What is the difference between a "terrorist" and a "freedom fighter"?
What is the difference between a "terrorist" and a "freedom fighter"?
Whether they target civilians on purpose.
Political palatability
Depends on how much US funding they get.
Terrorists inflict damage onto civilian population in order to scare them (or "terrorize") them into submission.
Freedom fighters attack government targets in an effort to change a governing system (rightly or wrongly).
ISIS drives a truck through a crowd of pedestrians? Terrorist.
Hamas launches missiles at Israeli army camp? Freedom fighter.
Not justifying Hamas' actions here, "freedom fighter" is just a loaded phrase. "Insurgent" actually works better, more neutral.
Reminder that strategic bombing is terrorism.
How good their PR game is.
You can act like an terrible crimes-against-humanity terrorist but if your PR game is good enough/if stomping your shit would make your enemy look bad, it can come across pretty fine.
Look at the IRA.
So what about having little regard for civilians? I hear about "We're going to bomb area X, evacuate it if you want faggot"
Not deliberately targeting civilians per-say, but not really giving a shit if they die?
I'd only call someone a terrorist when their killings of civilians are getting them absolutely nowhere politically yet they still do it, which ironically is not a terrorist anymore, but I see no other way of making sense of the label these days.
People who actually get somewhere politically, fight and take over territory, like ISIS, are not terrorists.
It depends on whose perspective you see it from.
Strategic bombing is Total War. It's also technically a war crime but who gives a shit in total war.
muslim terrorists see themselves as fighting a war as well
From the perspective of a nation fighting a total war it does make sense for groups like ISIS to bomb civilians. But they're only fighting a total war from their perspective, every nation that they attack only views them as a terroristic nuisance rather than a military threat to their sovereignty.
Terrorists are the people who use terrorism, freddom fighters are the people who fight for freedom.
They are not mutually exclusive.
that's also because they phoned in attacks. People saw some big explosion and like 1 guy died so people were kinda glad that if they had to blow something up they told people about it ahead of time.
All governments define who is a terrorist or not based on their national interests. If a certain organization engages in terrorist activities but is allied with us, then we should not classify it as a terrorist organization, but if a certain organization doesn't engage in terrorist activities but poses a threat to our security or vital strategic interests, then we should classify it as a terrorist organization.
>Irgun/Lehi = Freedom fighters
>Hamas/PLO = Terrorists
Greater Israel + Proxy Judah (Greater Kurdistan) when?
Do they target G*d's chosen people? Then they're terrorists.
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter
This. Harming a Jew is a desecration of God's name.
Israel couldn't even hope to hold half of that land. literally only 1% of Israel will be Jewish.
A Freedom Fighter is someone who fights against the Cancer that is Zionism, Juden.
Freedom Fighter is the one who won in the end.
Terrorist is the one who lost/still hasn't won.
>What is the difference between a "terrorist" and a "freedom fighter"?
Literally no difference. A ''Terrorist'' is just a Freedom Fighter who fights for something you don't like.