I was born supposedly "jewish" although I am an atheist, I hate judaism and all other religions.
I believe we evolved from the apes like darwin said and that there is no god.
I hate the "jews".
But my definition of "jews" is not racial , it's religious.
Those who practice/ believe in judaism.
I hate muslims too.
If I rose to power in the USA I would make the USA an atheist utopia.
I would round up all muslims,jews,christians,hindus,buddhists, and all other religous people and execute them.
I would burn all mosques,synagogues,churches and hindu temples to the ground.
I would change the motto of the USA to "In Reason We Trust" .
I also hate LGBT.
I would execute them too.
I wish I wasn't born "jewish",I hate judiasm
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mods pls ban Sam Harris
It's amazing how many supposed "atheists" are Jews.
I am not "jewish" I am an atheist.
I don't belive in judaism which is all spiritual bullshit like all other religions.
I hate the "jews" , i.e. those who believe and practice judaism.
Don't listen to the lies of shitler who made it a raical issue.
I hate judaism and all other religions.
I pee on jehova the imaginary god of the jews and on allah the imaginary smelly arab whom the smelly arabs worship.
I'm sorry they cut off a piece of your dick.
They had no right.
What a faggot
you are laughing but it it is wrong.
If I rose to power in the USA I would make it an atheist-capitalist utopia based on reason and the rule of law.
This is what I would do :
1 ) Immediately ban all religions forever .
2 ) kill all criminals - murderers,rapists,pedophiles and so on.
3 ) kill all lgbt as I hate them too.
I hate judaism and all religions.
>atheist utopia
No such thing.
I have a book called The worship of the serpent, which is devoted to several cultures that engaged into serpent worship, the book mentions a tribe that has no religion, they have no science either and there's nothing utopian about them, just mere savages.
You're Jewish because you were born Jewish. I'm sure you have a honker of a nose and are a cheapskate
at least I am not a sand nigger like you, you smelly arab/ paki/ persian/nigger/turk/afghan/indian.
>That's right goy, don't seek the alien God
>I believe in apes like Darwin said.
Nowhere in any of Charles Darwin's science fiction novels does it say anything on Human evolution. Due to his wife being devotedly religious.
It's cute how many outspoken "atheists", do not have base knowledge on any of the theories they believe in. While if you ask a Theologian, they can explain in-depth the scripture they follow.
>not Arab
Pick one habibi
I wonder how loving and tolerant those fathers would be if their twelve year olds started humping and the girl got pregnant with a culturally confused genetic freak...
So instead of trying to reason with people you will instead will go all out Stalin and murder everyone you disagree with? Boy I can't see where it will go wrong...still nice bait mate, nice bait
>Killing people because they are different
you can't reason with religious people, especially muslims.
They are brainwashed and primitive.
If I rose to power in the USA I would exterminate all religious people ( including nazis , the nazis were pro muslim, and nazism is a form of religion ) .
I would create an atheist - capitalist utopia.
Zero tolerance for crime.
>zero tolerance for crime
>i want to kill all religious people fuck this shitty bait thread
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules before posting again
You militant atheists are literally as bad as radical Islamists, Christists, et al. Absolute cancer.
I want to create paradise so i want enough power invested in me so i can kill people who i think are wrong
>rawr I'm ignorant
sounds like a piece of religious propaganda
there is no evidence or scientific reasoning for their assumptions I guess?
This is for you: youtube.com
Well, after skimming your tumour-infested posts, I too wish you weren't born.
Get your fucking head out of the gutter man
>hating religion
>hating faggots
How can you hate both?
Christ it must suck needing attention this bad, OP.
>when you ask an expert on something they can explain it in depth but when you ask somebody who is not an expert on something they cannot
wow retard amazing discovery you've made. maybe that would be more clever if every religious person could explain their faith in depth and you didnt have to say theologian.
>Veeky Forums - History & Humanities
>not sandniggers
Homosexuality was a crime in literally all atheist states. Many European Communist parties continue to be strongly anti-LGBT.