How did we get here? What started all of this? Why are humans the only intelligent life forms?
How did we get here? What started all of this? Why are humans the only intelligent life forms?
Define "intelligent"
Because most of the things humans do exist in other animals. Humans were simply smart enough to reach a critical mass and break the ecosystem around them.
They're like an OP unit in a video game.
ayy lmao
Imagination. No joke.
>Define "intelligent"
The only good argument for a God I've come across is the fact that humans are so goddamn clever compared to all other living things on the Earth. How can there be such a big difference?
The leading theory right now that does not include God or some other mythical force is that the earliest building blocks of life ended up on Earth accidentally as debris from some other universe/galaxy/whatever. Then basically the perfect storm of natural occurrences happened which gave birth to life.
How different do you think history would be if we came across conclusive proof of a non-human intelligent species that existed before humanity?
Like say if archaeologists found ancient ruins and temples like in weird fiction stories.
It's because there used to be a lot of other intelligent human-like animals, but our ancestors were a little bit smarter and better able to communicate so we wiped them all out.
This also answers this question
We evolved in a very volcanically active area. So we lost our primitive fear of fire, started eating cooked food, and studied the properties of fire.
Oh I can tell you, but I don't want to take over your thread with my personal insights.
It requires a lot of explanation.
$5 for the whole chicken? I wish I lived next to a Walmart.
no that is not the leading theory
>We evolved in a very volcanically active area
wtf are you smoking there are almost no volcanos in africa
Adding "&Humanities" to the title thoroughly ruined any and all potential this board had. I hope you die OP. I really fucking do.
East African rift.
Sounds like you know the answer but you just dont wanna tell us
Literally evolution.
Are even you tryin son?
From physics to chemistry to biology.
We're nothing more than incapsulated chemical processes.
First there is a Eternal Spirit of Love. He then speaks existence into the Word. He creates the universe as we know it. The cosmological process continues, and he selects a specific planet to begin life on. This planet is chosen because it will experience catastrophes at the right time which allow for conditions which are ripe for man. Evolution is allowed to occur, which culminates in apes. Then through divine intervention, a change begins to take place in apes. They are suffused with brilliance and beauty. It is a gradual process and ends with humanity as we know it today.
Other animal species have sentience as well as intelligence, but humans have thumbs and the ability to create and use tools efficiently. The use of these tool technologies enabled humans to have excess time and energy for leisure instead of solely survival, which led to a compounding growth and use of brain instead of brawn.
That was the dumbest shit i've read all day including my own shitposts.
Literally nothing was explained at all.
No processes, no science.
Why? Because you cant go in dept when you make non specific assertions like that.
I've seen autists give better explanations than that.