Get in Veeky Forums. There's still time to redeem yourselves.
Get in Veeky Forums. There's still time to redeem yourselves
By posting meems and playing videogames?
Plato is looking down on you heroes of philosophy from Haven. Godspeed!
>a xenophobic old man, a slutty pedophile, a cartoon frog, and a libertarian youtuber
What happened to the ideal national socialists back in Hitlers time, the socially adjusted, working-class, athletic young men?
>thinking Milo and Nigel just play video games when they literally don't have any videos about it
Got any more strawmen?
You mean that Helleno-Jewish niggerfucker?
state 1 (one) logical argument
This image is violating board rules.
He's talking about you faggots that worship trying to 'save civilization' on a tibetan shell collecting forum.
They are lost children who have no real leaders.
Not an argument
>a crooked politician
>a hack """intellegtual""" from youtube
>a litteral faggot
>take the redpill, like in this movie by those two broth...i mean sisters
>trumptard hat
>reddit frog
Back the fuck off to pol kiddo
>implying there's anything wrong with being gay
So is it him? I don't really orient well in e-celebs.
Go back to your containment board
You didn't state any points against "saving civilization".
Pence seems to think so.
>>implying there's anything wrong with being gay
Not at all what was implied. You're misstaking being gay for being Milo-tier faggot.
>get criticized for being useless fags who just post memes on the internet
>immediately retort with a molymeme
You are the argument.
But it wasn't an argument
What the fuck do this have to do with Veeky Forums?
What subject?
>This is not /pol/ with dates
It's an opportunity to study modern internet /pol/-lite humanity
Stop making pointless threads that have nothing to do with history you retarded rightwingers and cocksucking leftists !
As a retarded rightwinger, I agree. This is not the place for it.
Again, what subject? Because so far it's just shitposting. I'm giving you an honest chance to not look like a faggot.
>a self hating faggot
>a smug quasi intellectual
I guess Farage is ok, even tho he lied like all politicians do. He's also funny so that's a plus.
Yeah, no thanks
A thread died for this.
No thanks
If you ain't down with race realism then I ain't down with you, not my kind of redpill sorry m8
No nigger lovers
Philosophy, the OP was a voicing of what some people consider to be their fundamental nature, and this thread is a chance to comment on it.
I'm going to chime in my thoughts while bumping this shitty thread to the top of Veeky Forums
let the thread die dammit !
Sargon and Milo are just voices of the Alt-Lite. They are faggots.
>pseudo intellectual youtuber.
>one of the sleaziest politicians.
>faggot opportunist who is also a pedo sympathizer.
>a fucking cartoon frog.
Ah yes, these are the saviors of western civilization.
I presume those croaking about our man Nigel are mere frustrated Europeans exasperated at the mounting failures of their tottering neo tour de babel
How about you make arguments instead of using buzzwords pal
Where did you find this image? Who made this?