Degeneracy is the logical conclusion of progressivism, which is the logical conclusion of liberalism, which is the logical conclusion of capitalism.
Degeneracy is the logical conclusion of progressivism, which is the logical conclusion of liberalism...
Dude, degeneracy lmao
>things i dont like are degenerate
cherrypicking the post
>the logical conclusion of capitalism.
just you wait you commie faggot, we're not even in the logical beginning of hypercapitalist galatic hegemony
Thats some serious cherrypicking with Rwanda seeing how big of a shithole that country is.
that's the point
It's not really capitalism though.
What is politics?
I say "This is my land", and you say "This is my land"; the compromise is that we share the land or a division thereof; that compromise is called "politics"; politics means "compromise".
What is trade?
Do we give to benefit the other?
No, we give to benefit ourselves; the idea being that the item received is of greater benefit than the item given. Trade is a compromise.
These compromises are done in the name of tolerance. Things like prisons, so we can tolerate the criminals and their sympathizers; civil rights, so we can tolerate blacks and women; roads and infrastructure, so we can tolerate taxes; laws and regulation, so we can tolerate the individualization of all of mankind.
Take away those tolerances, and the civilized world would not stand. Blacks against whites, criminals against the innocent, people against people; it's because the religion of compromise robs us of an ambition to seek trust in eachother; and instead, we just tolerate eachother.
You hear the phrase "Political correctness" alot, and do you know why?
It's because Political correctness is just the morality of compromise built on tolerance without fear.
Conversely, anyone who stands in the way of progress, someone who doesn't compromise, but stands firm, is seen as the worst human imaginable.
I don't know if there is any more a pointless word than degeneracy.
No it's false equivalency. It's not cherry picking to show Rwanda as a shithole because it is one. It's cherrypicking to use a Detroit Ghetto as an example of what the average American city is like though. Hell, I would rather live in Detroit than in Rwanda's nicest city because only the ghetto parts of Detroit look like that, there's white enclaves in the city that are clean and well protected. Meanwhile I bet half the buildings in that Rwanda picture don't even have functioning electricity and plumbing.
>the logical conclusion of
Why are Marxists so stupid?
what is degeneracy and why is it bad
Sounds more like a fascist larper. I don't hear communists talk about degeneracy as much. Least not the ones online larping.
ummm user it is literally 2017
I never knew it was possible to pack all those implications in one post
Define "degeneracy".
Hard mode: use objective terms.
After that, how about we connect "degeneracy" to the failings of America ~>25 years ago in a way that conclusively links it to progressivism. Should be easy for OP to do that, rigjt?
I love how people would rather create a pessimistic worldview based around women being whores because they won't self improve OR lower their own standards.
Then they seek civilization-level explanations to problems they could solve with a regular workout routine and basic personal hygiene.
They do
No. Degeneracy is because of the democratic party
No. Degeneracy is because of (insert thing I don't like)
>ghetto parts of detroit
Aka the entire city. Suburbs don't count.
Literally Google you fucking nigger
>having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline