inb4 "Irish are niggers"
They will be in about 50 years or so
viking settlement
modern irish are WE WUZ tier
lol what? Ireland is over 90% white and Asians outnumber Africans in Ireland.
most european countries are viking settlements
I was in Ennis today and saw teachers guiding a pack of schoolchildren, most of them where pure blooded african niglets.
I visited the library too, almost all niggers.
the demographics are changing fast, not in rural areas though, none in my school thankfully
>anecdotes are worth more than census data
>ignoring how anti-aging drugs will slow demographic changes
Looks like a pokemon if you squint.
No it's a big green teddy bear
I'm from Tallaght and walked past my old school, at least 40% where African and Asians, I don't really have much of a problem with that but it's clearly obvious there are big shifts when i was in that school 12 years ago there was1 or 2 foreign kids in each class at the most
A very pretty island with interesting people and good beer.
Not a big fan of the Catholics though, but that can be overlooked by the number of pretty women and generally friendly folks.
What's wrong with Catholics?
You still live there mate? I am thinking of moving to Ireland and working my ass of for a year or two in a factory, as the pay is heavenly. I need a permanent residence - would you be up for a deal? I pay you 50€ a month and you put me as a permanent resident, meanwhile to save more cash I'll sleep in my car, so it's all just on paper. I'd only come to pick up the mail.
I'm from Craigavon, in Armagh, and 90% of my school now is white, 9% Polish, and 1% others
I don't really mind them on an international scale mind you, it's just that most of the ones i've met are rigid assholes or try to convert me. Now I am a direct descendent of some Ulster-Scots who were at Boyne, but I don't go around tooting a flute and singing "King Billy's on the wall" like a tard but i'm generally pretty proud of having a lineage that goes back that far. Any conversation about this with a Catholic usually devolves into calling me a Orangeman or a murderer, which is a little off putting. This coupled with the overbearingness of my girlfriends parents who are both hardcore Catholics and have deep Irish and Italian roots. I don't hate them for being Catholics, it just makes dinner conversation and really doing anything a giant problem.
I don't want to seem like i'm baiting the constant "shit on the Irish and pretend to be British to ruin a thread and turn it into a troubles thread" because I want to hear what others think about the place. My gf and I have been thinking about taking a trip to the isles and were considering Ireland as a focus point.
tl;dr Catholics spook me cause they yell at me and my gf and try to make me Catholic.
Basically irrelevant so no opinion really
>Mfw I live in a small town in Monaghan and it's 99% white with a few pajeets
Funnily enough 100% of the non-whites here are Catholic while and go to mass every Sunday which is more than could be said for the rest of the people here.
As pretty as it has always been irrelevant on a global scale.
Good fighters.
Good writers.
AESTHETIC fashion through most of history.
Gave us a good fight.
Fucked it up when the shot Collins, I guess.
t. anglo
one of my first invasions in HoI2
Why the need for the racial slurs?
I live near Ennis and every time I go there it's full of knackers and nigerians
> pretty women
Irish women are anglo tier
my ancestors :)
>On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted over the side of England and what came out of him... was Ireland.
That's how we survive, hostility to the foreigner.
Good evening, resident cromwellaboo here
>NMA did nothing wrong
>Irish are the niggers of Europe
>Cromwell is only true strong and stable
This has been the check in from the resident cromwellaboo, please exit through the gift shop.
Scum of the earth.
>I don't go around tooting a flute and singing "King Billy's on the wall"
the feck is wrong with ye
wuz fomorians, n' shite.
The love of my life lives in dublin.
The feeling isn t mutual tho.
Noob island
I like, but i'm probably a bit biased
They remind me of the Lebeanese
They breed like crazy then fuck off from their shit country. Only difference is Lebs set up nice Shawarma shops and Irish people become alcoholics
Ausfag here
Can confirm. Taigs and Lebs are a curse upon this nation.
They're alright.
>implying potato niggers aren't niggers.
t. Varg
Black and Tans did nothing wrong.
No place like home.
Brits in denial. Rightful property of the Queen.
Good post
*blocks your path*
ask any primary schoolteacher about the changes in their work and they'll tell you privately that's it gone from teaching to zookeeping niglets in less than 20 years.
PS: how the fuck do you want census data to reflect all the illegals and non-law-abiding filth that has entered our country?
At most it will tell the tale of Alan Shatter's perfidy and lucky-bag passports.
she didn't seem too displeased last time she was over for a visit, why don't you tell her yourself then?
Reeeeeeeeeeeeee those sleeves are wrong
They're supposed to be tied tight around the wrists with a strip of leather and function like pockets
Can't speak for all of Ireland but at least where I live, there's loads of older people who have some pretty fucking great stories. When my grandad was alive he would tell me about all the mad bastards that used to be in the parish. That sense of community is all but gone so I feel kinda sad that I won't get to tell stories of the local version of the Bull Mcabe. It's not all good though, huge pressure on alot of people to be catholic and play gaelic football (which I also feel will pretty much die soon) some people hate the weather but it's ok in my books. People are also stuck in the past and are unaccepting of new comers, foreign or not. Foreigners are somewhat of a novelty in small villages out here too and it's sorta fifty fifty as to how people will treat them.
By all accounts it has a pretty countryside.
At a certain point in time the people matched it
*desire to know more intensifies*