>tfw someone says "Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox" are the "Big Three"
Tfw someone says "Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox" are the "Big Three"
Because Coptic Christianity is pretty small, especially in English-speaking countries.
Copts are usually lumped into Orthodox
Can someone redpill me Eastern Christianity? How much influence did they get from their Western counterpart? Is their Christianity closer to the original?
Monophysites should maybe be counted in the big four
What about Syriac Christianity?
They are closer to the original, the Byzantine empire stuck with the same christianity that the Roman empire had which became Orthodox.
Protestant is such a dumb label for any church that isn't Lutheran. I've seen even Mormons being described as protestant, why?
Maybe because the church was formed after the reformation and they don't follow the rule of the (((pope))). I agree protestantism is a loose label but don't be a fucking retard.
Lutherans are Protestant. It literally began with them (barring an legends about apostolic origins) and the proto-Protestant Hussites who converted to Lutheranism or adopted it's core tenets.
Lutherans absolutely are Protestant, I'd actually say they are the ONLY Protestants. It's lumping them together with those kooky American cults that I don't understand, considering Lutheranism is theologically far closer to Catholicism than to horseshit like Mormons and Charismatics.
What about Calvinism?
you were predestined to ask this question
West Syriacs are within the Miaphysite camp East Syriacs are associated with Nestorianism.
To me it looks like the OO were in the beginning like separatist nationalist churches while the united Roman church was the state church. Eastern Orthodox churches today seem to be nationalistic but their ritualism looks a little more extravagant and stately which could be a remnant of its imperial past. OO churches also have highly elaborate traditions but seem to be more communal and resemble the idealizations of early Christian communities more and unlike the EO most except for the Ethiopians and Armenians haven't enjoyed a governing status for most of their existence at least. In that regard the Ethiopian Orthodox churches could be said to take on a more ruling character.
Anglicans, Lutherans, and Reformed are considered mainline Protestant as opposed to other churches including Anabaptists. Anglicanism is related to and derived from or was influenced by Reformed theology.
Middle Eastern Christianity is generally more like the Latin Christians due to reasons of Crusaders, Franks, and Franciscans.
That applies to Levant only though, mainly Lebanon.
I didn't mention Copts or Monophysites, that's just an example. Even counting Ethiopia they're not necessarily the biggest.
Both of those questions are related. The fact that most Syriacs & Assyrians still speak the supposed language of Jesus and the disciples and have heard the ancient Lord's Prayer in it is just one hint of their closeness to the original. However, Roman Catholics did a lot of harm to the heritage in the Nestorian world, directly in the case of India, indirectly in the M.E. by dividing the community thus making them vulnerable to Muslim aggression and book-burning. All of this is happening right now too, but the eastern Catholic leaders are more defensive and less colonial-esque now. So Western influence varies but it's still not dominant.
Syriac is the language, and it has been more prestigious than Coptic, I think. But if you view it that way, Protestants and R. C.'s count as one (Latins).
Edward Gibbon believed there were more Church of the East ("Nestorians") and Syrian Orthodox ("Jacobites") members than Roman Catholics and Orthodox put together in the Middle Ages. More recent research has probably confirmed that. The problem is they're not just being massacred right now but have been massacred sporadically since the start and continually since the 1840s. The same proportion of them (the Assyrians) were killed in WWI as Armenians. While the number of St. Thomas Christians from India is more representative of the Church of the East's former size, they're also quite divided since the Portuguese, and have been reducing use of Syriac overall.
Anglicans are literally Catholics except their Pope is the Monarch
Literal heretics.
I think western Christians have more to be ashamed of than some bygone bishop squabble.
Copts are part of orthodoxy