Wars in which the good guys lost

Wars in which the good guys lost

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In what way were they the good guys? They lost an election and chimped out.

There's nothing in the Constitution about states no being able to leave or the Federal government being able to stay, so the power of secession rested within the states.



U.S. backed the wrong side.

not to say Sparta was the bad guy, but the other principle parties against Athens were worse.


>muh slaves
>muh colony

>start the war by firing the first shots
>blame the other side for the war when they lose even though they started it


>no Punic Wars posted yet
Thank god. Contrarian, subhuman Carthaboo hipsters are either asleep, or they finally killed themselves after my many requests.

The Union troops were on state territory.

Chinese Civil War
Russian Civil War

You can say what you want, the Red Plague had no equal in fighting guerrilla wars

Cold War

The Second Boer War

>defending genocide

It depends on your version of good

>start chinese civil war by killing the workers of shanghai
>take a break from civil war, to fight japs
>do a bunch of dumbshit, like the yellow river damn
>loses civil war he started, and fucks off to taiwan,
>the taiwanese rebel cause of bad government
>kill 1000s
>military dicatorship for decades

>Mao starved 45 million people

do I need to say more?

>your ancestors in the 11th Mississippi Infantry will never drive US Forces from Cemetery Ridge
>your ancestors will never give the remnants of the Union Army chase all the way to the very gates of Washington, winning the race and destroying them somewhere in Eastern Pennsylvania
>your ancestors will never sweep aside crumbling Union defenses at Arlington Heights with the sheer momentum of their advance
>your ancestors will never take the hated Union capital street by street
>your ancestors will never storm the White House and personally confront the tyrant Lincoln
>your ancestors will never run a saber through his heart as repayment for all the death and misery he's caused the Southern people
>your ancestors will never plant the battle flag they carried into battle countless times on the roof of the White House
>your ancestors will never stand guard as General Meade is forced to relinquish his sword to Robert E. Lee himself
>your ancestors will never run through the streets of Washington, cheering and hollering at the news of the North's surrender
>your ancestors will never parade through the streets of Richmond and place the flags of the vanquished tyrants at the feet of the Virginia Washington Monument
>your ancestors will never be thanked by President Davis personally for your part in the victory

Fuck it, just kill me now.

Next time.

Gommie basterd

>ywn burn down Atlanta with Sherman
>ywn blow the fuck out of Johnny Reb so hard that he still bitches about it 150 years later even though he started the war

Gommie basterd.

Gommie basterd,

>men who wanted to keep millions in bonded labour
> good
heres a real good guy

What do people honestly think a victorious Confederacy would be like? Best case scenario is it becoming an anglo Brazil, worst case is a violent collapse/slave revolt/secessions that end in the Union reconquering it anyway piece by piece.

CINOs is more like it. Maybe you should learn a bit more of history.

Either way, now we're on quite friendly terms and strong trade partners, so the war was ultimately a waste.

>literally fighting a war over keeping people as living farm-equipment
Was there ever a worse and more unethical reason to go to war in human history?

This, Soviet Union in '45-tier Revenge now

You won't be laughing when we turn every city above Mason-Dixon into glass you fucking Northern parasite. We are going to kill every single Yankee down to the last man, woman, and faggot pronoun. All of you deserve nothing short of total extermination. ALL OF YOU.

>incompetent religious zealot who wanted America to be Christian Saudi Arabia
>good guy

lol sure

The war between God and Satan.

Bring the Jubilee, Gray Victory, and Starcraft are probably the most accurate scenarios Tbh.

I understand that the federal government was just attempting to provoke the scenario. But the forts are federal United States property. Just like Guantanamo bay is own by the US.


Spanish Civil War

To the union it was union territory. And it remains union territory.
>anime poster when it has nothing to do with the topic
>Dixie larper that can't even put up decent arguments for the confederacy
Checks out, what a powerful iq poster.



>gets help from the Axis
>doesn't help the Axis in WWII
Even for a fascist, Franco sucks.

>Even for a fascist, Franco is Smart.

Think about this for 2 seconds and you'd know it was the right idea us would so fucking easily invade through Spain and the Germans couldn't dream about extending fortifications down the bay of Biscay and defending it. The war would be over by 42 if Spain "helped"

I'm only familiar with the first of those, but that's incredibly optimistic and dismissive of the fact that the Union would have a massive population and industrial advantage even after losing eleven or twelve of its states. Even if it were able to war of independence against the Union, it could also never have the industrial capacity (especially since its constitution explicitly banned federal internal improvement) or military projection to conquer and hold down all of Latin America. King Cotton's days would be numbered with Europe getting most of its cotton from Africa and India, and with abolitionism having spiked in popularity in the Union you would probably see large-scale slave revolts, which would probably trigger the Union to invade a second time (the desire for revenge would make post-1870 French revanchism look mild).

The political precedent of secession could also undo the Confederacy. Texas doesn't like what those goddamn Richmond politicians are doing? Why not just leave?

>use nuclear weapons
>entire country is glassed by Russia and China who realize the US Government has completely lost its marbles

Whoever wrote this really should've read about nuclear game theory beforehand

>Russia and China nuke the US because the US detonated nukes in its own territory
really activates those almonds

'cept he didn't, Coonquest statistics are a meme

>Texas doesn't like what those goddamn Richmond politicians are doing? Why not just leave?

That's actually the plot of "If the South Had Won the Civil War" by MacKinlay Kantor, albeit that one gets kinda shitty towards the end because it's just the world in the exact same spot it was in before except Sarah Palin's backyard is literally Russia.

>America tries to break away from the British due to a perceived lack of citizen's rights, this is okay.
>Vietnam tries to break away from France due to a perceived lack of citizen's rights, this is not okay
How strange.

If Russia or China used a nuclear weapon against an internal revolt, the American reaction would be almost exactly the same. We'd assume they'd lost the ability to govern effectively, posed an immediate threat to the outside world, and go all out.

He's obviously highly autistic. He responded to a comic about Sherman using nukes seriously because he's extremely butthurt that the south lost. Imagine how autistic a person like that must be. Stop replying to him.

Napoleon should have won and restored the Gaulish Empire of Europe

>points out obvious illogical part of the plot
>is autistic

You'd have to have the IQ of a nigger not to see the problem you stupid munkoid

Emu War

>Russia uses nuke against internal revolt
>America and China nuke Russia
>Russia, still in control of its own nuclear arsenal, nukes them in retaliation

>taking a one-panel comic this seriously
End it.

North had the wrong bedfellows during a period where political ideology split the world.

Hundred Years' War, oh what could've been

Surprised no one has mentioned World War 1 yet. The world would be a much better place if Germany won.

>established historical fact
>i don't like it, so I call it a meme and ignore it

How exactly?

They likely would have intervened in Russia and crushed the Soviets, smothering communism in its crib. Monarchism is much less damaging imo.

>Was there ever a worse and more unethical reason to go to war in human history?
Unleashing the nation destroying bioweapon known as Africans

>no communist Russia
>no treaty of Versailles
>no WW2 ruining ethnonationalism forever

>literally import africans by the millions to the country in the first place so you can exploit them
>damn niggers ruinin our country

No genuine nationalist would have wanted the Central Powers to have won.

Dear lord, what the fuck is wrong with that Poland? Why the hell couldn't they have just rebuilt the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth if they wanted Poland to not still be landlocked?

Also, "No genuine nationalist would have wanted the Central Powers to have won"? What that fuck is that supposed to mean?



>What that fuck is that supposed to mean?

WW1 symbolizes the end of dynasties and the victory of the nationstate. Just look at the map.

Any war in which England won

>the end of dynasties and the victory of the nationstate

Germany was already a federation under the brand of "empire" by the time WW1 started. The Habsburg and Ottoman dynasties were on the verge of collapse right as the war started. The Russian Empire's collapse was directly aided, if not caused by Germany when they liberated Poland and the Baltics, as well as helping send along Lenin to St. Petersburg. The Ukraine would've become an actual nation-state on a map 70 or so years early if it wasn't for Germany's defeat. And the "victors" were just as, if not more imperialist than any of the Central Powers, given how they stole all of Germany's colonies away and split them between Britain, France and Japan, yanked away German territory to the neutral nations of Denmark, the Netherlands, and Poland, THE NATION THAT WOULD NOT HAVE COME BACK TO EXISTENCE WITHOUT GERMANY'S ACTIONS. And of course, you can't forget how they wanted to take away half of Anatolia from the Ottomans despite the Armenian Genocide specifically being a Trail of Tears to get rid of non-Turkish ethnicities, and Turkey only managed to hold onto it because of Ataturk in the post-war aftermath. Also how they promised Israel to both the Jews and Arabs if they would fight against the Ottomans, and we're still nowhere near hearing the end of the ethnic/religious conflict over the Middle East.


Sherman did nothing wrong


Every war where england lost.

>let me tell you about yankees

That map is false, post WW1 Danish/German border needs to be further south.


There's the fucking supremacy clause you dingus

Thebes was the good guy though, even though I also liked Athens

Literally every single battle in Anatolia after 1000 CE

This post, fuck it's so garbage it's gold



Or was it?

>0 search results

bad meme, change inbreeding to anglo-utilitarianism

>he said, being of no use

Only correct answer, capitalism is a plague.

Patrician answer, only if you are implying Satan is winning right now tho

I'm no tankie but Afghanistan would be much better off had they lost
Look at Tajikistan for reference, poor but not war torn

The Gallic wars is the only correct answer

>commietards getting stomped


>your ancestors in the 15th Alabama Infantry will never win the race up Little Round Top, catching the 20th Maine with their pants down and wiping them out to virtually the last man
>the Confederate Army will never sweep over the Yankees' left flank, causing their entire defensive line to collapse
>your ancestors will never go after the now collapsing Army of the Potomac, chasing them down piecemeal across Pennsylvania and Maryland
>General Lee will never order the entire ANV to stop the pursuit and move against the now underprotected Washington City before Union reinforcements arrive
>Washington City will never fall to a surprise night assault by Confederate forces
>Abraham Lincoln will be standing there on the White House lawn, waiting for your ancestors as if they were honored guests
>Lincoln will never invite General Lee inside to negotiate an armistice
>Lee will never stop your ancestors from raising the Confederate flag over the White House, instructing them not to enter or deface the building as a gesture of goodwill
>Britain and France will never be the first two nations to recognize the Confederacy
>Lincoln will never sign a formal peace agreement with Jefferson Davis, ending the war with the recognition of the Confederate States of America
>Lee will never become President of the CSA and help convince the Confederate people that slavery must end if the South is to survive as an independent nation
>The Confederacy will never show its gratitude to Britain and France by joining the Allies against Germany 80 years later
>The 15th Alabama, now a parachute regiment will never be dropped into the Netherlands as part of Operation Market Garden
>Confederate skirmishers operating behind enemy lines will never pull her from a derailed train bound for Occupied Poland
>She'll never look upon the Battle Flag carried by her rescuers for the first time
>she'll never marvel at the simple saltire, and the 13 stars adorning it

The Arab-Byzantine wars


>your ancestors in the 15th Alabama Infantry will never win the race up Little Round Top, catching the 20th Maine with their pants down and wiping them out to virtually the last man
I remember a great quote about Little Round Top in Ken Burn's Civil War doc.
>The men we faced were from the 15th Alabama. They said they'd never been whipped before, and never wanted to meet the 20th of Maine again.

Funny thing is Chamberlain pretty much said the same thing of the 15th Alabama.

>these were manly men, whom we could befriend and by no means kill, if they came our way in peace and good will.

It was a battle not won by who was more courageous, both sides were equal in that. But by timing. Much as the Civil War itself, Gettysburg could be accurately described as a race against time. Where a few insignificant minutes could spell the difference between victory or death. If the 20th Maine had been delayed for whatever reason by 10-20 minutes, the 15th would've beaten them to the top of the hill and they would've had reversed roles. Instead, it would've been the 20th Maine desperately attempting to retake Little Round Top before Hood's Brigade can reinforce it.


I cry every time

We could have teamed up with the Nazis and genocided every single fucking communist in Europe

At least we got a decent song out of it.


Who's "her-"

>looks at image
>"let's leave the cupboard user-kun"

Oh, THAT girl.