Shia Islam vs Sunni Islam

Which do you think is better? How would you improve one or the other?

pls no shitposting and no insults

No shi'ite ever crashed a plane into my office.

Isn't the only difference who they believe succeeded Muhammed?

Honestly, I don't give a fuck.


Tbh Sunni islam is very straight forward. Fundamental difference is the infallibility of the imams, which contested.

So, I guess your answer is Sunni Islam, since virtually all Sufis are Sunnis?

>My opinion (OP):
I think Shia Islam is the most intellectual faith of the two, because it questions the early history of Islam with a lot of criticism. The first caliphates shaped the theology, building upon what was introduced by Muhamad, Shia Islam questions this period where political motives were clashing with religious motives, judging every decision to be man-made and thus invalidating them.

However, Sunni faith recognizes that early caliphates were very beneficial for Islam, if muhamad was the prophet and whatnot, he's only the first half of the equation. Although Sunni Islam doesn't question the early caliphs and their motivations, their position about Islam history is the most realistic.

To improve them, I'd say Shias should open up to the first caliphs who were defending the same cause. And Sunnis need to stop seeing the 4 rightly-guided caliphs as saints who did no wrong.

Sufism is a practice, not a belief system and neither is it any useful in jurisprudence.

They're both absolute garbage tier. Shia has a better chance of being reformed since it's so extra-textual and has so much ludicrous mysticism and retarded mythologising that are crying out for ridicule, Sunnis are more like Protestants they stick to just the core text and maybe a few "commentaries", this makes their beliefs much more anti-fragile and also makes reform much more difficult.

>Sunnis are protestants. Kek

>implying all sufis aren't Sunnis who do some mystic crap in addition to the core sunni practices.


"Shia" is a meme answer

Druze are the best imo.

They are pretty much the same in term of rules and practice, the difference is mainly political.

I say sunni because i am one, and if God had wanted Ali and his descendants to rule, they would have by now. Shias are ok tho

They are not Muslims

Other than getting autistic about throne succession fifteen centuries ago, what is the practical difference between those two?
They all agree on the basics, and it is those basics that drive fundamental muslims to commit crimes against humanity and world order.

ISIS is literally the protestant movement of Islam - bunch of young men mad that the holy book isn't being followed, that only the elite are allowed to interpret it, and then they go around making deals with infidels, being greedy, sinning, etc.

There are some structural differences, the Shiites have something similar to a Papal system, and they are more materialistic. But they are also a little more open to reformation of the holy Scripture, while the Sunnis will never reform because they base their beliefs on Orthodoxy to the original Quranic teachings.

This is more like wahabism, which is the main religious system in Saudi Arabia, a kingdom that is allied with USA and the eternal anglo, doesn't help immigrants and treats them like slaves, has a bunch of sheikhs preaching orthodoxy by day, fucking whores and sniffing cocaine by night, etc etc.

But you're pretty accurate.

>they base their beliefs on Orthodoxy to the original Quranic teachings
Not really, there's no mainstream form of Islam that is based on orthodoxy. Sunnis have the hadith and Sunnah to follow along with the quran, it's like the Talmud and the Torah. Shias follow the Imams and integrate teachings from various sheikhs (which is only relevant in jurisprudence for the sunnis).

Sunnis, cause Shia's wish they were as hardcore as them.

Gee I don't know why Sunnis have carried out more terrorist attacks than Shias. Could it possibly be because there are significantly more Sunnis than Shias? Nah, that would be silly.

All versions of Islam, except Wahhabism, are honestly pretty ok, though I wish that the Shiites didn't have their own version of Plenary Indulgences though, that's kinda squirmy and overly materialistic.

Wew, because there are 40x more sunnis than shia right? And the shia actually have justified reasons to explode the west.

I doubt the Sunni's represent 96% of the Muslim world which is the % of incidents they were responsible for that year.

Either way still impressive that the Shia minority of muzzie extremists carried out more attacks than the fucking total population of Christians around the world did that year.

Shi'ites seem borderline heretical by what I understand to be Islamic standards, though I'm not a Muslim myself.
As an Orthodox Christian though, they have far more in common with me than the Sunnis do, so I have a bit more respect for them.

They also don't act like nigger barbarians the way Sunnis do, which is really what matters more to me.

Not recognizing Shiite Sufi orders.
Half of the Ottoman Jannissaries were of the Bektashi order.

literally pagans

literally grave worshippers

I don't know.

If we define Sunni as (successors are elected) and Shia as
(successors must be blood-related) then I prefer Sunni because it's more inclusive and stable. On the other hand, I would also prefer an Islam led culturally and politically by Persians than Arabs.

Is Sunnism really led by Arabs? Most Sunnis aren't Arabs after all.


If we look how the rivalry is defined today in the middle east

The caliph in Sunnism still has to be a Quraysh Arab. And it was Ali who was historically more welcoming of non-Arabs.
Either Hussein or Hassan had a Christian Ethiopian slave who was freed before battle of Karbala but chose to remain and die with his ex-master.

Sunnism is not lead at all, we don't have a clergy, non-prophets have no right to dictate to the ummah how to practice and what to belive, because they can make mistakes.

Iranians seem half tolerable I guess.

>The caliph in Sunnism still has to be a Quraysh Arab.

This opinion is not shared by most Sunnis. Most Sunnis recognize the Ottoman Empire as a legitimate caliphate despite the fact that it never had a Quraysh ruler.

They are literally more fundamentalist than Saudis. Iranians actually believe in radical Islam, while Saudis are just a bunch of degenerate hedonistic crypto-atheists that only pretend to believe in radical Islam in order to appease actual fundamentalists

>The caliph in Sunnism still has to be a Quraysh Arab
We lost this idea a few centuary ago kho

I'm Sunni but honestly I don't give a fuck about either. I just want a Caliphate to be restored so that we have a legitimate authority to give out ruling rather than the clusterfuck of contradicting fatwas we have now . It doesn't even have to be a state, just an office that is free to act independently.

Oh, but aesthetic wise Shia definitely win

There is little to no diffrence between Sunnis and shiiites
Sunnis being radical evil terrorists and shiites being based is just a meme only wahabists,salafis hold radical views

Why do Shias constantly depict Ali as a feminine faggot?

How is he feminine? he's consistently shredded as fuck. If you mean the eyebrows, thats a middle eastern thing

Most salafis are pacifists tho

It's just the same artist that always get postes here

Ali is the ideal man

can some shiite explain to me why they deem Ali to be perfect, wise and all-knowing if he decided to resign from his status as a caliph after negotiations with Muawija?
Seriously, did he knew that this was politically bad decision or what? or was that Jesus'-like decision to conciously "lose" just to "win" morally? I don't mean disrespect, I'm genuinely interested in shiite believes in this subject.

Maybe he realized it was not a politically sustainable claim
t. person who knows absolutely nothing about this

>Maybe he realized it was not a politically sustainable claim
politically it was a difficult situation, yes, this is somethins that is known
but I wish to know how it is seen by shiites from religious point of view

well thats how the split originated but since then these parts of islam have developed largely seperate of each other and in constant conflict.

Didn't the Ottomans breed enough Quraysh blood into themselves via marriages to technically qualify? I heard that was the case.

Druzes are not muslims just like the Alawites. The Alawites were just lucky that the al-Sadrs took pity on them and wanted their political support.

>tfw all the Saudi, Emirates, and Jordanians would sneak into the kitchen to literally chug wine and do lines every 30 minutes when they booked our place for event catering.

>You will never have some rich Arab pour a line of coke down the prep counter for the entire line because he is drunk as fuck

shi'ites are just stealth zoroastrians

87-90% of all Muslims are Sunni. It's not that far off.

It probably mostly stems from the conflict between the Shias and Sunnis in Iraq. They both were and still are pretty brutal towards each other in Iraq.


Sufis (most of whom are Sunnis) > Ibadi> Shia > Twelver Shia > Bahaii > Mormons >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Other Sunni

T. Burger

Is that why the Shiites of Iran oppressed the Zoroastrians of Iran until Reza Shah took power ?

I used to hear a lot that Ali did it so Islam would stay united. But thats obviously a spin to make him look more noble.

Shi'ite Islamist types seem more focused on nationalist defense and occasionally annoying Israel, both noble goals.

ottomans breeded with zero arabs ever

only turks, greeks, albanian or slavshit concubines

Quick rundown on the Ibadi? All I know is Oman is main country.

Gotta go to work, but thier theology has a lot more 'symbolism' and they tend to be more tolerant because of historical factors. They also don't think the Caliphate is necessary, and believe that if one leader is ot suitable for the whole muslim world that muslim communities are allowed to practice self-rule. A practice both the Sunni and Shia at least theologically take issue with.

From my understanding, Sunni and Shia who think about it and are actually faithful consider the entire muslim world to be in a constant state of civil war as long as they don't have a Single Caliph.

There are Sufist Shia, you moron.

There are, but the number of Shia Sufis is even smaller than the number of Muslims who think that women and men should have equal rights and that homosexuality should be tolerated.

Shia believe Ali was chosen by Muhammad (pbuh) therefore was the only legitimate successor

Irregardless claiming Sufists as being Sunni is factually incorrect.

Judaism is better.

>Most aesthetically pleasing
No shit we aren't allowed to have aesthetics

I clicked the image thinking it was the classic "last logged on September 11" picture. I was disappointed.

600 million of those Sunnis live in South East Asia, and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they're not responsible for a as many of the Sunni attacks that they statistically should be.