I still miss you.
I still miss you
>tfw people will always associate 20th century Germany with either the illegitimate Wiemar government, the nazi government or the partition states
>tfw German nationalism is all but dead and will never again be aristocratic
>The kaiserreich will never again be Europe's sword and shield.
>Europe's sword
To kill another Europeans?
>will never again be Europe's sword and shield
The kind of sword that you accidentally thrust into your own face and the kind of shield you use to bluntly and painfully saw off your own leg?
Frogs, Anglos and Poles are not welcome in threads regarding the kaiserreich.
kys Prussiaboos
I consider myself a Kaiser-boo.
>illegitimate Wiemar government
>liking the biggest fuck-up of the 20th century
>Bismarck builds one of the most based states in modern history
>completely destroyed within 40 years
You germcucks fucked Europe so much in history you don't deserve even an inch of land
>we could had a communist german republic with those glorious borders
>the cold war could have been something more than Russian Imperialism 2.0
>communist movement woulda been led by democratic & council socialists rather than stalinists
That would have been truly glorious. Here, I made a flag to comfort you.
White nationalism is American bullshit. Fuck out of here.
Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
The Germans should have been mass sterilised. We went to easy on them.
>I like getting cucked by my boss
Nice Strawmen both of you
How's expressing disinterest in a Communist Germany a strawman?
They should have known when to stop.
Wherever there are German voices singing to God, there is the German Fatherland!
Get fucked
If the German revolution would have succeeded the USSR wouldn't have been locked into an unwinnable Cold War versus the entire West!
Communist Germany would probably lead to communist France and Netherlands as well.
Those were some God tier borders. Too bad Wilhelm had to fuck it all up
You probably equate communism with Leninism and descendant ideologies, like most people to whom communism is a trigger word
What a glorious world it would have been.
What kind of Protestant where they?