Post pro-communist memes and facts.
> Daily reminder that history is a dialectal worse ultimate outcome is the establishment of a workers' paradise
Post pro-communist memes and facts.
> Daily reminder that history is a dialectal worse ultimate outcome is the establishment of a workers' paradise
Read 'Bloodlands'.
c*mmunism is a meme
Read 'The Gulag Archipelago' too.
Fake bullshit.
Great rebuttal, tankie.
>using ifunny
>not cropping
>history is a dialectal worse ultimate outcome is the establishment of a workers' paradise
What does this sentence even mean? Why does all of communism sound like some random ass street preacher is trying to convince everyone to give him their money by sounding really smart?
Post communist art too!!!
Reminder that Soviet Union and Nazi Germany carved up territories of Eastern Europe.
>pro communist
choose one
I feel like Poland being torn apart by Germans and Russians
>random ass street preacher is trying to convince everyone to give him their money by sounding really smart
The fact that you chose to post that picture is very ironic.
Salazar was a smart dude, plus he kind of had that calm quite demeanor that you see in guys like Calvin Coolidge that I like.
He was smart, so smart that he wanted everyone in his country to become an illiterate peasant so that no one else would be as smart as him.
His demeanour was that of a senile pedo.
Literally this entire image is unsubstantiated propaganda. Kys tankie.
Regardless of what you think about Stalin, it is a fact that production went up, life expectancy went up, quality of life went up, and more under his rule.
People who like Stalin say this is because Stalin, people who don't like him will say it was because of other reasons.
I dont give a shit about your ideological internet spats regardless, because I'm an anarcho-centrist.
>this is what commies believe
Some of it is true- mostly because Russia before 1917 was still effectively a feudal state with rulers so incompetent that literally any alternative would've been better.
What happened in the 80s was that Perestroika opened Soviet markets to the rest of the world, which was a huge deal because beforehand just having a Bic lighter or a pair of blue jeans was grounds for imprisonment. Yet, there was a massive black market for Western consumer goods because they were consistently superior quality to domestic ones.
Meanwhile, Glasnost simply revealed statistics about the economy that didn't come from the propaganda department, hence "unemployment skyrockets" and similar memes.
Fuck off retard
>quality of life went up
got any sources on that?
>blue jeans were a crime
False. They were commonly traded behind the backs of authorities, but they were outright allowed since the 60s.
>unemployment skyrocketing was a meme
Even Western sources admit that unemployment before 1989ish was negligible. People I've asked also say that unemployment in most of the Eastern Bloc was virtually nonexistent.
>they were outright allowed since the 60s
I think you're thinking of 1979. The black market at that point had gotten so strong that they simply couldn't arrest everyone, so the government grudgingly removed jeans from the blacklist. Culturally, it was one of the pivotal moments of Soviet disillusionment.
>Even Western sources admit that unemployment before 1989ish was negligible
Do you have any? Every one I've seen said it was impossible to determine for sure what the unemployment rate was because there were no official figures, as the government never admitted there was any unemployment in the first place. If there was a real increase, I'd be willing to bet it was because the defense sector, including enlistment in the Red Army, dried up.
>was still effectively a feudal state
holy shit i hate this meme. i'm not even right wing
Isn't the goal of communism to remove borders, merge nationalities, and abolish states and ownership?
Didn't the USSR do the exact opposite, with much gusto?
I still don't get why people call Stalin a communist, he was the most successful fascist.
Nazbol gang, etc/
>According to Vyshinsky, the leader of the Soviet delegation to the United Nations Third General Assembly, human rights were meaningless, or a ‘mere illusion’ without State enforcement. Vyshinksy promptly dismissed concerns of any conflict of interests within the State, declaring previous state-based oppression to be a product of rival classes. The Soviets had overcome this hazard because “the Soviet state and the individual were in harmony with each-other, and their interests coincided.” The Soviet delegation believed there was no reason for the Declaration to remain silent on the role of the state, as the disappearance of tension between the state and the individual had been achieved under Marxist theory.
*breathes in
>he thinks human rights are a real thing
How much do they weigh? Whats their density?
What materials are they made of? Do they dissolve in water?
>marxist has problems with abstract concepts
What a surprise.
How much does a social class weigh? What's the density of social class?
What materials are social class made of? Does social class dissolve in water?
>implying social class is real
Spooked as fuck mate.
>having kids
you're parasites
>30 million
Read Blood Lies
>Implying electromagnetic waves are a real thing
How much do they weigh? Whats their density?
What materials are they made of? Do they dissolve in water?
*30 gorillion
It's a good thing that when the US was industrializing a few decades earlier there weren't millions of people they actually genocided while producing slower, more unequal growth despite not being under international blockade...
Oh... Wait...
Electromagnetic waves have momentum, energy, can exert pressure, etc. They can be measured.
Your example is shit. You should've said "bravery" or "beauty" or some such.