks are the problem
they yell hujjujuj instead of allahu snackbar too, much more pleasant to listen to
Kurdish history is truly incredible.
to all roaches who lurk in this thread
fuck off, kurds are white and based
can't wait for the day when our white kurdish brothers cleanse middle east of shitslam
Normies fuck off
Kurds are rote of all civilizations
The Catholics among them descend from the exact same people. A 'Suryoyo' should know this
Why the fuck do kurds claim armenian land as theirs
They've already conquered the Armenian Highlands
>Turks are still here
>dominating the regions
>like the past 1000 years
No? Your kind might've dominated the Near East for maybe 200 years between the last century of the Byzantines and the establishment of the House of Osman following Constantinople's fall but after the rise of the Safavids, wars with the Russians, British, Austrians, Greek Independence, weren't really dominating jackshit.
the entirety of Turkey is proof of domination though considering the land belonged to others.
The entirety of modern "Turks" are proof of being assimilated by those people who lived there before them.
Kurds also claim the Achaemenids, Medes, Parthians, and Sassanids were Kurdish dynasties.
Honestly the Great-Kurdistan form is delusional as fuck (as all "Great-forms"), nor Turkey nor Iran will gave up those territories soon.
Anyway, Iraqi Kurdistan in itself could be the richest country in the region, that sweet oil money from Kirkuk can make them nice little place.
>Kurds also claim teh Achaemenids, Medes, Parthians, and Sassanids were Kurdish dynasties.
Holy shit its true.
that was just lame.
Isn't that the case with every single empire and country pretty much? The Turks dominated them and continue to do so.
What is with that though? I dated this Kurdish girl who had muslim parents but all she did was trash Islam and Arabs and praise Israel and Jews. Really made me think.
Greater Israel + Greater Kurdistan + Arab Genocide when?
Why does Veeky Forums allow such shameless T*rkposting?
I wonder {{{who}}} could be behind this post
You clearly don't know what the fuck genocide is.
Or are you like those kikes that claim Poland participated in the Holocaust?
Or another roach shit making shit up?
>Or are you like those kikes that claim Poland participated in the Holocaust?
No one claims that, more Poles saved Jews than helped. However, There were pogroms in Poland where Jewish Holocaust survivors were killed.
>The Shakak chief Ismail Agha Simko, before his execution by the Iranian monarch Reza Shah in 1930, carried out enough atrocities in his 15 year political life to place him alongside such historical villains as Attila the Hun.....He then proceeded to drink the [Assyrian] patriarch's blood as a demonstration of his rage
This is from a Kurdish writer.
>historical borders
>Population of over 6 million
>500k barrels of oil
>Richest in the region
Just for camparison Kuwait has a pop of 4 million and they sell over 3million barrels of oil. If independent the KRG would collapse
>Be Kurd
>Cant take a village without US airforce
>Fighting anyone that isn't ISIS
>no refute
Meanwhile brave Kurdish soldiers are on their way to liberate the IS capital in Syria from Arab vermin. And pic related is gonna be running the city as co-governor over the region and she is an active feminist.
This as an insult and reminder to Arabs that while their """men""" ran to Europe like the cowards they are the brave Kurdish women fought and liberated """their""" lands.
arab is ancient
you're just a made up identity of different mountain nigger tribes that all speak a different language with no history of their own who act like actual niggers and try to steal the history of people around them
Yes, because the US has helped the Kurds throughout this entire period of Civil war and it didn't start like this year when they realized how useless the Arabs of the FSA really were and that Kurds are actually democratic and secular.
And it's not like the Iraqi army and Syrian Army are getting support from the US/Russia/Iran/etc and still manage to show the same incompetence that make Arabs legendary.
Good thing "a made up identity of different mountain nigger tribes that all speak a different language with no history of their own who act like actual niggers and try to steal the history of people around them" are currently liberating lands from the so called """""ancient""""" Arabs.
Really fucking embarassing.
>be kurd
> wave american flag whenever the enemy is stronger
>be arab
>lose land
>repeat this for for a period of almost 6 years
like you can do anything on your own without the backing of both the russians and the usa and still struggle to take back a village without allied airstrikes
really pathetic tbqh
Like push out IS shit while Arabs wallow in their own cretin?
you are a pest throughout history, even worse than roaches
hear it from marco polo himself
whatever you say, arslan al-retardi
did you see me defending isis in any of my posts you literal baboon?
but it's my fault for expecting the k*rdish iq to be above 45
>The Turks dominated them and continue to do so.
>every single empire
No? This is still as nonsensical as the other guy claiming Turks dominated Persians for "1500 years".
Because that was my original point you dumb Arab/Roach hybrid.
You tried to play it off like Kurds are useless without US airstrikes and can't even take a single village. And I provided you with a map showing the gains they did in less than 6 months from inferior Arabs.
And why are you people so hellbent about "muh US airstrikes"?
Every other convenient government in this conflict have access to their own airforce + support from outside players, except for the Kurds. The fact that a bunch of bombings make this all "unfair" in your eyes make the Arab that much more pathetic.
>but they started to support us now
>we did that all by ourselves i swear!
>The US Department of State announced limited support for the PYD in February 2016,[55] although it opposes the unilateral establishment of a federal region in northern Syria.[56] In March 2016, the day after the declaration of the Democratic Federation of Rojava - Northern Syria, U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter praised the Rojava YPG militia as having "proven to be excellent partners of ours on the ground in fighting ISIL.
But please, keep crying about how the US and the rest of the word were backing the Kurds from day one, while Rojava was begging Germany for fucking ammunition back in 2014.
Cause it doesn't matter, Kurdistan is gonna become a reality whether any of us want it or not and Arabs are forever gonna be cucked out of those lands.
>Kurdistan is gonna become a reality whether any of us want it or not and Arabs are forever gonna be cucked out of those lands.
I'm so excited. I want to see Turks get BTFO'd so badly.
>Kurdistan is gonna become a reality whether any of us want it or not and Arabs are forever gonna be cucked out of those lands.
And then you woke up. In reality, once ISIS is defeated and you are no longer a useful pawn for America. Assad, Erdogan, and their Shia friends in Iran and Iraq will push your shit in so hard, that you will miss the days of Saddam. 60% of SDF forces are Arabs who simply hate Assad and ISIS, but will defect in an instance once they realize, that YPG and Rojava are not interested in Democracy and Federalism, but simply in making Israel 2.0.
Goyim doesn't mean cattle, Achmed. It means People, Nations. Jews refer to themselves as Goys in many prayers.
You're not fooling anyone, Schlombergerschild.
>Israel 2.0
Why do Arabs think this? If anything the Kurds are Palestine 2.0. Every Arab I talk to about it thinks it's just Kurds trying to "carve up Arab lands" when really it's Arabs and Turks justifiably getting BTFO'd.
>The word goy means "nation" in Biblical Hebrew. In the Torah, goy and its variants appear over 550 times in reference to Israelites and to Gentile nations. The first recorded usage of goy occurs in Genesis 10:5 and applies innocuously to non-Israelite nations. The first mention in relation to the Israelites comes in Genesis 12:2, when God promises Abraham that his descendants will form a goy gadol ("great nation").
I'm sorry it hurts.
Why would Wikipedia (a proZionist company) falsity "hurt" me?
So when they said Abraham's descendants would have a goy gadol, it meant a "great cattle?" Achmed, your conspiracies are autist-tier.
>this is what kurds actually believe
>After declaring autonomy, Syrian Kurds ‘open to ties with Israel’
>“[The Syrian Kurds] are a community of people who are willing to cooperate with Israel,” Professor Ofra Bengio, head of the Kurdish studies program at Tel Aviv University, told The Times of Israel on Thursday.
>There have not been any pro-Israel public declarations by Kurdish Syrians leaders, Bengio said, “but I know some that some have been to Israel behind the scenes but do not publicize it.”
>Dreaming of Independence, Iraqi Kurds Reach Out to Jews and Israel for Support
>An independent Kurdish state would be cut off from the world, but the Kurds refuse to give up their national aspirations and are even enlisting Jewish aid. There is even talk of renewing Erbil's Jewish quarter.
>US signs military aid deal with Iraq's Kurdish fighters
>A senior Pentagon official signed an agreement with Kurdish officials on Tuesday to give vetted members of the Peshmerga units, Iraq's Kurdish military forces, some $415m for ammunition, food, pay and medical equipment, among other things.
>US officials have not confirmed suggestions by some Kurdish officials that the money can be used to buy heavy military equipment.
>expand their historical borders
based on what history you k*rd
>Every Arab I talk to about it thinks it's just Kurds trying to "carve up Arab lands" when really it's Arabs and Turks justifiably getting BTFO'd.
I don't give a toss where your personal sympathies lie in this conflict. Just don't delude yourself, that the Arabs in SDF who are the majority, will simply sit down, and let the Kurds subject them to their own rule.
How's that Assyrian genocide going on K*rd? Have you wiped them out, like you wiped out the Armenians?