I've recently reached the title BTC Millionaire. After 2 years of work 1MILLION IN BTC!! Now how do you guys suggest I invest it? I was thinking I can probably help out small online businesses for a small % of their profits.
BTC Millionaire
Personally I would buy a modest house to save on rent, put 10% of remained into gold / silver, 40% stocks, 10% fiat and keep 40% in crypto.
Im already living comfortably
You have 1million BTC? Otherwise you aint a btc millionaire.
Wait another year and it'll be $10M.
bitbean obviously
So do you want all of the 1m out of crypto? If you really want to help small businesses you could get in contact with VCs and see if anyone is willing to teach you the ropes.
Put aside enough to pay the tax man, pay off any debts if any, buy a modest house/condo (enough for you to be comfortable), take a trip to somewhere you've always wanted to go, and donate to the first shameless beggar in this thread. :) 1FVexzA149wbncZdiYTa7uyDKKwLxMfXmV
Yeah good idea
Think of a good project that can make use of the blockchain and use the money to develop it and then make an ico.
Noice noice
Being btc rich is not fun
how much $ did you start with?
I started with 100k
I run a tor site
Its am email service
Emailer with adds
100k. Wow. You must be glad your parents croaked.
>I started with 100k
And it took you 2 years to make 1 million
>I started with 100k
And my respect is gone. I started with 1k in March and made it into 10k by now, holding through the recent dip and with more money it's only easier to make even more because you're a whale.
You got a head start but still suck.
Instead of wasting 2 years you could have bought ETH a few months ago and gotten 2 million by now instead of one.
That makes it so much less impressive desu.
I started with less and my rate of return on 8K is higher than yours.
Inside crypto or outside crypto? If inside crypto, go all in eos.if outside crypto, buy stocks that pay good dividends ( for eg. IBM)
Well i got hacked and lost lots of koney thats why it took me 2 years
Not bad, I started with 20k and now my portfolio is worth ~600k.
you can help a fellow bizbro ,
When did ou start?
Feb 2016.
Can you invest in my business? It's essentially me making really bad lifestyle choices, i'll document it and we can make money by selling it to MTV.
out of luck because of a moon or regular trades ?
Hey no thanks bb
Probably the best advice which is fucked up. But I would still cash out 10% at least, for... things.
5% reward / pay yourself
25% stays in crypto, most of it in btc & eth
60% index funds & etf
10% stocks
Move it to an index fund or wait for it to go higher
By that time, it would be nearly worthless. OP should cash out while BTC is still ATH.
Yeah maybe i just cash some out and save the rest
Keep it in crypto you fool, you stand a chance to get rich here
This is probably fake but, if you want to invest in confidence (what makes Bitcoin great), I'd suggest to throw $500 here. As sonn as I am rich I'll share with my fellow Veeky Forumsbros too. The receivers will do the same, like a chain.
BTC: 1Fpi2x5FQnSVUheQqpod2RFNtdP5DpbC2k
Someone who thinks it takes a larper to have a million dollars is not someone I'd invest in.
OP if you are serious and you want to telegram me, I have an idea I want developed, software and everything that costs 10k. Let me know.