I've made over 600k trading crypto this year, and I still haven't held a girls hand yet.
Can Veeky Forums give me some tips on how to hold a girls hand? Will tip BTC.
I've made over 600k trading crypto this year, and I still haven't held a girls hand yet.
Can Veeky Forums give me some tips on how to hold a girls hand? Will tip BTC.
Other urls found in this thread:
take this shit to /r9k/
>find girl
>take girl on a date
>walk close to her
>grab her hand
Thanks OP
Leave your cellar and take dancing lessons.
There you will have to hold a girl's hands.
Doesn't count
Go to a strip club and get wasted, did the trick for me
no, refugees get sent to the oven.
just b urself ;>
But for real, find a way to meet strangers. I recommend a customer service job. You don't need the money, but you do need the practice, and you do need to be forced to do it. Talking to hundreds of strangers a day will desensitize you to it, and you'll be able to talk to girls more easily without coming off like the sperg you are. Make some friends that have friends, and you might get the chance to hang out in larger groups with higher likelihood of eligible girls being there. Try tinder. Become a regular at a cafe or pub. Get fit, learn how to dress.
It may be a long process, I know for me it was gradual but after a few months I got the hang of it and girls started asking me out at my place of work.
Gonna have to do some stuff that you're not great at for a while, but most likely you're pretty smart and will adapt quickly.
Hey OP, do you have a discord? I'd like it if you were to give me some tips and tricks
Go to a bar. Buy everyone in the bar a round of drinks. Then do it again. Repeat as needed.
i've been trying to potty train pajeet via discord for years now, years. don't waste your time. not gonna happen.
Take the time to look into the interests of the girls you fancy and actually put some effort into learning about it. Start talking with the girl and show your knowledge on her interests.
Since you have some good money to work with you can look into getting her some gifts. Whats important is not to just start gifting her right off the bat as she will just find it creepy you are trying to buy her interest in you, and also last thing you want is a good digger.
Once you have created a connection with her for at least a few weeks you can start with little nice things for her. She loves chocolate? Get her some. Big movie nerd? Get her a copy of a movie she is interested in. loves video games? Get a new game you 2 can play together.
It takes work but it's worth it, If you manage to find someone you really have a connection with its worth much more than being lonely. I have alot of depression issues but having my girlfriend in my life really has turned me around.
Good luck :)
fuck off. you're vague as fuck and a shitty mentor.
Op....most of the stuff above is rubbish. Getting people wasted isn't going to solve anything. Nor is simply being yourself. Clearly something is not working for you and you need to change.
It's a long term plan, get to the gym, get fit (you don't need to be a muscle machine). Cash out some funds and go shopping. If you don't know what to buy, get some copies of GQ or Esquire and see what you think looks nice. Get a smart suit. Some decent shoes. Maybe a midrange watch.
Now get a hobby, something outside, something where you can make friends (male and female). Start becoming more social. More confident.
Keep up the fitness. Eat well. Male more friends.
By this time, you're probably looking better. More confident. More outgoing.
This is where the girls come - and trust me they will.
Source : salty gaming nerd turned normal functioning member of society now having a had a few girlfriends (current one 1yr+).
don't make me get the hose, you fucking little monkey!
You look like an albino ape you piece of fucking shit!
Easiest solution. Work out. If you have social anxiety build yourself a fitness room with your Crypto gains. Once you look like a chad, you will become the chad in terms of self-confidence. And self-confidence makes girls pantys become the fucking Amazonas.
and BTC adress, even though noone ever sent shit there: 15AvXYV1FdTyt985uEqvPA2HZo1WWo8FCn
"Hey hey , there is something dirty on your hand"
*kisses*"My spit"
If this works, fund my love agency
>dem tiddies
>No problem there
>Haven't made even 1 cent in crypto
Wanna trade?
flush yourself.
Talk to her about crypto. Ask her opinion about the recent fork. Instant panty dropper.
Not OP but, solid response, buddy.
Veeky Forums helped me a lot with what you're telling OP to do.
Nice to see people improving themselves, and helping other to do the same.
Post an eth address, and I'll send you some ethereum.
Pay for me to travel Asia (or anywhere) with you and I can get a girl to hold your hand, and then fuck you.
t. white male
MAybe 0.1 eth?
get on discord you piece of shit conniving greedy evil ape. before I get the hose.
What you said did not resonate with me.
Cheers man.
At least your rich man. Im poor and I havent't even hedl a girl's hand yet :( Seriously feels bad. I try to live by the quote "Be good and good will come to you" but nope. What fucking good has come to my life. My investment in crypto is only $150 usd. Since its what I can afford to lose. Im fucking 21.
Was worth the try. Shorted BTC at 3,2k... So I really hope it fucking goes down to 2.8 again.
Cheers man.
women are a meme
just go pay a hooker to hlod her hand if it's that big a deal
At least with hookers you pay up front and there's no surprise fees.
First of all be honest with yourself. What areas are you deficient in? Once you identify those areas, work to improve them, and see progress over the course of a couple months.
>Are you not attractive in the face?
Then lift. Lifting and increasing testosterone will have a positive effect on your facial structure.
> Do you not have a good body?
Lift. Start with a good Upper push/Upper Pull/ Legs workout. Browse Veeky Forums. Eat more (if you're skelly) and eat clean.
> Do you lack social skills?
Take some of that internet money and take a cheap vacation in Europe. Make no plans, live day to day. Do not stay in a hotel--only hostels. Learn to drink, learn to talk to people in a bar. And bring some Hemingway while you visit Nothern Spain.
Np my dude
user delivers. Top lad.
>shorting before confirmed downtrend
When you cover, consider it an installment of your market tuition.
Hope is not a strategy, IMO btc is consolidating (flattening). It may drop again but will follow the mean. $3,000 bottom line
Also, when you lift, work to develop man strength--do not lift to get biceps and have a six pack. Lift to develop your physical strength so that if you ever need to you pick pick somebody up and smash them on their head.
Again, do not lift for aesthetics.
The thing most people like us don't seem to get is not to think of the task as this gigantic, monolithic thing. It's a little like painting your house: if you have to do the whole thing, you will see the task daunting and will find excuses (most of them perfectly valid) for not doing it. Instead, go one room at the time, knowing that the end result is going to be the same in the end.
Women are just like you or everyone else: they want to be treated nicely because that makes all social interactions go smoothly, so you have to start from there. It's not an alien, and there aren't no magic words: as in all social exchanges, trust has to be build among the actors. This is your first step: build trust with the women around you, and then try to move things into seduction.
That said, remember every little bit about yourself counts. Even if you aren't fit, keep care of your appearance and manners: show that you have some money but don't overdo it, and if you don't know where to start, go for girls in their late 20-early 30.'
Relationships are based on admiration: usually, there is something that each one of the partners admire about the other, and you'll be surprised as to how little that's related to the usual thing tv tells us are important...
Just enough to say thank you.
Its rare that an user delivers so the amount is much appreciated.
Anyway, glad it worked for you buddy and hope life is sweet now.
Here is to getting to the moon on this crazy crypto ride!
First of, don't worry: you are only 21, and that's a rough age: everyone is just out of the dumb teen years, but hasn't been out for long enough to realize how out of the league he is against the rest of the world that is older than them. There may be some success cases at 21 , but most people are going to have their heads banged many times until you end up understanding the nack of the world, and this will happen to men and women alike. We in here may be more aware of the fact that mostly everyone is average (up to and including us), but for most of the people that's the point where they learn that the world doesn't think about you as highly as you do, and around their 26 will have become much better individuals.
Hang in there: it's coming, and it will pass.
Hope delivers as well. Glad to see people like you in the community.
You're right. Just have to keep moving forward and simply not give up. I truly appreciate your advice.
Well damn nigga, what about my advice
You know, there is a funny side in this. When you reach said point, you'll look back to your old self and think "if only I had knew back then what I do now...", but that's life. No one can learn it from other people's experiences...
ok op. start working out. follow a good regimen like serge nubret's routine. looks extremely hard but fuck it, i do it. sucks fat and adds muscle believe it or not. that will boost your confidence and it seems you dont have much seeing as you dont have friends. after that start talking to people even if it's hard, trust me the hardest part is getting up and doing it just like gym. once you're there it's easy and you wont feel pressure. people arent retarded and will keep conversation going. join clubs go to uni whatever, be social. pic related could become u one day
Buy nice car. Girls will be impressed.
Ask girl if she wants to go for a ride. She says yes. After ride exchange numbers. Go on date. Hold hands and many more
Find a girl with common interests, in a place that you know you'll see her every day and have a reason to talk to her. Picking up girls on a whim is not for us. You'll never get a girl that way.
Also, don't try so hard. Don't make girls your aim. Go to a trading card club, a video game night or whatever you like to do. Befriend lots of people, not just girls. I got invited to events where there were girls and introduced by dudes I had met. Just take life on cruise control, lighten your grip a little bit.
I don't work out, I'm not alpha, and I'm not rich. I thought I'd die a virgin. Then I got a job, and started talking to this girl who worked with me without even thinking about it too much. She played vidya which helped our conversations immensely. And before I even realized it, we were going on dates, and now we've been together for 3 years.
One final tip: make sure you can be her friend first, or a relationship will never work.
You're all gonna make it brahs.
1. As everyone else has said, go work out.
2.Remember, you only look as good as you think you do.
3. Go buy a suit and stop looking like so much of a sperg.
4. ???
5. Profit
Also learn some manners such as paying for dinner.
desu you dont want to hold a chicks hand, this isnt the 1950s anymore unless you plan on getting married and coming back from church to visit your parents every sunday then you can probably skip that part.
alternatively, here is a guide to do exactly that wikihow.com
If you want a girl who will love you, hide your money (at least in the beginning).
That said, just be confident, and follow your goals. Girls will come alone. Girls seem to like guys who know what they are doing, Open but respectable, dominant but not abusive, mature but not boring...
BTC: 1Fpi2x5FQnSVUheQqpod2RFNtdP5DpbC2k