Historically speaking, has Islam always been so problematic?
Historically speaking, has Islam always been so problematic?
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problematic for whom?
islam began as a way to unite the arab tribes into a military alliance against "oppressors'' (see: economic rivals) it worked really well because arabs are 89IQ
It is not and has never be, except if you are a degenerate, now fuck off to /pol/ amerifag
Not as much as christianity has been. Just ask the indigenous people of the East and Northern Europe, Americas, Subsaharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Oceania. In retrospect Islam has done maybe only a fraction of the damage christianity has done.
Still butthurt because they're descended from the concubine who got dumped by Abraham after his wife finally started producing.
Islam was more of a curiosity, deemed on the decline and way out, until the past 50 years or so when the west (and east) goaded them into this absurd tribal war cult.
> that picture
Fuck off back to right the fuck now miss bitchtits.
And no, as said, it did way less damage than christianity.
>making people fly planes into buildings is not problematic
Christianity is bigger so of course its gonna do more damage but proportionally Islam is worse
>killing amerifats is problematic
>but proportionally Islam is worse
How so? Christian-majority countries have killed a disproportionately larger amount of innocent people than Muslim-majority countries. It were not Muslims who started two World Wars and dropped atoming bombs on Japan.
Japanese flew into American carriers without any need to believe the world came to be from a family of sandniggers who survived apocalypse on a boat bigger than anything we could build today.
Americans are an aggressor nation, it's only natural many countries wouldn't have second thoughts about shooting them if presented with the opportunity.
Religion dictates what kind of incantations you spell out before bed, not what countries you end up at war with.
Hell, the fucking Columbine kids were dreaming about flying a plane into the Twin Towers and their religion was Edgelordism
If the perpetrator is christian doesnt matter.
It only matters if the act itself is religously motivated and then Islam is way worse.
those acts weren't religiously motivated
Ben Laden openly stated that it was a revenge for the destruction the USA caused in the middle east, 9/11 had litterly nothing to do with islam.
There was heavy christianity-based justification behind colonialism and imperialism though.
It had everything to do with Islam
>In Osama Bin Laden's November 2002 "Letter to America", he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia, US support of Israel, and sanctions against Iraq.
Colonialism, chattel slavery, imperialism, modern interventionism and oh, lest we forget, the crusades (against both pagans in Europe and muslims in Asia Minor). And that's just to name the most important. We could also add capitalism here, as it was started by "protestant virtues" of "working" hard and getting rich, Because that's what Jesus'd do.
>christianity was more succesful therefore they are worse
"wahh wahh muh noble savage, white man evil, we should go back to the jungle"
dont you have a protest to wave a flag at?
>if i kill a bunch of innocent muslims and then some muslims kill a bunch of my people as a revenge, it's somehow islam itself that is "problematic"
You have to leave brainlet
Neither were 9/11 attacks
>terrorist muslims
>innocent muslims
Those are a lot of practical reasons to want to retaliate.
If 9/11 wasnt religously motivated then nothing is
Most of those were actually counterterrorism operations
How were 9/11 attacks religiously motivated? Osama bin Laden explicitly stated that these attacks were a retaliation for all the innocent killed by the US, he didn't carry out this attacks for any theological reason. Why do you think he attacked the US instead of, say, Switzerland?
Literally none of them were counterterrorist operations except for maybe US military intervention in Somalia
>random civilians are terrorists
Fuck off ameritard
This thread is pure taqqia honestly muslims should be cordoned off to ummah.com and banned from the rest of the internet.
He attacked them because they were killing MUSLIMS, innocent or not so it was obviously religously motivated and the hijackers themselves even yelled takbir as the plane went down
>This thread is pure taqqia
And America went to war with Japan because they were killing Christians at Pearl Harbor?
>an attack on a military base on your soil is the same as killing muslims all over MENA
Are you serious?
Islam seems worse because it's very arabic and inflexible. Whereas Christianity at least lets the locals do what they do, Islam requires a certain behavioural code, a certain look for mosques, a certain wardrobe, a certain language to be spoken and a certain theological fundamentalism.
No its not even a problem today since they keep their shit to their countries, however batshit insane liberals in white lands want our lands to be flooded with muslims who come from an alien culture and refuse to assimilate ending in musllims trying to force their culture on others.
If only the muslims stayed in the middle east then none of this would be happening at all.
Yeah, killing people all over MENA is significantly worse than attacking a single military base, you cannot compare these two things.
>muslims say bismillah before drinking water
>drinking water is religiously motiveted
>without islam two billon people would die of thirst
>muh liberals
>impling muslim presence in the west didn't started with colonialism
We westerners too habibi, get used to it :^)
muslims have a slave trade that is stll running. And the crusades were a response to 1400+ years of muslim invasion. youtube.com
Yeah sure a response, that's why none of the crusader ever said it was a response to anything, that's why they told it was about killing infidels and taking """"back"""" Jerusalem.
Successful for the elites in europe sure, but not really for the indigenous people I previously mentioned.
>muslims in Asia Minor
You do realise that those muslims suddenly appeared when with the Seljuk invasion, right?
Wait he's not french? I didn't think he was the son of immigrants, looks pretty french to me.
And I guess every single act of terrorism is religiously motivated
>he fell for the "maghrebis are not white" meme
Zidane is from Algeria
>the act only matters if i say so according to my criteria
Delete yourself, logic is weeping because of your infinite retardation.
people actually still use that same fucking video in the year of our god 2016+1?
You just proved yourself to be a /pol/ washout who just came in
but i'll bare with you
See that retarded map? it and the one who made it, bill warner was torn a new asshole everytime it gets posted on Veeky Forums
here's why
If you check the 'sources' (more like blatant retardation) you'd see that even every little skirmish is counted as a major battle therefore a red dot in the map
and if you check again, you'll notice that many, many of the battles DO NOT have a citation, and they don't even exist outside that source on the internet.
Third, there many battles that get repeated for no reason.
Whereas the battles of crusaders are extremely under-represented and ignored by him, look at the fucking map, there's about 12 crosses in there
Last thing, historically the crusader atrocities and war crimes (i can list many of them for you if you want) actually overwhelm the atrocities saladin's army, or the ottoman army or the invaders of spain.
TLDR this bill warner guy has no degree in history yet talks shit out of his ass without any reliable sources, sometimes missing sources at all, and talks with EXTREME bias.
Islam has been making incursions into Europe non stop for centuries, you're splitting hairs, a thousand little incursions trump a dozen crusades, please go spew your taqiyya on reddit or something.
mudslimes getting internet is the worst thing to ever happen
how many levels of retardation are you on? your claims have absolutely no historical basis.
The ottoman, abbasid and umayyad empires' expansion was to expand borders (imperialism, just like any other empire) it was not religiously motivated, you illiterate
Islam was like Nazism, except better and successful. I don't say it in a bad way.
Your post does not refute what i wrote.
We are glad that you are upset, kafir ;)
>waaaaaa, why can't all the internet be like my little containment board
Nothing stop you to go back to /pol/ and stay there amerifag
What's your point?
So you think christians murdering people for something completely unrelated to christianity is the same as muslims murdering people in the name of Islam?
Delete yourself, logic is weeping because of your infinite retardation.
Killing is killing, for money, revenge, fanatically motivated etc etc.
Islam never asked you to go around murdering random people for no reason other than "lol infidels"
Good job, you fixed your retarded typo.
My point is that you imbeciles have a gigantic bias complex and that is something you should get rid of as a historian, that bias coupled with ignorance of facts, you're impeccable
>the arab invasions weren't religiously motivated
>but somehow colonialism was
Who the fuck are you quoting?
where did i say that colonialism was religiously motivated?
I don't know where you're going with this but all I see is typical muslim dindunuffinism, your defensiveness is quite telling, I'll leave this thread now.
>muslims say bismillah before eating
>islam is responsible for nourrishing one quarter of humanity
We do everything in the name of God, especially the things we think are important, that does not mean the whole religion is responsible each time a muslim does something.
That's not me
>have no argument
Eh, he's white enough for me.
>t. Nigel al-Abdullah
Muhammad himself ensured the sucess of Islam by slaughtering everyone who oppossed him, until everyone was either Muslim, Dead, or paying tribute. Is Muhammad not an example for all muslims to follow?
Nice meme kiddo
>islam began as a way to unite the arab tribes into a military alliance
What? I thought Islam began because some guy took shrooms in a cave?
>random civilians
>this justifies attacking other random civilians
Nobody said that it justifies anything brainlet, the point is to explain the motivations of ben laden.
What a delicious meme
you're a disgrace to all middle eastern historians
Not so much for Indonesia but... blackpast.org
>The Ottoman empire didn't exist
>user is an illiterate who can't read the thread
Based Big Match Christ Living in your tiny Heads RENT FREE
but anons, colonialism WAS religiously motivated. when vasco da gama docked in india for the first time, he said he was there in search for "christians and spices".
Did he really say that?
lmao, what a fucking retard.Glad Chomsky exposed this tard desu lol
but the Brits and French of the XIX and XXth century who ruled over dozens of millions of muslims, were not very religious.
You cant compare the colonialism of Iberians in the 1490s, who had a middle ages mentality (in fact the Spanish American territories were Kingdoms, not colonies, until the replacement of the Spanish Habsburgs with Bourbons), to the one muslims experienced centuries later.
The Spanish forced converted or expulsed the muslims of Spain. Did France, England, or even Russia, try to convert to Christianity their muslims subjects?
When that colonialism happened
A) Europeans werent very religious anymore
B) They saw Islam and the muslim world as a completely decadent non threatening thing. France and England even went to war allied to defend Turks from Russia.
If Europeans had been religious in the XIX century, today Constantinople would be a European Christian city. You can see that as early as the 30 years war when Richelieu, a Catholic bishop in charge of France, allied himself with Turks and Protestants against Catholic Spain and Austria.
By the 1600s Colonialism was all realpolitik with no religious motivation.
>If Europeans had been religious in the XIX century, today Istanbul* would be a European Christian city
FTFY :^)
but jokes aside, why is everybody religious so assblasted over istanbul? it's neither a holy site for christians nor muslims
It's because of
>muh Hagia Sophia
>against "oppressors"
Ahh those evil Buddhist/Hindu oppressors
General butthurt from both sides, was considered citadel of christianity aganist islam because of byzantine
So when it fell some people couldnt get over it
And some people got it too much over their head for getting it
it is not about that. I posted that to show how Europeans were not motivated by religion at all at the peak of their power in the XIX and early XXth century.
People talk of the Crusades, as if Britain and France didnt control all of the middle east not that long ago. The difference is that second occupation was not motivated by religion in any way.
It was an answer to a guy who posted that European colonialism was motivated by religion.
>Christians buy African slaves from Muslim slave traders and import them to the Americas
All enemies of the West should be killed without mercy or regret.
>Christians buy African slaves from Muslim slave traders and import them to the Americas
>he thinks american slaves were bought from muslim slave traders
So? Wars are still being fought in dozens muslim countries as we speak, while there is peace in all christian lands
Even if those "wars" went on for two hundred years it would barely reach WW2 levels of casualties and destruction desu.
The number of Christian-majority countries in which wars are fought is larger than the number of Muslim-majority countries in which wars are fought.
That's because muslim majority countries were imperialistic and preferred to absorb their foes into their empire than let them be
I think Islam actually did great in the tech tree way back in the day, not sure of what time era but I remember them being very dedicated to science at some point and some where along the line it just somewhat declined.
No, the ethnic and religious wars that Islam has now mirror those that existed in the West (and East) for centuries. Only ethnic and national stability in Europe has kept ethno-religious wars at bay in Europe. The international terrorism part has more to do with modern technology than it does a change in radical Islam and radical middle-eastern politics.
Why don't you read a book on how Christianity got spread from the Levant to the entirety of the Western world. It wasn't charity I'll tell you that much. Not saying Christianity is worse, its just not nearly as innocent as people seem to claim.
>the hijackers even yelled takbir as the palne went down
and when they pull children out of the rubble in syria they yell "allahu akbar"
invoking god before you die doesn't mean you're acting on religious grounds
You appear you be wrong in your opinion/
>this guy thinks it's a bad thing to bludgeon third worlders whilst donning the Maltese cross on his shield and gambeson
I shiggy