Just talk about philosophy here
/pg/ Philosophy General
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Is it worth going for a PhD if I want to write about/do research on Logic and Epistemology?
If you don`t care about being poor, sure.
To be?
Or not to be?
Ah yes, but what is existence?
Why on my last 2 years of school it feels like I was mostly taught a pessimist philosophy (covering the 1800 and 1900).
why does my cat fart.
and why does it smell like Chipotle despite my cats consumption of hard food
The competition is bone hard, you'll be forgotten by everyone except autistic people and you will be poor for the rest of your life.
Only do it if you really love the subject.
Aren't general threads discouraged on Veeky Forums?
analyse this
*sharts in your mouth*
So in other words, just self teach myself?
I know a prof. that wrote a book about locic about ten or some more years ago. He sold about 5000 copies of his work getting only 30 cents from each copy. Logic is worth studying, but only as a foundation of your work. Most people don´t want to hear: X is P. P is Q, thus X is Q, and abstractions like this.
I just finished my apprenticeship as an electrician and enrolled in an university for a major in Philosophy and a minor in History. I hope I'll be less stupid than now when I'm done with my degree.
What are some "modern philosophers" that say "you can't know nothing"?
Studied philosophy in undergrad. It destroyed my ability to have any concrete convictions. Now, I simply gather up interesting historical tidbits that reflect on the ideology of the time, without moral judgement. Even ongoing conflicts are really just an interaction of forces, like a pebble in the waves.
Do shitposters count as modern day philosophers?
As far as "there is no total, universal truth outside of what we choose to perceive as being such," you'd be in the POSTmodern part of philosophy. Not a movement I agree with, but a formidable and well-thought-out one.
Postmodernists / poststructuralists get a bad wrap because most grad students, the majority of which are wasting their fucking time essentially masturbating, lube their right-hand with half-read interps of Foucault, Deleuze and Derrida etc. Everyone wants to blame those philosophers for the ugly abortions that are most humanities grad papers / dissertations, but if you can separate the social buzz around them they're useful reads. Useful in a sparring-partner kind of way, even though that makes me sound like a faggot who pretends he spars when he reads.
Someone help me disprove the thing in itself
university professors aren't poor. Sure you wont have a Ferrari but you can live comfortably
what philosophy will get me a gf?
But you have to start smoking and drinking 6 espressos a day.
Philosophy is always controversial, you don´t want to be in a controversy with a girl, especially if you have an extreme opinion. Also it depends on the girl, some are extreme too and you won´t have a controversy about such matters. You could lie and just say yes it is true what you think, but do you really want to be a hypocrite to get a girlfriend? Best way is to take a girl that doesn´t think much about controversial matters, but where could you possibly find such a girl if you don´t know one already? Unity is important for a relationship, if you want a lasting one, but asking every girl about what they think takes more time than you have in your life, so you have to live with a compromise, that is take a girl which shares at least the opninions you care most about. And the best way is of course don´t ask random people on the internet how to get a girlfriend, get up your ass and ask any girl, you like to know about, what she likes and see if she likes you and if you like her.
That's a recipe for cancer.
If you do write about logic don't write it as a formal book. Give it the appeal of freakonomics or self-help books so it appeals to a wider base.
You'll get more money and will also spread more knowledge
Yep that is possible, avoiding formal logic and teaching logic in a concrete way by using self-help advice as premises. But the attention of die hard logicians will only get a formal book.
I don't understand the resolution to this paradox:
Considering how many philosophers were terrible with women, not likely
Someone explain Actual idealism to me.
Start with Bradus or Chadus, you'll be slaying tang and throwing a mean discus in no time
Is he just a meme or is his philosophy woke?
that which can be measured
This one right here, he got laid all the time in the show
>That's a recipe for cancer.
its a recipe for pussy
redpill them until they submit to your superior intellect
While approve of your efforts of "corralling" the philosophy threads, I think you're going to have to come up with a better initial post, if it isn't just going to fall into another bout of shitposting, and thus be ignored.
Like most generals - provide at least one extensively described topic, and a bunch of general philosophy links.
Former electrician, now service engineer who have done philosophy part time as a hobby here.
You'll obviously become smarter, but I wouldn't give up your paying job if you can avoid it.
The trade money is surely good enough to allow you to pursue philosophy as a hobby instead of a vocation?
almost a good post
Diogenes once approached a young man who was throwing stones at a group of men, the young man was the bastard son of a prostitute. Upon noticing what the young man was doing Diogenes said, "Careful son, you might hit your father!".
You're better off doing a PhD in continental meme philosophy desu.
Schoppy is the anti-dote to the eternal woman.
I want to dip my toes into philosophy. I already plan on starting with the Greeks but I want an overview first. Is Russell's History fine? What else is there?
I feel like Veeky Forums considers his work more philosophical profound than he does. From what I've seen he's essentially just a teacher and not a philosopher.
But kids on Veeky Forums have never read philosophy so they think Peterson invented archetypes, psychological analysis of religion, and everything else he talks about in clusmy ways.
Of the philosophers I do know I found Russel's explanations at best enclyopedia quoting with no real contextualizing into the greater whole of philosophy and at worst outright inept.
The logical failure is in the self refering sentence, it is a meta-sentence about itself which is a contradiction and thus logically false. The definition of a meta-sentence or statement or assertion if you wanna call it that way is that it is a sentence about ANOTHER sentence, a comment like any here on Veeky Forums, thus it is false from the beginning and using correct logic after that leads to false conclusions.
I spit over the border of China to Germany 2 foot wide. If this sentence is true, then China borders Germany.
I live in a country with free tertiary education, luckily my parents are able to support me financially and I already set aside some money. I don't have high standards for living and I can work during the university holidays.
I'm actually interested in getting 2 degrees, one in philosophy and one in engineering (probably electrical).
I struggled with depression for most of my live, I didn't have a good time in school, neither during the apprenticeship, so I thought I'd want to do one thing I enjoy for myself before I sell my soul to the system.
"It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late."
Was Cioran right?
Hey, same here. We also have free tertiary and I'm going to do philosophy and sociology. Hopefully sociology is going to land me some research. I have very little interest in natural sciences, which means I could never hope to excel in them.