Newfag here

Tips for a beginner investing in crypto?


Learn about 100x leverage.

Don't get into it

always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says.

put it all in kidzcoin, moon soon

Esp next big thing, u heard it here first

All in on espers


Don't ask for tips here.

Check out XBY it is a certain top 5 coin and only costs 1 cent right now - will go up 1000x in the mid- to longterm future

post woljaks when there is a 5% dip

1. Lurk more
2. You're gonna get shilled horseshit all day especially with a "redpill me on x" retard approach
3. Follow the advice of everyone who posted above

Free advice is free for a reason.

Tether is pretty undervalued desu, especially considering its connections to the US department of transportation




Let's be honest here:
You're going to buy my BTC bags at 10k each.
Now start saving.

lol fuck off you fucking faggot.

dick hard on the but, titty in my hand, kiss ya neck, hell yeah

Buy some teatoken at

Their ICO just launched, its guaranteed gains


Just buy BTC, ETH. If you want 2nd tier that is more affordable go for ETC, XMR, LTC. All of these over time in the next year will make you solid gains anywhere from 5X, 10X easily. If you want to fool around with 3rd tier shitcoins, go on bittrex, look for very cheap

1) Don't ever listen to anything Veeky Forums tells you
2) Sometimes Veeky Forums is right
3) Selling for a loss is OK if it avoids a larger loss
4) Buying back in for fewer units is OK if it grows your BTC position
5) You don't have any profits until you realize them
6) Chasing pumps is a terrible idea. Momentum trading, however, is not.

Good luck, friend.

Tips for a beginner?

Just buy BTC and HODL.

stupid question:

I'd love to setup sell orders, but at the time the sell order engages the price of the BTC I'm selling it for will probably be wildly off the price it was when I setup the sell order. Is there a way to "sell at the current BTC price"?


here is a tip.

Dont right now.

that is all.

Any SIGT holders feeling generous?


Don't sweat it. Just accept variance and continue on. Invested about 12k over past 8 months sitting on 132k currently. Eth and etc were biggest pumps, got in when they were low. I don't have time to actively trade but for a mild hobby with about an hour or two a week setting targets and reading it's not bad. If I did this full time I could have easily tripled this.

Could you delve into your strategy a little more detailed?
