Is the US a Fascist country?
Is the US a Fascist country?
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No, this is a stupid question and you should be ashamed for asking it.
How wasn't it? It was an expansionist dictatorship that waged war and constantly jailed and discredited people if they were accused of being communist.
in 1950 the US practiced Apartheid, so ther eis that.
>"Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3]"
Well.... It could be argued that it's getting there.
Nigga read the OP
>the US Declaration of Independence, 3/4ths compromise and Constitution which state the goals of the US were made in current year
It always had separation of power, so it couldn't have been a dictatorship at any point.
Do you honestly not know what that word means?
Defining fascism is still very hard for academics, since the countries we called fascists in the past didn't have too much in common with each other.
I will propose that a few things can be considered pillars of the fascist idea and regime:
1. Patriotism and nationalism - ethnic nationalism in Germany, civil nationalism in Italy, tzarist loyalty and imperial nationalism in Russia during the civil war, etc.
2. Working with big corporations - especially in Japan, Germany and Italy, the big car and plane and so on manufacturers we know today were empowered and partook in rule during the fascist periods. They were given very large contracts, which allowed them to buy out competition, they were allowed to mobilize the population to increase manufacturing, use prisoners as slave labor, import cheaper labor from allied neighbor states, etc. Strong state-corporation bond.
3. Revanchism and expansive tendencies - all the states we'd call fascist sought to reclaim lost territory, or land they considered rightfully theirs for other reasons, and to expand even beyond said projected "fair" borders. Supremacy of our state and government over others.
4. Anti-communism - as the fascists were nationalists, and the communists were internationalists, they clashed. Especially true since they fought to extend their ideology in the same area - Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, initially.
5. Parades and public displays of glory, and glorifying the military - this is a callback to roman triumphs and the roman idea of circuses. The soviets also used that later, so not strictly fascist.
Other stuff like eugenics, antisemitism, censorship, racial supremacy, promoting religion or state atheism and so on weren't used in all the fascist states, so they can be considered specific to just the different countries using them.
I'd love to see comments on this list.
I wanna know what the fuck that gun is. It looks almost like a carbine'd MP 40 but that stock is so ludicrously short that it would be severely uncomfortable to use.
So is the USA fascist according to my list I just made up?
1. The USA is patriotic, and civil nationalist.
2. The USA does invite big corporations to partake in rule and empowers them with huge government contracts.
4. The USA is very much anti-communist and open about it.
3. The USA doesn't try to expand or reclaim "rightful land", its invasions are to fight governments, not to conquer.
5. The USA doesn't have victory parades, nor parade military power or glorify it excessively, like for example Russia does today.
So 3 out of 5, not very fascist at all.
It's an M3 "Grease Gun"
>the countries we called fascists in the past didn't have too much in common with each other.
Pretty sure they did?
According to my wiki-link hereThere's plenty of countries that fit the specific adjectives of "radical authoritarian nationalism".
Just because Nazi-Germany was anti-semitic at a state level, and Fascist Italy was not, doesn't mean they weren't both fascistic countries.
And did Brazil, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Japan, Slovakia, Norway, Finland and Sweden also have all these things in common?
You can't just pick what Hitler and Mussolini agreed on and dictate that this is the definition of fascism. The term has been used to describe more than two states.
>authoritarian dictatorship
Literally Wikipedia:
>5 Fascism in democratic nations
>5.1 Australia (1931 – late 1930s)
>5.2 Canada (1930s–1940)
>5.3 Belgium (1930s–1945)
>5.4 Ireland (1932–1933)
>5.5 Mexico (1930–1942)
>5.6 The Netherlands (1923–1945)
>5.7 Lebanon
>5.8 United Kingdom (1932–1940)
>5.9 United States of America
>The USA doesn't have victory parades
Well, not usually anyway
This was a religious crusade, its a special occasion.
>And did Brazil, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Japan, Slovakia, Norway, Finland and Sweden also have all these things in common?
Are all of those countries single party states with radically authoritarian ideologies?
How was Bulgaria a single party system, they were a monarchy led by a tzar, who dissolved the parliament. There was no party, it was a despotic state.
>despotic state.
E.g not a fascist one.
I mean, if we can't even agree on the definition of fascism, or use the definition wikipedia gives just for simplicity's sake, there's literally no point for us to have a discussion.
>I mean, if we can't even agree on the definition of fascism
People have been arguing over it for more than half a decade, there is no good definition of it, since its just a wave of authoritarian regimes rising up in places where the communist revolutions failed + Japan.
Its literally "I am mad at WWI, and I wish things were different, but not commie" - the ideology. There is very little to build around.
Look at Hitler's speeches before the elections, his party started as a pretty much generic socialist party, became a kaiser restoration party almost at a point, became the protestant party, they were all over the place before they started forging an identity to stick with.
>doesn't know what fascism is
>doesn't know what a dicatorship is
Don't bother, guys.
That's not what fascism means.
Technically you have to be victorious to have a victory parade.
Not anymore
Literally not even once in our history
>waged war
Every nation has waged war
>constantly jailed and discredited people if they were accused of being communist
That's just being smart
Do Americans just love killing asian babies?
They don't enjoy it, they just do what has to be done.
If fascism is a merging of state and corporate power, then yes. Yes it is.
Fascism means it in a different way, where the corporations are subservient to the state, not the other way around. You're thinking more of a corporatocracy.
This doesn't work, it works with the 1930s Germany one because it includes trade unions which were actually a big deal
States are inherently fascist. Fascism is just states doing state things on crack.
What? Americans really glorify and take pride in their military. If you wear uniform you will be treated like a demigod, movies are made constantly about your heroic efforts, you have flyovers over sports games, etc. Do you realize what you look like from the outside? Americans are quite good at hiding their masturbatory treatment of the military by avoiding formal parades, but you're not fooling anybody.
No idea what you're talking about
Not sure if this is supposed to make me feel better or worse about being an American
Probably a bit of both really
More of a counter point to what that dude was saying about American's not glorifying the military, not really a judgement, just a statement of a pretty blatant fact.
They elected Trump who is literally the new Hitler
Of course they are fascists
I'm never going to understand this meme.
I'm surprised the Jews don't go apeshit about it trivializing the Holocaust
They do it all the time
The purpose of State:
- Self-preservation and self-sustainability
The state must GUARANTEE it's own survival and will go great lengths to do so, just look at the Cold War. The more threatened it feels, the more militaristic it becomes.
- Self-interest
The state must cater to its own interests. This can mean anything from trade deals to occupying valuable land. When you have no self-control, you start to believe that beating everyone up and plundering them is in your self-interest.
- Bureaucracy and Law & Order
All states need bureaucracy to function - to collect taxes and to enforce this and that. Fascism, too confident and masculine to explain itself to anyone, will get the police to beat you up and get the job done. Non-fascist states really do it the same way, they just haven't started regulating everything they can yet.
- Media and Education
These things exist to influence your behavior and thoughts and make you a law-abiding taxpayer. The skills given to you are only given to you because the state needs people with those skills. I'm sorry, but it's that simple. Fascism takes this to the extreme once again, not even pretending to give people a choice.
and so on
Hitler didnt start killing jews the first year
Comparing someone to Hitler because you don't like them is pretty offensive to survivors and descendants of victims of his actions though isn't it?
Trump hasn't even shown hatred towards any ethnic groups though.
"We have some bad hombres here"
Illegal immigrants aren't an ethnic group.
>literally the new hitler
he fucking wishes he were this charismatic or competent
he's just a good old fashioned crony capitalist, and we've been through his kind before. The sky isn't falling yet, chicken little.
Most illegals are latinos who only want to live a decent life
Then they can come here legally, move to a different country, or try to improve their own nation.
Then they should apply for citizenship or bridging visas
Not our problem.
No. It's corporatist and always has been, but it's not fascist. The Post-Civil War U.S. COULD be considered a proto-fascist state, but that's about as close as you'd get.
>it's a retard doesn't understand the difference between corporatocracy and corporatist episode
>it's a retard doesn't know how American politics actually works because he's not American
Permit me to copy paste the definition for you:
>Corporatism, also known as corporativism,[1] is the sociopolitical organization of a society by major interest groups, known as corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests.[2]
That's America.
That still isn't displaying hatred twords an ethnic group.
It's not at all you retard, do you even live here? Interest groups are private and can be created by anyone, they're not organized or controlled by the government. The US has one of the most decentralized interest group systems in the developed world.
That's not America you imbecile. Corporatism is basically a guild system with total subordination to the state.
You call America a fascist state, yet don't use the fascist definition of corporatism. (
>they're not organized or controlled by the government
They aren't in corporatism either.
No, it isn't.
>They aren't in corporatism either.
>being this stupid
Fucking American brainlets I swear
>They aren't in corporatism either.
What do you mean either? A corporatist system is one where interest groups are cooperating with and in some cases integrated with the government. The US is essentially the opposite of this, with interest groups actively lobbying the government and bending it to their will.
Leave him be, that guy is beyond stupid.
Dude I'm sorry but your being stupid. By your definition most countries would be considered fascist
Thank you that was a very good list.
>Do we have free elections
>Are there protections for minorities in this country
Yes, that's what the constitution (in particular the 14th amendment) is for...
>Does the CIA come to your house if you criticize the government?
We're nowhere near a fascist state.
I wish.
>Not anymore
It's no longer that simple of just claiming "muh clay"
Due to the lack of knowledge about the US history. I'm gonna let this slide
>Every nation has waged war
So it's okay for us to do it until?
>That's just being smart
That's just stepping on the people's liberty to choose their own ideology.
>commie using liberty as an argument
"Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty."
>It's no longer that simple of just claiming "muh clay"
Well the fascist nations were known for claiming clay, so unless we start invading the rest of the Americas (like we should) then we're not fascist yet.
>Due to the lack of knowledge about the US history
Closest thing we've had to a dictator was FDR and Woodrow Wilson, but neither of them would be anywhere near dictator status.
>So it's okay for us to do it until?
Unless you want to define literally every nation as fascist, then using the fact that we "waged war" is completely useless.
>That's just stepping on the people's liberty to choose their own ideology.
Yeah, but if they get into power they'll take away all our liberty. I'm okay with seeing them get hurt if it means they can't kill us all.