In about 5 and a half hours, the entire cryptocurrency market will have a crash the likes of which we have never seen before.
Everything will collapse.
BTC will go sub $1000 and ETH will go sub $80.
Better get out now while you can. Screencap this.
In about 5 and a half hours, the entire cryptocurrency market will have a crash the likes of which we have never seen before.
Everything will collapse.
BTC will go sub $1000 and ETH will go sub $80.
Better get out now while you can. Screencap this.
I'd love this to happen. But it won't. There's no reason, no bad news, nothing to see it go down.
USDT standing by, but i think this is bull
OP is a fag
then i'll just buy more
Oh thank God, I can buy another BTC outright. THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP user.
I wish, would buy sooo much of this shit if it did
proof, whale, anything
>If I keep posting this every day for years on end, someday I might be right, then I can make 30 more "I told you so threads" that day
thanks just bought 100k!
BTC will never go sub $1000 again
It begins
how much did you short?
>he didn't close his short
How deep underwater are you?
Everything is crashing except Signatum
holy shep OP is right...
BTC will never go sub $2,700. Mark my fucking words. Big institutional investors won't let it. Even the Rothschild invested in a btc fund.
Fucking finally. Being a fiatmarine is like waiting for OP to deliver.
>they'll just print more "quantitative easing" to prop the price of bitcoin up
makes sense
Thanks user, I cashed out, and like a good subservient amerigoy Land of the Free I payed my taxes to Uncle Samuel and will be investing in 401K
Crypto is too unsafe.
Glad you saved me, good user friend (your ameritard goy mom in pic related).
Never owned any cryptocurrency, is it the right time to but some ethereum?
The right time to buy Ethereum was last year.
Why on Earth you would want to spend hundreds of dollars on an unlimited coin, much of whose value is tied up is ludicrous ICOs, is beyond me.
Eth is amazing tech but its token is massively overvalued.
So what do I so to break into the market of cryptocurrencies?
Any other shitcoin with actual use cases
ethereum is a meme
just buy king bitcoin and hold it forever
Screencapped. Let's see what happens.
nothing will happen
i hope ETH goes to 200 again so i can buy a bunch
Listening to people like you, I missed out on
>BCC volatility
>SIGT pumps
>OMG pumps
>ANS moon
>BTC over 3000 moon
Fuck you, the gains i made from the initial alt pump last week have evaporated, and now i'm at a loss, never listening to you retard nocoiner FUDcucks ever again. Die
Daily reminder FUD is a tool of the pajeet to get you to sell your future premiums.
Setting a buy order for BTC at $1k.
>4 hours 45 minutes ago
i'll wait (:
>when you know user is just a larping faggot but you oh so desperately wish he was right
20 minutes, boys
>1 post by this ID
15 minutes!!!
>1 post by this id
I do think there will be a dip, I don't think it will be apocalypse-tier
I think OP's time frame is wrong as well, but it'll be within the next 24 hours
Are you that guy from earlier who said he could just "feel" a crash coming?
What you're implying is that 2/3rds of theses coins' market caps is going to disappear, and with it, millions of dollars. And not only will this happen, but nobody will be interested in buying it at lower prices.
Buyers show up and the price hasn't even dropped yet lmao.
Poll: What's the highest price you'd pay for a bitcoin? What price would be too high to buy?
it was a pleasure hodling with you boys, like teardrops in the rain...
>unlimited coin
you're not op...
Nothing's happening... same prices as 5-7 hrs ago...
What the fuck are you talking about? It's bombing right the fuck now.
Okay, so it's been five hours and thirty five minutes...
Where's my dip
im freaking out I might end up losing the house?!?!
OP is a fag
its a boobing market get in faggots
hunie let ma se full boobing i wat to suc yor prtty feets
make bob milk