>he thinks antinatalism is wrong
He thinks antinatalism is wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>he logic'd himself into a corner reasoning from first principles and removed himself from the genepool
This. Antinatalism is literally the Darwin Award philosophy.
>muh genes
who even gives a fuck? If you burden someone with your genetic preoccupations you're an asshole.
Well, someone did that to me and I'm cool with it.
Heroin junkies tend to enjoy heroin
that's nice, I wonder if the children murdered in Syria every single day feel similarly
So do antinatalists think everyone lives in Syria or something?
No but somehow people in Syria manage to justify their own procreation while living in a state of total disrepair and upheaval and basically everyone's shit stinks.
Justifying your own procreation isn't that hard if you're not an angsty faggot. A new generation is another chance to not completely fuck up. If they do anyway, who cares? Your bloodline is going up against a 0% survival rate otherwise.
no, but how do you know your children won't have to live through something similar? Sure things are fine in the west right now, but what will happen once climate change threatens billions of africans and latin americans with starvation and they begin flooding Europe and North America?
Look even if that doesn't come to pass (and I certainly hope it doesn't) what got me to form an antinatalist viewpoint was my job. I work as an EMT and that has definitely exposed me to a side of humanity that I was previously able to pretend didn't exist. I've seen so many miserable mentally ill people who want to kill themselves, it seems cruel to force that on someone. But worse are when I have to go to facilities that are basically nursing homes for children with extreme birth defects. Many of them are so severely disabled that they can barely even be said to be alive, but they can still clearly feel pain, and often die young. I have to ask myself what was the point of such a life?
I was lucky enough to be born healthy to loving parents in a stable country, but what of those who aren't? Like me they never asked to be born, never got a choice in where they came into the world, or what maladies they would have. It just seems wrong to me to have kids when there's a chance they could end up like that, you know?
He already said he doesn't care because he's washed his hands and that's good enough for him as long as he's keeping the abuse machine running because genetics and shiii. Its all right here
Ah, I found the problem. You've made your judgement based on a very small, disproportionate sample of humanity. The vast majority of people in the world, even in places with bad conditions, still enjoy their lives at least enough to not kill themselves.
maybe quite instinctually they are in no big hurry to go to perdition.
Or maybe life just isn't that shitty for most people.
Its not even very shitty for me and I'm the one espousing antinatalism. Its almost like this emotional appeal is disingenuous or something. Weird.
So if your life isn't that shitty what would be so great about not being born? If I didn't know better I'd say you don't even have a point.
As an antinatalist, do you propose humanity should be gone entirely, or just leave humans to live at a specifically controlled population level?
Also, out of curiosity, what about the rest of life forms on Earth? Animals go through immense tragedies all the time in the violent wilderness, but they continue to reproduce. Do you think animals will ever refuse to reproduce?
On a side note, all this thinking of the future possibly being traumatic is very catatonic and stressful, but it somehow feels important
>Spooks: The Post
Anyway, if you don't exist, you can't have any qualities at all. Including the quality of being "better off" than if one had existed. If you really think non-existence would ever be preferable to existence, you're a retard who doesn't understand the actual words he's using.
Ideally no form of unique conscious experience should happen on this material plane. I can't speak for other planes of existence but I have my suspicion that in many of those existence is also a needless cycle of desire. And while we can take some comfort in the expectation that our pain in life will be somewhat within the realm of our expectation once we're given over to the next stage of our existence who knows how we might be disposed. I can't say I have much sureness of what follows death but it would seem obvious that I never existed prior to my birth. Even if contrary to the world's religions most people could expect paradise we would still have to admit that only people who were born would need such a place to take away their various discomforts. Meanwhile none of the world's religious systems, when put under honest scrutiny offer most of us anything to look forward to. Salvation is always exclusive, whether it be Buddhism or Islam. And Islam along with Christianity, contrary to Buddhism and other eastern religions don't even care to offer the promise that your redemption or reconciliation will come in a matter of time. I am not about to get into an argument over these beliefs but instead point out that they all treat life as something to be resolved and that speaks volumes about the subliminal truth of our existence and how we regard it.
Also this isn't exactly some massive involved plan. I try to adhere to the non-harm principle and I believe that involves not generating lives characterized by a perpetual cycle of desire. Other than that I will try to persuade other people to do the same but that's about the best I can manage.
I agree
It sounds hard. In my introspective philosophy, I am a curious antinatalist. I dont really talk about these things with anyone else because no one even knows what it is or is willimg to entertain it. It must take a lot to publically be an antinatalist, and even though I have my skepticisms, I appreciate you telling others about it. Good luck with all this, friend
It mostly just takes being blunt. I don't care to support or otherwise indulge people's dangerous illusions especially when the stakes are this high.
I know you said you didn't want to get in an argument about beliefs so I'll try not to be contrary, but Buddhism is a fairly unique religion in that regard. The whole point of it is learning to escape the cycle of desire. Some sects say otherwise, but most Buddhists believe it's possible for everyone.
Forget about kids, antinatalists should
start by getting rid of themselves
Oh come on. Every religion is about "lets just get this life thing over with" when you get right down to it. What does Jesus say?
"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."
Buddhism is just a little more honest about it.
This is LITERALLY the post of someone with daddy issues.
>What does Jesus say?
A better question would be "What does Buddha say?"
You see, Buddhists follow something called the Four Noble Truths:
1. Suffering exists
2. Suffering arises from attachment to desires
3. Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases
4. Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path
And the entire rest of Buddhism is just extensions and interpretations of that.
Go put your money where your mouth is if you think nonexistence is so great.
Meant for
I'm retarded.
There is more to life than avoiding pain.
Why would someone care about his "bloodline"?
The same reason they care about being alive.
You mean to tell me I have the power to bring a human life into this world and I should relinquish it? Are you really trying to tell me I have a near infinite pool of cheap labor swimming around in my testicles and that I shouldn't make use of it in any way that can?
Heh, I don't think so kiddo.
>He thinks existence is horrible
>He hasn't killed himself to at the very least prevent ever having children
It's an ideological dead end, much like how solipsism is a philosophical one.
are you trying to spook my out of unprotected sex???!?!?!
but seriously are we talking local or global antinatalism?
why should I care about my bloodline?
killing myself would cause suffering for my family, and since I care a lot about them I can't do it. That's a big part of what's I feel lis so cruel about creating people, you do it against their will and then put them in a position where if they're unhappy they can't even end it because that would cause others to suffer.
If life is already so awful, what's a little more suffering? Your relatives can all kill themselves too.
the only reason im still alive is that dying causes physical pain,i am not even depressed,but if i could die painlessly in my sleep i would.There are always worries or some shit in my life,and not existing seems preferable to me.
the problem is that it would be my direct actions causing suffering, and I can't do that
Oh my god, you are such a gigantic pussy I can't even think of what else to say. I'm done here. I gave it my all but you're beyond saving.
I didin't know I could 100% will myself out of all conscious experience. You'll have to tell me this cool trick sometime.
>implying death is the end
>muh semantics
fuck off
>You've made your judgement based on a very small, disproportionate sample of humanity
yeah mate, not like 80% of the world are in shit living conditions right now, and before now it was more like 99%
>The vast majority of people in the world, even in places with bad conditions, still enjoy their lives at least enough to not kill themselves.
because of cheap entertainment and other forms of distractions, humanity keeps the pain just on the bearable level. Do you even understand anti natalism.
>they all treat life as something to be resolved and that speaks volumes about the subliminal truth of our existence and how we regard it.
I thought this was obvious
proove it
antinatalists are people who are butthurt about being autistic sperg failures
prove me wrong
I'm not autistic, I don't have Asperger syndrome, and I'm not a failure. I'm also an antinatalist.
>Do you even understand anti natalism.
I really, really don't, and the more antinatalists try to explain it the less sense it makes.
It's literally the opposite, he's saying the other position is a nonsensical semantic artifact.
I'm not an antinatalist, I just think you have to be an idiot to want to have children. Maybe it's right for idiots to have children, maybe it isn't, but you definitely have to be an idiot to want to have children.
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
>I'm not a failure. I'm also an antinatalist.
>literally teenage angst: the philosophy
N-no it's deep you see? I'm t-totally not just an edgy fourteen year old who managed to bypass the kiddie lock!
ITT: bro if you're an antinatalist just kill yourself
whoever says this doesn't understand it. antinatalism only says that the potential ratio of pain to pleasure is so skewed that you might as well not put > your children < through it. If your answer to this is "dude they don't exist yet who cares" then you're also OK with children being born into slavery or other horrific conditions.
Then if you say "but my life isn't horrific and neither will be my children's", I hope you are right but there is no way to make sure. Who knows if the baby smiling and laughing before you will kill himself at 24 and so on.
pic unrelated
Blimey, but how different a species that woman looks
Nice spook, got any more?
>sometimes bad things happen
>therefore it's my place to say that life isn't worth living
Woah, really makes one ponder
>Waaah life is hard
>I'm super moral and that's why I will never have children
Well, why do you value antinatalism? Why can't I value something else?
Must there be logic behind it? If so, what is the essential logic behind antinatalism. I don't mean "pain is bad therefore existence is bad", I mean once you boil it down. If you value stopping pain, why can't I value ambitions and great accomplishments?
There is more to it, but I'll leave it there for now.
That would be nihilism or rather the bastardization of nihilism
>sometimes good things happen
>therefore it's my place to say that life is worth living
Anyway you wouldn't need the good If you weren't escaping a bad, right?
Life Is hard, we specifically evolved to survive here and a lot of people still struggle - and everyone dies so what does that say about our reality.
Anyway I'd say the man looking out for himself instead of popping a family into existence to worry about and essentially doom Is more moral.
>He thinks that human beings deserve to not suffer
>He doesn't realize that our punishment for the sin of existence must be more severe that mere annihilation
If I have kids then I am going to delight that I have spawned new entities that must shoulder the burden of life
>you're also OK with children being born into slavery or other horrific conditions.
That would imply that I care about children other than my own.
>I hope you are right but there is no way to make sure.
There is no way to be truly sure but you would have to be an apathetic retard to not ensure stability. And if one half of the country tears the other one apart or a disease ruins the planet then whatever. Not everything is under my control and I don't pretend it is. All I can say is that I had a good run.
>Who knows if the baby smiling and laughing before you will kill himself at 24 and so on.
You can try to be a good parent and if they do kill themselves regardless you can bitch about "muh mental health issues" or something.
Humans deserve no suffering, hopefully It's the god/s who've created such a machine that will suffer or at least make things right.
However creating more suffering machines Is probably as close to a sin as you can get, knowing their fate and all.
It's always interesting how much people talk about themselves when entertaining the idea of a kid
>All I can say is that I had a good run.
And you know your kid will feel the same?
because you told him too?
Honestly you seem pretty lacking in empathy but I guess most parents are.
>Humans deserve no suffering
Give me reasons why
>And you know your kid will feel the same?
I could only try to give my children a good life to the best of my ability. If they want to mope around and cry then eh, I can't control everything they do or feel and I accept my limitations.
>Honestly you seem pretty lacking in empathy but I guess most parents are.
Says the person who thinks wise men choose never to be born because "wahhwahh life is so hard :'("
You're failing to present any actual arguments besides pain't ingredients anyone who disagrees with you as whiny. Are you dumb or do you just not want to have a genuine conversation?
Your all is not much desu
And if my hypothetical endure famine and such like, then I wouldn't cry for them too much. Yeah it's bad but it's happening to a lot more people than them and it's going to keep happening because that is life and if you don't like it then walk into extinction or wait until we get some bullshit singularity machine that eliminates wants and needs and suffering
Because it is a whiny philosophy. It's anti-life garbage that answers nothing because it says that there should be no one to ask questions. It's one notch above suicide.
>Give me reasons why
Every sin or misdeed done by man would not have happened without a simple cause / effect scenario, we have evolved to survive on this earth - created by a god we do not know, expecting humanity to be the peak of virtue under such circumstance is just presumptuous.
>I could only try to give my children a good life to the best of my ability
Your ability Is limited, I don't doubt you'd support them - but you can't be sure for how long, anyway If your children cry or mope I'd hope you'd at least feel a little responsible for creating such misfortune.
Anyway I never said "wise" men choose to not be born, since for one you cannot choose to not be born, and a wise man would choose for none to be born unless under a better scenario.
And If life's not so hard, why are you on this image board distracting yourself from It's glory?
>I'd hope you'd at least feel a little responsible for creating such misfortune.
>"Son. I'm sorry Suzy broke your heart. It's not your fault. It's mine. If I didn't impregnate your mother, you wouldn't be alive to suffer such heartache. You would be free. I'm such a bad person"
>And If life's not so hard, why are you on this image board distracting yourself from It's glory?
Because I'm having fun and I have free time to do it
>"Son. I'm sorry Suzy broke your heart. It's not your fault. It's mine. If I didn't impregnate your mother, you wouldn't be alive to suffer such heartache. You would be free. I'm such a bad person"
This is actually comically correct but don't just limit It to a break up, you'll also be responsible for every moment of his life that Is not satisfactory, and even If It was, then a death he would not want.
>Because I'm having fun and I have free time to do it
In other words your free from your responsibilities and have fun telling people on history boards that they are whiny and life's not that hard.
I'd say I hope your children grow up In this kinda world too and have a good time like their daddy but I don't.
>it's bad but it's happening to a lot more people than them and it's going to keep happening because that is life
So since all humans suffer Its alright for your own children too? It's akin to the If your friends jumped off a bridge argument.
>This is actually comically correct but don't just limit It to a break up, you'll also be responsible for every moment of his life that Is not satisfactory, and even If It was, then a death he would not want.
Not really, I can only give him a starting point and a good amount of my time to tell him what I learned. After tht he can make his own in the world because he has a will. But antinatalists blame nothing on individuals but on the people who gave birth to them. It's not their fault, it's their parents. It's just a dumb mind game. I'm surprised they don't take it to the logical conclusion and try to invent a time machine to kill the first microbial lifeforms on earth
>So since all humans suffer Its alright for your own children too?
Eh, sure. They're not immune to it and they will suffer. But they will also have opportunity to have joy. Living gives us that opportunity.
What do spooks have anything to do with that?
because ambitions and great accomplishments are just a way of avoiding pain as any other.
It is. The human species has amazing potential to end suffering permanently.
>ITT: people thinking pain is just physical and therefore only 3rd world countries suffer it
>lol it's ok I'll just give my kids an allowance
Every human being suffers some anxiety about existence itself. Remove the distractions and anchors and and you'll see how the pain is just lurking closely at every moment
>I could only try to give my children a good life to the best of my ability. If they want to mope around and cry then eh, I can't control everything they do or feel and I accept my limitations.
lmao the irony. typical life apologist parent of 5 apathy
>everything good that happens to my child is a direct result of my parenting, but everything bad CAN'T possibly be my fault
>my child is in suffering and most of it was probably directly caused by me? oh well I did the best I could :) good thing he cant blame me or else he'll be a terrible person
>But they will also have opportunity to have joy. Living gives us that opportunity
that's jumping in a meat grinder and saying you could have fun if you had internet and video games to forget you're there
You only give him his life, and all the interactions within It, An individual can make all the decisions he wants himself - but who created that opportunity, of course the parents are to blame.
Is quite similar to your logical conclusion
>But they will also have opportunity to have joy
At the fact that they aren't suffering? and then what? what does that joy do other than convince you to endure more suffering.
potential < reality
Even If we end our own suffering what about other creatures? what about those of the past?
What about the heat death of the universe?
seems like a long shot.
I have yet to hear a good argument as to why suffering is something that must be avoided at all cost. If people wish to suffer, let them suffer.
Well lets say your put in a situation where you can play video games and masturbate when ever, or get hit in the balls with a mace while trying to stop the bleeding with hot sauce - obviously you would play video games (If your not some masochist anyway)
This is the result of the pleasure principle.
asking why you would want to avoid suffering is like asking why you would wanna have a family with your oneitis other than biology and muh heritage.
No one wishes to suffer without feeling as though they deserve it, and without being born this need for repentance would be obsolete.
Life Is a circular cycle of sacrifice without a foreseeable goal.
>probably directly
>Sorry son. You might think it's the fault of that drunk driver that you were in a coma for two months and can't walk again but you see I'm the reason why. God why did I have to be so fucking stupid to bring another soul in this world if bad things are going to happen to it?
>You can't walk again. You are doomed to lifetime of failure. Things will never improve for you. This is the curse of life. So don't even try to improve or take value in anything you do or have
The meme that life is this horrible, painful agony that pricks at your skin until sweet death takes you in its arms is one of the most tepid and boring ones ever propositioned. People have suffered far worse than you or I have and they still see the value in living day to day because they're not weaklings
>sorry son. The reason you're a failure is because I never gave you any advice and wasn't a good role model
>sorry son. The reason you're suicidal is because I never gave attention to you and was fighting with your mom and avoiding being home for the last 20 years
you don't have to go to retarded absurd suppositions to make a point
>The meme that life is this horrible, painful agony that pricks at your skin until sweet death takes you in its arms is one of the most tepid and boring ones ever propositioned. People have suffered far worse than you or I have and they still see the value in living day to day because they're not weaklings
to cite a few
>because ambitions and great accomplishments are just a way of avoiding pain as any other.
What is your reasoning behind this?
Don't use confirmation bias.
If anything there should be a lot less humans. Human lives are worthless since there are so many of us.
>quantity = less value of 1
What is your reasoning behind this?
>The meme that life is this horrible, painful agony that pricks at your skin until sweet death takes you in its arms is one of the most tepid and boring ones ever propositioned.
So because It's boring to you It's incorrect? What do you think your journey from childhood Is? It's a crown of thorns slowly being placed over your head named "maturation"
>People have suffered far worse than you or I have and they still see the value in living day to day
So the old "at least your not African" argument -
Can you explain this value of living to me?
Maybe I'm just a man with too lofty of expectations but a reality that fills me with desire and then proceeds to spit in my face just isn't that desirable.
Why would anyone want to accomplish anything without a feeling of need to do so?
The need Is what I question, why need when their exist alternatives - we all know how needs end, satisfaction or not then eventual human death.
It's pretty easy to solve, people start to feel expendable when they find out their are 7 billion of us, maybe if we were on a couple different planets but we are just damaging this one atm. and people are starting to feel unoriginal, like pawns.
Christian psychopathy at its best and most unalloyed. I admire, if nothing else, your honesty
Fucking ingrates
Nobody says its deep. In fact its so obvious and follows such a simple set of premises once you are familiar with the concept you really wonder what, other than blithe optimism and obfuscation, could interfere with total understanding and acceptance of it.
Because they deserve nothing :^) Remember?
Life is easy
antinatalism isn't about scapegoating your parents. Its not about finding something to blame misfortune on. Its about recognizing birth as necessarily being a harm as all experience is subordinate to the appetites of a conscious entity. Carrots are for horses that exist already.