Why do westerners reject western spirituality and religion?
Why do westerners reject western spirituality and religion?
Other urls found in this thread:
Westerners have no spirituality
Asian mysticism is a lot of doddering whohockery
Because we are one human race. There is no such thing as westerners or western spirituality. We are all one human race
Therefore everyone is free to choose their spiritual path, regardless of the geographical location it comes from.
Because mass takes a gorillion years and we have shit to do.
because the rejection of spirituality is the greatest development in human history and it drastically improved the standards of living everywhere. We live in a secular society and we're better than you because of it.
You're welcome
t. white race
Never heard of Hermeticism? There used to be a whole thread that got posted here, many of the regulars of which were avid practitioners of Western AND Eastern spirituality. BUT, there was too much autism about how somehow a vast library full of historical documents and all kinds of research into comparative religion, spiritual phenomena, etc. was "Not related to History or humanities." So now this Board is all:
>Hitler did nothing Wrong
>*blocks your path*
>can we bring Hitler Back to life?
>The Holocaust was a Hoax
>Prove that (insert subjective opinion) isn't the best!
>I'm a self-hating JOO
>(insert /pol/ with dates)
>(insert shilling of personal ideologies)
This board was decent for like, a week(?). Basically until started shiting everywhere. meanwhile, the Janitors must be jacking off to all the hitler threads that are nothing more than /pol/ circle jerks and total;ly irrelevant. Even the ones that have potential to be relevant end up quickly derailing to MUH JOOS
It's been debunked by science
Would truly love to see some peer reviewed studies on the matter, if you have any links handy. Or even if you can just reference the article/journal, if you don't have the link(s) handy, it's probably something I could locate.
Buddhism is darkness and death.
>a vast library full of historical documents and all kinds of research into comparative religion, spiritual phenomena, etc. was "Not related to History or humanities."
It wasn't, it was childish /x/-tier hocus-pocus cant know nuffin rubbish that now thankfully has been quarantined to /x/.
Because they are taught to hate and fear it instead.
"the burden of proof is on you to debunk my imaginary friend"
Nice try fucko. Reason dictates you have to prove someonething exists, not that it doesnt. However despite that, the feasability of the myth, inconsistency in individual relgions, their historical significance, the studyy of newer religions, the patterns between various religions, the cherry picking that happens now-a-days, and a steady correlation between science explaining how everything works and the decrease in faith are pretty obvious signs that religion and god are bullshit (however natural and some may say necessary early in human history).
>It wasn't
Oh, really? Care to back that up. SOME of it may have been, but really, you're gonna need to use some citations to back that assertion.
The entire unpublishedWarburg collection is hardly "Not historical or humanities." But continue being butthurt, it's ok. We're sure you totally took the time to even look and see what was contained therein.
>Reason dictates you have to prove someonething exists, not that it doesnt.
Actually "reason" is merely an abstraction so it doesn't "dictate" anything.
Who is the one who said "It has been debunked by science!"? Now we are going from
>prove your assertion that 'spirituality' and 'religion' have been debunked by science
Nice attempt to change your narrative mid-post, though. There is a vast difference between "debunked by science" and "scientifically impossible to prove or disprove."
This post is so fedora I thought it was teleported back to 2010 for a second.
>Sumerian Mythology
>Studies in Comparative religion
>the entire history and rites of Freemasonry, an organisation that pretty much used to run the free, white world
>Semetic Mysticism
>Psychology of religion and spirituality
>Mystical Islam
Dee and Kelly manuscripts from the 15th century
"Not historical or related to humanities"
Ok, anonson. Must have been a hell of a liberal arts college you attended.
> actually
Reason is a way of thinking, so yes it can dictate things. If I asked you to reason through something and you ate a cake, then you would not be doing what I asked. So its not an abstraction, the only way that it is an abstraction is that it is an idea. But it is an idea with a set definition. Reason has a definition and thus Reason can dictate a way of thinking, specifically logical thinking.
Also way to pick up on the most pertinent subject matter in my discussion. You are what I call a petty debater.
Do you even know what the word "dictate" means? It requires authoritative power and as your cake analogy demonstrates, reason cannot compel someone to do something they do not choose to do.
I was not the user who said it was debunked by science you assuming idiot. But my point was that science does not have to debunk it because the burden of proof is on you not the other way around. There was no pivot in MY arguement. Also idk what you mean by the teapot thing.
Its an antireligous post that favors reason. I'll say fedora, that'll show him.
Why? Because you have no refutation for the fact that most texts in the library relate very much to History AND humanities? Nobody said we're bringing it back here, so you can hold onto your autism, just looking for an answer as to how documents that played large roles in the development of entire civilizations are not relevant to the topics at hand?
Oh you poor pseudointellectual. You are trying so hard to nitpick at my words and look like quite the idiot in doing so. Dictate has multiple definitions. One of them is to authoritatively give orders you are correct. Good job! Gold Star 4 u. But there is another definition that is "to give a principle that must be obeyed." So because reason is a certain way of thinking, ie logically, reason dictates that you use logic in your desicions. That was how I was using the word.
So if one subscribes to thinking reasonably then reason can certainly compel someone to act a certain way.
Well, maybe you should pay the fuck attention to what the conversation is about, then. I did not assert that "these things exist!" The user said they had been scientifically debunked, and I requested evidence for this. Holy shit you are fucking dense. Is your ADHD THIS bad?
Have read it. That is not a scientific refutation of either religion OR spirituality. Try again.
BTW, "scientific" doesn't mean "written by a scientist." It means "Using the scientific method to develop a hypothesis and conduct an experiment to test that hypothesis. You guys in Veeky Forums have a lower average IQ than is generally acknowledged.
If you subscribe to reason then it isn't compelling you; compulsion is something that overrides one's will.
Why do easterners reject eastern spirituality and religion?
Until you can give a sound, academic refutation of the relevance of the materials in that library to this board, there is nothing to do but assume you are a severely autistic fedora.
What on earth makes you think I am reigned in to the confines of your conversation with the other user? I also never said you asserted that god existed, but it would not be unfair to assume you did given the context. Still I never said you did. I was simply pointing out that the burden of proof was on you, making your convo pointless. Let me dumb it down for you:
user: Science proved god doesnt exist
You: Prove it
Me: The burden of proof is on you
You: REEEEEEEEEEE *literally cannot stop shoving controllers up his asshole*
I never said it compels you in the literal sense. You are the one who assumed thats what I mean. I said "reason dictates" as in "the principle of reason states." These are called figurative phrases as the principle of reason cannot dictate, it cannot compel, and it cannot state something. It can't even fuck your mom, even though everything else can. But just because you are apparently too autistic to understand English grammar does not make original point any less valid.
That's retarded. The user made a demonstrably false assertion, for which I requested evidence. That doesn't mean, oh, the user gets to make shit up anyway because really The Burden of Proof is on the believers so technically that somehow means that science really did debunk spirituality and religion.
Not even a "believer" per se, just someone who is calling people out for their bullshit, and apparently causing a LOT of butthurt in the process.
Yes reason is an abstraction that is my point.
modern westerners prefer religions in which sin doesnt exist.
modern westerners dont want to be forgiven for their sins, they want to be told they did nothing wrong instead.
The west has become jaded, but there is still a subversive microsociety that finds truth in mysticism.
Whatever happened to Ape? I miss his threads.
But mostly posts them in /x/
This particular update linked above was put together specifically for this board. But, as usual, too much autism and thread nuking attempts for people who would rather shill their ideologies than have frank discussions about the origins of civilizations and the practices of ancient man. Because those things "Aren't historical or related to humanities" according to some people, who cannot seem to defend their positions in any way. But the quality of Veeky Forums gets worse by the day, it seems. This thread is a prime example, along with all the Hitler-blowing threads and WE WUZ threads.
Tbf the texts themselves are historically relevant but the discussions inside the threads (I regular them) are undoubtedly paranormal.
How are you this dense? I have never defended the other user. My original statement actually puts him in the wrong. I fucking agree with you on the fact that science has not disproven the existence of god. Where I disagree with you is on the burden of proof. The burden of proof is always on someone making an assumption off the baseline. If you claim something exists you have to be able to prove it. The burden of proof is not on the people who are claiming the baseline. If you and I are in a room and I say there is third person in the room, it is on me to prove it. Not on you to disprove it. Otherwise there are an inumerable amount of things that people have to waste their time trying to disprove. Not to mention that the criteria of what you would have to disprove are impossible. You are saying prove to me that something that is invisible, intangible, does not really exist in your physical universe exists. That would be insane. Therefore the burden of proof is on the person making the claim.
If you are not a believer. All you had to do was say. "Im actually not a believer I was just pointing out that science hasnt disproven god." The I would have said "Oh ok, I was pointing out the same except clarifying that the burden of proof was on those that claim there is a god."
Depends on the location. Discussion of the contents of the library could be considered "oaranormal" but it's really in reference to historical documents. It would have been absolutely fine if the autists over here just used the "Hide Thread" function instead of shitting up the threads and reporting them as quickly as they rotate their fidget spinners. The Updates in the Veeky Forums threads were always particularly aimed at the historical and humanities aspects of the occult, as opposed to the updates that were posted in the /x/ threads. That's why he was posting on both, depending on the content he happened to be uploading.
It's not westerners but people of modernized societies who do because of the obvious detriments modernization and industrialization represent to society. Even '1950's' religiosity is bland compared to medieval culture.
Re-read my last post please. I never argued that reason is not an abstraction. I simply explained that my use of the word was not incorrect and the fact that it is an abstraction does not matter. Your point is moot.
Hehe. I will leave it up to the judgement of anyone reading here. You just keep dancing in circles like a tard. Read your posts, read my posts, and let's see who is making sense here.
*represent to religion/spirituality.
To be fair western spirituality and religion isn't really western. It's just dunecoon stuff forced upon us by those bastard preachers.
>All you had to do was say (you think like me)
>and I would have stopped sperging out and talking out of my ass
Funny how that works.
Fine by me
> all you had to do was say you think like me
Wtf are you taking about. He doesnt think like me. But he could have clarified that he wasnt a believe so I would have then used a different subject matter and it would all have been over much sooner.
And how was I sperging out of my ass? I kept explainging what I said because he kept assuming I was defending the original guy he was talking with. He doesnt get the burden of proof concept and somehow I'm the asshole. This isnt a new concept.
For all the flak it gets western Buddhism is probably more focused on authentic Buddhist values than the practices of traditionally Buddhist. Also the alleged hive character of eastern peoples is in some ways more adverse to some Buddhist concepts such as "wandering alone like a rhinoceros" as opposed to the alleged individualism of the West.
Why the fuck not?
Why should anyone give a fuck if it comes from here or there? Christianity came from the "east"
>B-But the beliefs of muh ANCESTORS!
Typical mentality of a retarded Veeky Forums LARPer
By western spirtuality you mean paganism right?
Christianity is just as alien to the western mind as buddhism is, only difference is that we've been christian for far longer.
Besides, western buddhism has become very distinct from traditional forms of buddhism.
Well in pre-Christian times Europeans might have found more commonality with Indic traditions and even East Asian traditions by extension than they would with Abrahamic faiths. Today the situation is opposite.
>Started within the Roman empire
>Holy scriptures composed in Greek
>Alien to the western mind
I mean,
>So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.
We found out centuries ago that the sun doesn't move in relation to the earth, it's the earth's rotation.
>After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.
We know know that the earth is an oblate spheroid with no corners, and it's this principle that contibutes to the winds, not 4 distinct entities.
We know that the order in which God created the parts of the world in the book of Genesis does not even match the way the earth developed in even a rough metaphorical sense.
And on top of that, we know that the Jews were never slaves in Egypt making the entire book of Exodus seem like a fabrication.
If you look at all the distinct times the stories and statements about how the universe works have been proven wrong by science, an image begins to emerge of a premodern people simply making things up to explain their world around them rather than recieving divine truth from an omniscient creator.
The Latin Mass at my local parish is about 40 minutes long.
Yeah and it's a shortened version of the earlier mass which shows the direction spirituality in modernly societies goes.
>Nobody said we're bringing it back here
In helping to substantiate the actual relevance and soundness of the texts to the board, I've listed the various uni or academic publishers that released said book, for most entries where I think it matters.
>most texts in the library relate very much to History AND humanities
>nd, academic refutation of the relevance of the materials in that library to this board
Most critics of the library content never actually bother to check publishers. I've had to walk more than one user through the process of verifying that the majority of them are from reputable academic outfits, like Brill.
>thinking he can bring *actual*History and Humanities to Veeky Forums
>Instead of using them as background to shill his ideology and feelies, as is the custom here
Get a load o' THIS guy!
How is it a shorter version of the Mass? By definition all Mass is supposed to be is celebration of the Eucharist. It was actually a lot shorter around 300 AD when the Church became an actual institution. No homily was given (the priest addressing the congregation). Since then, the duration varies. It was never a five hour ordeal of playing with snakes and speaking in tongues. You show up, take Communion, cross yourself, and speculate all of the things that a religious background in the Catholic Church implies. Here we are 2 millennia later; still the cultural bedrock of western civilisation whether the fedoras like it or not.
idk I'm a hopeless romantic.
I will say that I find it odd that Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, religious theory and practice is admitted but once you stray too far from that baseline the board objects strongly.
tbf It's NOT actually my fault if someone sees a huge cache of like Manly Hall's alchemical collection in Latin and French or Abhinavagupta's philosophy of aesthetics but in turn asks me about suckyoubii, tulpae, and spoopy ghosts.
Even on THAT note, I put in way more effort here some days as far as synchretizing easy to stitch articles and historical materials for threads (history of Freemasonry, history of Tantra, history of [w/e]).
>Dat pic
(music notes) Do you feel what I Feeeel?(music notes)
So is Christianity
>the combined experiences of WWI and WWII
>media-industrial complex which does everything in its power to make the public as consumerist as possible
>the population sink/Bowling Alone effect of intense urbanization
*0.02 shekels have been deposited to your account*
Christianity has lost its vitality and cant satisfy western man anylonger. Way is alchemy