Why does the afrocentrist perception of Egypt prevail when the Fayum portraits exist?
Why does the afrocentrist perception of Egypt prevail when the Fayum portraits exist?
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Every piece of evidence is part of a mega-conspiracy by whitey.
Because many people in the US fail to accept that the middle east is host to its own family of races that are neither white nor African in nature.
"He looks light skinned" and to be fair I know black Americans that look like him and other Fayum
He looks like a Med, not like a nigger.
Its doesn't
Tbqf I know quadroons that have that hair and look
yeah but we are talking about mixed blacks, not congo-tier melanin people
American blacks are mongrels
Don't forget the darker Southern/Upper Egyptians. Plenty of them would be considered "black" by modern standards. Of course, they are unrelated to African Americans who came mostly from West Africa
And them today
Egypt had Nubians and Egyptians. But that's too much for people to comprehend.
Upper Egyptians and Nubians were pretty much the same racially although you also had sprinkles of black south-Sudanese type people too. Lower and Central Egypt folks looked like OP's pic.
Just like right now
Mulattos and quadroons unsurprisingly end up looking middle eastern. Pic related, Kaepernick's mulatto.
Right, Axum/Nubia/Ethiopia were all clearly black, but relatively unrelated to West Africans and New World blacks.
Stop using the word "African" as a synonym of "black". Subsaharan Africa shouldn't even count as real Africa.
I'd include Ethiopia in with "Africa", but that's just me.
American niggers are literal brainlets, they actually would have a more legit argument if they claimed to be Anglos than claiming to be Egyptian, since the average black American carries 15% to 20% white, mostly Anglo genes. But I guess they are emotionally unable to cope with the fact they're literal rape babbys and mongrels.
Sudan as well.
Because those are Ptolemys.
>Inb4 le smug light skin Alexandrian at the top and Cushitic Bejas equated with Nilotic Nobiis at the bottom.jpeg
Really the portraits do resemble many modern Egyptians and people from all over the region for that matter but it doesn't account for all Egyptians throughout history.
Look at this Saudi Salafist. Is this purely a product of slavery too?
What are you talking about
Plotemy era but they're native Egyptians
This desu
Is he an example of slave descent or is he representative of a prevalent phenotype in the North/East Africa Near East region. It looks to me that E1b1b distribution is like the North/East African Near East equivalent to the Indo-European expansion.
iirc some of them were greek
They were all Greek, I will never understand the "Ptolemys were Egyptian" meme.
>"This suggests that an increase in Sub-Saharan African gene flow into Egypt occurred within the last 1,500 years"
AKA the Muslim conquest of Egypt partially niggerized the population.
Sub-Saharan doesn't mean anything black the native ancestry of Egyptians is black. Genes don't exist in a vacuum.
Fuck off Jamal
Deal with it.
>deal with my made up fantasies
>take DNA from post conquest nobility
>Use as the foundation for all Egyptians of all time.
Where did the practice of Egyptian style mummification come from?
Subsaharan is a relatively new and racialized term, unscientific.
This "study" is hilariously flawed and biased agenda pushing.
>I know black Americans that look like him and other Fayum
African-Americans have like 30% European ancestry, so that's why they look nothing like pure African blacks
Isn't light Skinned another name for Mulato/quadroon? I seen american "blacks" with green eyes, pale skin and blond hair.
Mulatto is half black, half white.
Quadroon is quarter black, 3/4 white.
I know, it seems it means anyone with any degree of black and white blood.
When were these portraits made? Egypts history is a couple of thousand years, a lot can happen in that time.
how is a scientific study of mummy DNAagenda pushing? If its flawed or biased, explain how. Merely asserting it doesn't make it so. DNA testing is not biased. Also what conquest are you referring to? These mummies cover a large period of egyptian history. Why can't you just let go and accept reality for what it is? Egypt is not in sub-saharan africa and african americans and west africans have no relation to egyptians, anceint or modern, whatsoever
What do you mean "prevail"? The afrocentrist perception of Egypt is a minority view.
I get that afrocentrists are low hanging fruit, but Chr-st, no one cares.
If a game as historical accurate
as assassins creed says
egyptians were black
, exept the evil ones, they are probably right
Because they should study mummies from earlier periods instead of drawing conclusions from mummies of a very specific time period. Also how does one draw conclusions about an entire population from a select few extremely high class individuals. It would be like finding obama's corpse in the future and concluding that all Americans were black. I never said that Egyptians are related to black Americans, but the vast majority would be considered black by conventional standards, and all evidence points to the mass of the population and culture originating from the south ie. Ethiopic.
Why does Egyptians being black bother white people so much.
>Because they should study mummies from earlier periods
why? because you beleive those mummies were black and therefore only they should be DNA tested? why not test mummies from any period?
>Also how does one draw conclusions about an entire population from a select few extremely high class individuals.
As far as I'm aware they haven't drawn conclusions about the whole pooulation. But ancient egyptians of all classes have been tested with similar results.
>Why does Egyptians being black bother white people so much.
it doesnt, egyptians not being black bothers hoteps. Other people are just bothered by bullshit and people deluding themselves
Only nobility was mummified, so Egyptians of all classes were not tested.
As far as testing earlier mummies, to know who the ancient Egyptians were it is important to know their cultural origins, and they have much more cultural continuity to other Nile civilizations than the civilizations from the north.
Ancient Egypt likely became multicultural a very long time ago, but human migration patterns alone dictate that their civilization and culture followed the flow of the Nile.
>Only nobility was mummified,
wrong, and you don't need mummies to test human remains.
>As far as testing earlier mummies, to know who the ancient Egyptians were it is important to know their cultural origins, and they have much more cultural continuity to other Nile civilizations than the civilizations from the north.
they were a combination of nilotic civilisation and levant civilisation
>Only nobility was mummified, so Egyptians of all classes were not tested.
Wouldn't that mean that the nobility was near-eastern?
Yes, post invasion Egypt was a multicultural society with those that conqured it at the top. They were not native Egyptians.
There is a reason that southern Egypt was referred to as "upper" Egypt and northern Egypt was "lower" Egypt. Because the indigenous people and culture were derived from the south.
Do you have any idea how expensive mummification would have been? Even by today's standards. Only the most wealthy would have been able to afford it.
Levantines were not native Egyptians, they were from the levant.
>Levantines were not native Egyptians, they were from the levant.
Do you know how long ago they came to egypt? Technically no one is native to anywhere
"The best and most expensive kind is said to represent [Osiris], the next best is somewhat inferior and cheaper, while the third is cheapest of all" (Nardo, 110).
By native I mean they were not the original inhabitants or the source of Egyptian culture.
No, top tier mummification is expensive. But primitive mummification is so easy you can do it in your garage.
I somewhat agree with this but it's messy because we have to define what constitutes "native". The earliest inhabitants of future Egypt were certainly south-sudan type folks. The earliest waves of west asian migrations mixing with these populations are what produced the various afro-asiatic populations probably around the neolithic. Egypt has probably been constantly absorbing subsequent waves of these migrations and invasions throughout its time which explains the fairer lower Egyptians like those portraits show. In a sense, they're all native also have varying degrees of west asian mixture. Only more definitive studies in the future along with more remains will tell for sure.
I don't know why you always post Ethiopians in Egypt threads. Why not simply post pics of actual upper Egyptians instead? That's like posting a picture of Greeks in a Roman thread. Yeah they're both indo-european but why not just go straight to the point and post who it is you're talking about directly? Because you're that Ethiopian Afrocentric guy that's why I suspect . I'm the Ethiopian-American you called a ferenj before lol
To exaggerate my point. Most modern Egyptians have been far more thoroughly arabized, so do not in anyway retain pre-Islamic Nile culture. The borders of modern Egypt do not constitute "Egypt" in its entirety when we talk about ancient Egypt, because they were drawn up by Brits in the 19th century. I'm not Afrocentric, I'm a legit anthropologist.
*drawn up by arabs and then blamed on the brits by liberals and arabs because arabs fucked up their own countries
like I said, the source of egyptian culture was earlier levant culture and nilotic culture. So yes they are the source of egyptian culture
>post invasion Egypt
Which invasion are you referring to? Because there were dozens.
Until blackness is unseen.
Mariah Carey is considered Black, Nicole Richie is mixed race.
But if Nicole Richie spent her career proclaiming her blackness she'd be received as a black woman.
Thin line but makes sense.
By the time levantines got there, people were already there. People that were already practicing mummification and animism. People that came from the south. How is this so difficult to understand.
That's only because Americans are literal imbeciles who don't know how human genetics work. This guy is unironically considered "black" in America, shows you how retarded that entire country is.
One drop rule. Because of that blacks come in a vast spectrum of shades and phenotypes. Virtually all black Americans are mixed to varying degrees.
Those Black Americans are probably Mulattos. The origins of Light Skinned Black Americans lies in European admixture
And in that respect they are similar to Egyptians while not being directly related to them.
A comparable type of ethnogenesis.
It's kind of comical how the American blacks think of themselves as a racially homogenous group and hate the white man, yet literally their entire identity was created by the white man. If you teleported someone like Mariah Carey into the Congo tomorrow, nobody there would consider her African.
That's part of the reason why Pan Africanism is so retarded, but you can't really blame them.
They weren't allowed to retain their individual cultures, so they can't really be blamed for not having an identity. It's even worse when you consider that African brotherhood didn't stop one tribe from selling off their brothers as slaves
They never had an individual culture outside of an American one. They are a uniquely American ethnic group, literal products of American history.
Yeah screaming black power, kill whitey is like saying fuck Star Trek in Klingon or adopting satanism because you hate christianity.
he'd be considered mixed race, both black and white
All of this debate over black or not is pretty foolish. Look, there were numerous decades of Egyptian Ruling families. There were those black skinned dynasties, but they were not native Egyptians. Native Egyptians were a ethnic identity that shifts drsmatically over the thousands of years it existed. The Ancient Egyptians were keen to depict themselves as lighter than Black People but Darker than Levantines. So they are a dark brown color. Why do you people get so hung up on the Melanin content of a peoples that existed thousands of years ago. To claim ancestry of a civilization several thousands years old is a bit foolish. If you people, black, brown, olive skinned, white, whatever claim ancestry to an Ancient peoples why don't you just get your genome traced and shut up about it. The proof is in the fucking Pudding
Why is it called Africa when Europe ia distinguished from Asia despite the Russian steppe being way less a barrier than the Sahara?
>high class
>admitting the high class people were not black
Therefore, they wuzn't kangs.
Are you implying that middle easterners have a lot of Sub-Saharan admixture? Because thats mostly not the case. And they guy in your pic looks more ethiopian
Blacks are from Africa
Egypt is in Africa
Therefore Blacks are from Egypt
Simple as that, crackers
Arabs are in Asia
China is in Asia
Therefore Arabs are from China
Simple as that, crackers.
A better question is why the fuck does the cleopatra was black meme continue when she was a literal greek
Because Cleopatra and king Tut are probably the only Egyptian rulers the average niggers know.
Go fuck yourself you memeshitting brigading faggot
South Egyptians still retain their phenotype though despite cultural arabization which by the way is definitely more admixed looking than most Habeshas. The soft hair texture that only some of us have seems ubiquitous there. Culturally, we seem to be of local Cushitic Agaw with south arabian influnces. Not really that ancient egyptian. I cringe every time you refer to us as the true successors or something of the Egyptians.
Isn't this reddit lingo? You have to go back.
>getting triggerd by a commonly used word
Ironic considering that retards constantly injecting their politics into every fucking board goes against the original culture of the site which was a haven for anime loving autist shut-ins; also
the only people that think that negrocentrism "prevails" are memeshitters that are only pretending or memehuffers that are so high off of /pol/ jenkem that they think negrpcentrism is a widely held opinion and not just the realm of fringe lunatics and idiots
define a lot, even levant nations have like 10% sub-saharan genetics
You're the one using reddit vocabulary you faggot while complaining about the word prevail.
>how do you do fellow four channers
>let me tell you about your website
>lighter than Black People but Darker than Levantines. So they are a dark brown color.
levantines at the time werent brown for the most part. About as "brown" as southern europeans
>even levant nations have like 10% sub-saharan genetics
more like 2-5%
West africans have about the same white ancestry than palestinians(levant) have black ancestry.
black americans have A LOT more white ancestry than levant peoples have black
If blacks in america can be considered black, then even mozambites and bedouin should be considered white - not to mention levant peoples
i'm so sorry
I never said ethiopians were the true successors or anything like that. There are simply commonalities in Nile cultures, which have been far better preserved outside of modern Egypt's political boundaries than within it.
>not to mention levant peoples
at least 20% of lebanese and syrian people are white, you wouldn't be able to tell they are "arabs" from looking at them, unless you're familiar with what white semites look like and have a good eye.
negrocentrism simply doesn't """prevail""" you dumb cunt
stop huffing memes or read a dictionary, whatever your malfunction is
Hello r/the_donald
he looks fucking egyptian
not black not white
There is no definitive way of determining their melanin content akin to that of a southern European (if so then where in Southern Europe). I also would insinuate their complexion if anything was just olive skinned like the other peoples of the eastern Mediterranean. So yes, if your peoples uniformly portray themselves as a reddish brown and yellow, depending on your gender (characteristic through out the Bronze Age E. Med.) And you depict Levantines as Olive skinned, Nubians as Black, and Libyans as a lighter Olive complexion (pretty white actually) than the Levantines. Then I would in fact say that the Egyptians were lighter than the Black skinned Nubians and darker than their olive skinned neighbors, they were probably as they depicted themselves (to some extent of course) brown to dark brown (NOT black, NOR white, & NOT as fair in their complexion as Levantines or Libyans)
Well the peoples of Pundt in the Horn of Africa Co-Existed with the Egyptian New Kingdom and we have extensive records of Pharonic funded trade adventures down into the horn of Africa where they would aquire trade goods. So I wouldn't say it makes sense to say Egyptian cultural lineage is preserved in the horn of Africa. But I do agree that the West has done a far better job of preserving.
>Because they should study mummies from earlier periods
"Researchers wrung genetic material from 151 Egyptian mummies, radiocarbon dated between Egypt's New Kingdom (the oldest at 1388 B.C.) to the Roman Period (the youngest at 426 A.D.), as reported Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications."
That seems like a pretty long time span to me,
We now are almost certain that Rammesses the Second was either ginger or very close.