What was with all the Irish hate in America?

What was with all the Irish hate in America?

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They were papists

They were foreign, and they had a dumb singsongy accent, also low education/ dimwitted , there were also a lot of them

however, at least they weren't short and brown

Poor catholics are a bane to society. Luckily they had a work ethic and took good jobs in law enforcement, fire fighting, etc., and made something of themselves. Assimilated, you might say.

Don't worry
Mexicans will be the majority soon.

their major advantage was that they could somewhat already speak the English language

1. Very few Irish immigrants to the US spoke English, and Irish is quite a guttural harsh-sounding language
2. They were majority Catholic which was treated with quite a lot of suspicion
3. Irish people at the time dressed quite distinctively so they stood out

you can't be the majority when your entire county has less population than the country you're infecting

>Assimilated, you might say.
Yeah, having the same skin color and most of the same facial features as the dominant culture helps with that, one or two generations in, once the accent and the more dramatic cultural disconnects are gone.

no they wont, that would require putting effort in

This wasn't really the case until much later on. During the biggest waves of Irish immigration in the 19th century Latin was more widely spoken amongst the poor Irish than English was.

le what

Not him but I've heard a similar anecdote and it makes sense. I think it might be Jonathan Swift who commented on it. The sort of Irish who immigrated to America didn't have any exposure to English at all, but they'd have exposure to Latin several times a week.

In his History of Ireland from Ancient Times until the Present Day, Edward Alfred Dalton remarks that barely any members of the Irish Parliament could speak English in the 1600s, and they were agents of the English crown, so most likely the povertous Irish who emigrated to America wouldn't have been able to speak it much better.

Just look at German-americans and how much shit they got. They were forced to renounce their culture and change their names once WW1 hit. A couple guys who spoke German in public were lynched.

Americans hated Catholics, since colonial times up to JFK, who was accused of being not legally able to be president because Catholics would take orders from the Pope.

only because Germany went to war against the world, engaged in submarine warfare against americans, and tempted america's neighbors to attack them in treachery

They were catholics and weren't "white"

American Protestants are the worst.

>t. Hans Frederick Otto Müller

Irish and Catholics were not non-white and hated since the begginig, that come later when Americans started doubting about their own witheness and began calling other non-whites to feel better about themselves.

Have you ever met an Irishman?

>weren't "white"
That's a myth.

no, they heard latin once a week at mass, it was more likely they spoke gaelic, but even then that is a stretch

Can't say that I have

Black people used to be called smoked-Irish. Because Blacks were seen as like the Irish but with black skin.

>Irish weren't considered white
Stop this memery.

I said that Irish were white, then they were labelles as non-white cause that´s what Americans do.

Oh, people hated the Germans long before that. Just look at the know-nothing party.

Heck, prohibition was partly established because many protestant rural-folk wanted to talk the alcohol away from the Catholic city-folk, whom they saw as degenerate and ruining America.

That's what people have been saying about Catholic immigrants since America was first founded.

this pretty much

They weren't labeled non-white at any point of their history in America. And it's easily provable by the fact they were eligible for naturalization, per laws only white people could get naturalized.

>what is having kids

Mostly the Catholic thing. But as someone who is Cajun and grew up Catholic in Louisiana dont lump us in with them. The Irish deserve the hate. They are traitors and hypocrits every last one. Literally sided with Hitler.

>literally sided with hitler
poor bait

>sister fucking, gator chasing, swamp dwelling, broken French speaking, meth snorting inbred impoverished trailer trash trying to talk down in anyone

>What was with all the Irish hate in America?

Most Irish were catholics- And the KKK hates catholics. Same with italians

British propaganda had spent centuries telling everyone the Irish were backwards savages, then enslaving or conscripting them.

Pretty much every complaint people had about blacks, or mexicans, or Italians.

The only difference is that Italians and irish started getting jobs as police,fire, etc. So it's a lot harder to discriminate when they can arrest you and beat the fuck out of you behind a dumpster because you called them a mick or a guido

>American Protestants are the worst.
They've literally sponged off the work of every other people to set foot on american soil, while complaining those hard working groups were ruining america

It's crazy how the Irish took over the and utilized the police force. I remember reading an article when some Mick mobster wanted to get rid of some Slavs, so he sent an Irish cop to their neighborhood to harass them until they got fed up with his shit, beat him up and dumped him into a river.

Ironically, the Irish and Italians and such became police officers because nobody else wanted the dirty job of beating up Irish and Italian people.

Being a police officer is a shit job. Think of how shitty a situation has to be for a cop to be called in. But the pay is good, it has decent benefits, and confers respect. Which makes it perfect for a demographic that's hard-working but socially undesirable.

A lot of them also bought extra-hard into the American Dream, so being a cop was seen as a civic duty. If you got to help your cousin out of a jam? So much the better.

Add on to that how many Irish/Italian men served in the military with honors, and worked New Deal work programs building parks, bridges, etc., and it's a recipe for telling stuffy WASPs to sucka dick.

Anglos are like kikes, they shun manual labor, are soft, physically weak and effeminate as fuck and always use others to do their bidding. Those Anglos in America who actually worked hard and weren't pampered spoiled sissies - the southerners - all had a significant degree of Scottish, Welsh and protestant Irish blood, not pure English.

end yourself you cancer

even with their clown car vaginas, mexicans aren't the only ones that have children

Hey relax friend. WASPs have bad blood pressure after all. It's not your fault almost all of America's Greatness comes from hard-working immigrants.

want to try that again and get it right this time?

>Those Anglos in America who actually worked hard and weren't pampered spoiled sissies - the southerners

Southern plantation WASPs are the most useful fucks in the country m8. Literally got pissy and started a war because they found out they'd have to pay people to pick cotton for them. And then got their shit pushed in so hard they desperately cling to confederate flags and statues while their grandkids fuck Gaelic Dick from NY

what a load of shit that is

I didn't mean the sissy planters, I mean the average white cracker toiling hard in the humid southern weather.

Whean I think Italian I think of manly urban street gangsters, when I think of Irish and the Slavs I think of hardass muscular dock workers, when I think of Germans I think of stern butchers and grain farmers doing backbreaking labor, but when I think of Anglos I imagine a sickly, spoiled faggot, something like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. Hilariously enough that character fits the WASP stereotype as much as he fits the jew stereotype.



The telephone was created by an immigrant. Ralph Baer, one of the pioneers in video games, was an immigrant.

>I mean the average white cracker toiling hard in the humid southern weather.

Fair enough.

don't care

>>proven wrong
>>I-I-I- don't care, E-e-eternal Anglo 5ever!

WASPs eternally BTFO.

The white house was even designed by an irishmen.

I am not proven wrong

they didn't invent anything in their own country

go back to sucking dicks

When America was an Anglo country it was a backwater post-colonial shithole, it was the white European immigrants, and especially the Germans who made America into a superpower. Had America stayed an Anglo country it would become Canada 2.0, just with more niggers.

>>Fuck you Anglos invented things, they didn't sponge off the work of immigrants!
>>Get BTFO with facts
>>So? Immigrants did all the h-h-hard work! You're s-still wrong

WASPs are cancer.

You're history illiterate

keep sucking that dick lmao

t. Nigel Shufflebottom

t. doyle o'doyle

>Anglo sodomite can only think about cocks

>sucks dicks

>thinks he has room to talk

>reddit spacing


Canada is good and i say thos as an american. Second america already experienced explosive growth before the mass of irish came in the late 1840s onward.

Fuck off Archer.

Canada is an irrelevant country with a communist cuck for a prime minister, where you can get arrested for misgendering trannies and insulting muslims, their cities have been overtaken by the Chinks and the only part of the country that's actually redeemable is full of frogs. Their diplomatic and military power is non-existent and so is their cultural identity, which can basically be boiled down to not being quite British and not being quite American.

What is this even a chart of?

Filename m8. Irish as a first language.

they went [spoiler]white[/spoiler] Saxon

My man you really need to learn more about countries and not take everything /int/ and /pol/ say as an actual representation of a country.

>no argument

Ahh. Sorry. I guess my argument is that you are using all the memes you learned online to describe an entire country in less than a paragraph, that "their PM is a cuck" is both untrue in the textbook definition of the word and that you couldn't even give me the definition of cuck if you tried, and that your racist diatribe against Chinese expats and French Canadians is not based in any reality other than a headline or two you read on /int/. My argument boils down to saying that you have not said anything and that if pressed you could not elaborate on a single one of your positions.

Fortunately the depressing effect on the birth rate that wealth and opportunity has will get them same as whitey, soon enough.

t. reddit

Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

I am an American WASP, ask me anything

They started shit wherever they went. The New York Draft riots were started by the Irish and they were particularly fervent in their white supremacy all around. The largest anti-Asian movements on the west coast wee spearheaded by Irish. They generally started fights with every racial demographic in America, on sight.

Can't fucking wait. 2050 can't come soon enough.

don't forget the banks

>Irish is quite a guttural harsh sounding language

It is in it's fuck, we have a very fluid, sing song sort of language


>Very few Irish immigrants to the US spoke English, and Irish is quite a guttural harsh-sounding language

nah, if you look at old shipping manifests most of them spoke english and gaelic

would be better with some gerald of wales anti-irish quotes at the bottom

I actually looked at a 18th century Dutch ship log for my BA dissertation and for some reason the Irish who only spoke Irish were their own section but the Irish who spoke English as well were grouped together with the Scots on board

That doesn't really have much relevance but I thought it was neat

"Irish" was a dead language until they memed it back to life in the 20th century.

>"Irish" was a dead language
In the 18th century? I think not my guy

but it "died" within a hundred years of it being brought back to life.

>at come later when Americans started doubting about their own witheness and began calling other non-whites to feel better about themselves
Because shitskins were nowhere near an existential threat to White America (as is how it should be) until the 1965 Immigration Act.
Nowadays the white share is 58% of the population, and dropping fast. You are a fool if you think people aren't going to notice that

OP, to your question, it works somewhat along the same lines. Oirish immigrants came in in pretty large numbers, and the Anglo-dominant culture of America didn't want to see their children growing up as drunken potato-niggers

Thanks for the example.

should have stayed so

like welsh

fuck's sake what a doggerel tongue

hardly, I'm giving some twat the only response for which he's deserving

Many of the Irish people came after hunger issues in their country. Maybe frustration and flashbacks from those post-crisis ecounters caused them to be dick-ish and shit. Americans probably didn't liked the attitude of those 'humble' fellows.

As an Irishman who's seen his country flooded with 150 thousand or more shit eastern euro immigrants I can kinda see where you're coming from.

ah! shoe's on the foot now eh paddy? :D

>Mexicans literally trying to take over the country
>Jews up to no good as usual
>Blacks stealing and that
>Hurr I hate the Irish ughh

It's in the old blood, me greeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaat uncle lead a new model army in paddy land.

>The state of Protestants
