>missed out on NEO
>missed out on OMG
>missed out on SIGT
What's the next moon mission???
>missed out on NEO
>missed out on OMG
>missed out on SIGT
What's the next moon mission???
Other urls found in this thread:
you are not missed sigt. Everything under 5000sat is free money. It will hit $1 in 1-2 months
margin long iota this week unless you're a retard
Myriadcoin just doubled. Why is nobody talking about it?
I don't know how many times I have to tell you retards. If you still don't listen then you weren't born to make money.
>100 million cap generated over 22 years
>more scarce than NEO shares
>GAS is what is actually needed to deploy contracts and do transactions (ie the ether equivalent)
>normies are slowly realizing this on reddit
>it will take 22 years for 1 NEO share to generate 1 GAS
It's a fucking no brainer
DNT is super undervalued, it's marketcap should be 10x what it is now
Why? dyor
be ready to buy into the SIGT dip after the block reward halving
Safe exchange coin. Thank me later boys
OP here, just went all in on STRAT. Did I do good?
You didn't miss SIGT. When it gets on Bittrex, it will keep increasing in value.
Sigt advisor here. I may be biased though.
I'm letting you on a secret : Bitquence (BQX). That shit is going to moon fucking hard. Could well be the next ANS.
anyone considering buying now before it hits 4100?
fuck off Pajeet
SIGT is a complete shitcoin
Unify, it has the most potential to moon into the sky with so little supply.
why tho? it was dipping
SIGT, GAS will moon once it hits bittrex~
Sigt is going 10x by the end of the year. No risk, no reward.
read the website
>why should you buy unify
>Because the supply is little lmao
no thanks
litecoin is fueling up for a moon mission now
SIGT will hit at least $.50.
You still have time.
DNT will do a 5x in the coming 2weeks.
MNE (Minereum) and SAN (Santiment).
$eqt (equitrader) is superior with more features including copy trading. i like santiment but it's limited and i wish i heard of eqt.
Buy ARK while it's down. Hurry
MNE is being shelved for a new v2 token. I got the hell out of that shitcoin