Mi General
Complete and utter failure.
Go suck a frog ya cunt. You make this shitty thread in one form or another every other day.
> filthydumb/pol/ackscum.jpg
Under Allende the average wages took an 70% drop, Pinochet managed to bring them back up to nearly pre-Allende levels.
Beyond the memes or?
He should have done everything the Chicago Boys told him to do.
He saved democracy.
entry level dictator
If his intent was to save democracy than he should have called for an election right after Allende offed himself.
>average wages
>not median wages
Ask a Chilean anything
>not real capitalism!
I'd throw Pinochet out of a helicopter desu
Real wages, I mean
GDP per capita in Chile did increase under Pinochet, but it increased much faster after he was out of power. Total factor productivity fell during that time. Data on the Gini coefficient doesn't exist for all of Pinochet's regime, but it displays an upward trend in the latter half.
>you'll never live in Integralist Brazil
After seeing the demographic of his followers, he'd probably willingly throw himself out
How does it feel to be called indio by the argies?
>le enslave your country to America faec
I think it's better just to argue about the effects of individual policies instead of looking at GDP development during someone's era.
The "left-wing" governments in the 90s never dared to touch the policies set by Pinochet's government in the 80s.