How relevant was black man called Yasuke in Japan?
Some say he was considered exotic animal, others he WUZ first non-jap samurai with all the respects.
How relevant was black man called Yasuke in Japan?
Nobunaga liked weird shit, he saw his first black guy and wanted one
About as relevant as most retainers of important people of the time, which is to say not much.
Still, he really wuz the first western (lol) samurai n shiet
By all accounts, he was a capable retainer of Nobunaga's, and would have proved an intimidating sight at 6'2". A powerful and exotic warrior in Nobunaga's employ would obviously have enhanced his personal prestige, so his role should be fairly obvious.
>How relevant
Not relevant at all aside as foreign object of interest
After Nobunaga died he fled to Nanban quarter and rejoin the westerners, and that's his entire story and role for Japan
This pretty much. He was a retainer and people liked to look at the weird coloured Samurai. He was probably very close to Nobunaga too, and was present at the HonnÅ-ji betrayal.
He didn't flee, he fought with the Oda after Nobunaga's suicide and eventually surrendered to the Akechi forces, who out of not wanting to kill him, gave him to the jesuits.
The original weeb
Is it definitive proof blacks are per-dispositioned to weeabism?
Do you think OP is black? Cause there is no way he didn't """learn"""" about that guy from anywhere else than the game that is mentioned in the wiki-article.
OP here. i learned of him when watching Hyouge Mono which is anime mixed with historical figures, mostly about tea ceremonies and aesthetics.
then i saw him few more times - like on black fb pages between typical WE WUZ KINGZ NEVER 4GET. afaik he even has some dedicated fb emotes now.
was being 6'2 normal for a black dude back then?
I mean that's pretty fucking tall for the 1500s
6'2 isn't normal for a black guy now. The average height in africa today is like 5'8. The "blacks are tall meme" is mostly from well-fed black americans
>then i saw him few more times - like on black fb pages between typical WE WUZ KINGZ NEVER 4GET.
You are so full of shit. Why do underage /pol/ rejects like you make this shit up. Go ahead link to any one of these pages, and don't give any excuse like "oh the page is down but here's a screenshot or image from the page". I want dates, current dates of these pages you supposedly go to.
88rising videos 1874516779500984
not necessarily what i saw since i dont bookmark these, still something like this more or less.
also why so mad friendo?
Why do you bother. No one that matters will take that user seriously, and even if you were to change his course there would be another user just like him.
>All Africans are tall
You know, I'm starting to believe Veeky Forums or anyone in Western First world, has never actually seen that many Africans. Many Black Americans and Blacks in Europe may be usually tall, even then you can;t say every black man you meet will be tall. It's just dumb. There are plenty of short blacks let alone Africans.
>Uhm not a /pol/tard or that user but I actually use Fb a lot these days because I live and work in the outside world(unlike many here) and many people use social media to organize events and for business these days. Plus, I know a lot of people from University. There are plenty of fb fan pages and interest groups all about stuff Like the movie "Hidden Colors." one of them was actually a bit racist...that even most blacks called out. It's called Black Star Atlantic or something. To be fair though, most groups are about current issues.
Whoops, didn't mean to green text all that but you catch my drift.
You know I'm starting to believe Veeky Forums doesn't actually know a fucking before they decide to post.
Yasuke was described as 6'2 by a retainer of Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Alright fine, ok. I was just making a point about a trend I see often. Sorry for for snapping at you, user.
How did they get a photograph of him in the 16th century?
In any case, lots of European princes at the time had exotic servants and Nobunaga wanting to appear worldly needed one too.
Trying to attribute some sort of modern multicultural acceptance of different races and cultures into feudal Japan would be utterly foolish.
It's probably a recreation made specifically to sell to stupid gaijin.
its actually the first ethiopian ambassadors to japan
google it and you can find more pics
It's a shame the Japs didn't stand by Ethiopia and BTFO the Italians together, would have been hilarious
second from the right looks like a fat Jap in blackface.
The only really tall Africans are Tutsis and Nilo-Saharans.
t. 6'3 Jamaican American, tallest person in my family by far who's still alive
It's some kind of cultural shit, the Chinese and other East Asian do that, they hire people of other races because it enchance they prestige or whatever, you can get a job for being a blond, blue eyed dude in china, even if you are a retard.
I think it was Akechi than didn't even consider him a human being so how he was perceived wasn't set on stone.
>not wanting to kill him
Because Mitsuhide thought he was little more than a beast.
He's far less relevant than William Adams considering Adams helped to bring industry and trade to Japan as a personal retainer of Ieyasu.
The Japanese didn't really consider anyone to be truly human, or as human as they were really, so I wouldn't be surprised.