Why is burning books considered such a big deal? It's not like you're burning the original or the one and only copy.
Why is burning books considered such a big deal? It's not like you're burning the original or the one and only copy
Leftists consider their vapid Marxist screeds to be sacred texts.
This more or less. It's people being triggered going "muh bigotry, this will not stand in the current year!"
Not because of the actual property damage (which is bad) but because book burning is symptomatic of a larger anti-dissent and anti-intellectual problem in society.
strawmanning morons from /pol/ probably.
i know a bunch of research on sexuality and psychological conditions were burned, and all that research was lost during nazi burning's, but it's basically what said
(((research on sexuality)))
Good riddance
This and because they depend on the spread of revolutionary propaganda to build their institutional strenght. Book burning stops that, which is why they worked so hard to stigmatize it.
It's symbolic of destruction of knowledge and dissenting opinion, mostly. The actual material damage is not really relevant.
Commies are pretty fond of book burning too. Any ideology that demands absolute obedience to it is likely to do it.
Sorry if the concept of people having sex outside of missionary for the purpose of procreation triggers you.
>muh trigger
Mention the word "cringe" as well and you'll go full reddit, faggot.
Uh, because even if not all copies are destroyed, the propagation of the context of the books is still restricted? What kind of stupid question is this?
Besides, if not all copies of a book are burned, that's because of how complicated that would be, not because the book burners would intend that. If they got their hands on every copy, they would burn all of them.
Man, what an interesting concept horseshoe theory is.
i think the funniest part was that the homosexual publications were given to ernst röhm
>books are sacrosanct and should never be allowed to be rejected out of hand
Cool spooks nerd
>Words that disagree with my ideology must be burned instead of disproven
You should've wanted it if you hate gay people because maybe we could cure your faggotry by now
Yes, that makes complete sense, the nazis were burning books that cured faggotry. Retard.
>go to a website I don't like
I bet you haven't even been there once and are just a sheep following memes.
Because it is anti-intellectual and anti-dissent. Anybody who values liberty shouldn't approve of it even if it was mostly Marxist or degenerate literature that they burned. Plus commies do this sort of thing too.
Somebody post that YouTube clip of that movie with the book burnings and the Horst wessel lied playing in the back ground it gives me chills
go back to morgan you gay boi
And I never will and whoever ever went there should be banned permanently. Keep Veeky Forums the way it used to be, no normie faggotry.
lol. I think you just outed yourself as 14 years old
Relax, he is just a little pussy who needs a safespace.
Because it expresses the idea that communicating some things is forbidden
if the research continued on into today it's possible a real explanation for psycho-sexual disorders could be produced, thereby a way to cure it. I'm not even against homo's but the point is that you'd get what you want in a cleaner way than your "day of the rope" fantasies
Yup. This. It's a violation of the natural rights to speech, thought, communication, commerce of ideas, etc.
exactly what books were the nazis burning though? im assuming pornography and jewish propoganda? what exactly is wrong with that again?
Shit like Hemingway, Kafka, and HG Wells.
Basically anything that didn't expressly agree with Hitler's ideology, especially anything that said that fighting in WWI was anything but peachy keen fun in the sun.
Interesting how the right claims to be guarding the West against leftism, Marxism, and da joos but they have zero concern for any of the values of the West.
Alt Reich only cares about preserving the genetic continuity of europe. "Western culture" is basically a dog whistle at this point.
>western values are cuckoldry and sexual promiscuity
It's funny how the "lol commie leftist books burned fuk sjws" types that defend book burning ironically sound like sjw's triggered by stuff they can't argument against.
That not everyone is a prude that gets offended by people fucking in a book and not everyone needs someone else to discern for them what is propaganda.
Here's a partial list.
Man, they really hated Freud and Wells.
Don't they assign Fahrenheit 451 to kids to read during the summer? You better get started if you want to finish your book report in time.
Obviously the point is that censorship is bad and using fire to destroy books is supposed to be intimidating. It doesn't matter if they burn 1st editions or not.
A good portion of the books burned weren't even from Marxists.
>their vapid seed
>tfw we have a 1950s church pastor on Veeky Forums
>im assuming pornography and jewish propoganda?
Then you assume wrong considering most of the authors were atheists and none of it was pornographic.
>being a jew is about religion
This meme again. The atheist jews are actually the most dangerous ones. Have a religious jew explain it to you: youtube.com
>this one guy speaks for the entire community
you have to go back. this is a pretty low IQ board to begin with, don't bring the average down any more please.
>speaks for the entire community
It doesn't matter who he speaks to, brainlet. Actually listen to the point he's trying to make. Watch the video.
>Ever Trusting a Jew
Imagine how much better China would be if Qi huang-di hadn't burned all other philosophies besides Confucius.
books are a symbol of knowledge and culture, they represent the ideas of intellectual advancement and stand for everything admirable about the human spirit.
Therefore a public burning of books, like ISIS's destruction of world heritage sites, is in a way even more shocking than direct violence against human beings because it reveals a callous disregard for the most fundamental values of our civilization.
The symbolic annihilation of knowledge and any ideas and facts that contradict or put into question the ruling ideology also shows that the people doing it are not concerned with truth but only with brute force and power for the sake of power in the vein of Orwell's "boot stomping on a human face forever".
These fascists on Veeky Forums get so butthurt when they get banned from twitter. Hypocrites.
I think it's for symbolism because theyd have to do it every day in multiple places to get rid of all of them. It's just a "fuck you."
Just recycle the books you don't like. Polution is disgusting.
It's symbolic. It's showing tremendous disrespect for ideas. Like ideas, dislike them, they should be discussed. Burning is not even playing the intellectual game. It's showing total contempt for it.
>The Call of the Wild & White Fang
Did furries exist in Nazi Germany already?
Also they banned Haeckel's books for some obscure reason.
Burning the books is the most flamboyant theater attending banning them. Banning books, banning ideas from being presented, debated and thought about by people is a Bad Thing.
I'm surprised at how little of you got this right.
Books used to be rare. Like, really fucking rare. Back when 5% of the population was suitably literate, and every book had to be hand-written, and the production of quality paper was a fraction as efficient as it is now. If you got together a library full of books and burnt them, it was actually pretty likely to destroy some knowledge, at least on the area you were in (imagine how many people were able to translate Arabic works into English during the medieval period, and how long it would take those people to produce the books in question).
It's just that it's become a taboo now and those are restistant to change.
Jewish propaganda = propaganda to turn people to Judaism
If it doesn't fit into that it isn't "Jewish propaganda."
Jack London was banned because he was a socialist and supported unions and the workers.
>5% of the Weimar republic was literate
Holy shit. This is why i come to Veeky Forums.
Its mental warfare, destroying the knowledge of a civilization so they become stupid overtime.
>How do I make a circuit?
>There was a book but it burned away
>Oh shit
>implying i said that
If we're just making up shit each other said out of thin fucking air, then I decide that you suggested Crassus was 10 stories tall and shot fire out of his eyes.
The only specific example of a timeframe I even gave was "medieval period". If that means "Weimar Republic" to you, you might actually be retarded.
This thread is clearly more about the impact and intentions of the Nazi book burnings.
Oh piss off. What the fuck do you think """western values""" are
Hint: the enlightenment and western civilization are NOT synonyms
The question in the OP didn't specify that, and my post specified a time period centuries before the Weimar Republic. If you're asking why something is a societal taboo or a symbol of something nefarious, you're obviously going to be looking further in the past than the event in question.
Learn to read before you go correcting shit that nobody fucking claimed, or at least think through your snarky post before you click Post.
OP said
> It's not like you're burning the original or the one and only copy.
Your response was basically
>in the middle ages there were less books so YOU WERE burning the one and only copy!
That's fucking obvious and has nothing to do with why the Nazis burned books. They burned books merely to intimidate and spread fear.
>Hint: the enlightenment and western civilization are NOT synonyms
Considering the US, the largest, most populous cultural force in the western world which has affected the cultural expression of the entire west, is based on enlightenment ideals then I would say they are fucking synonyms. Damn near every government in the West is based on enlightenment era Constitutions. The French have based a major chunk of their national character on a revolution based on the enlightenment. That era forms a major point in our history and is in many ways foundational. To separate the West from the enlightenment is completely retarded.
It's what it represents, it's a denial of free speech for the writers and is an indicator that the government is intervening in the free market of thought.
Don't bother he's just a triggered alt right guy who thinks the enlightenment is a mistake. Probably would chuckle and call faggy like richard Spencer did in that interview.
Atheists can't write "Jewish propaganda" because they're atheist.
sometimes it really is a rare book or it really is the only copy. If you burn down a Barnes and nobles it's not a big deal, but go into something like University library... sadly, not everything is on the internet, if it were essays would be a lot easier :,^)
Besides, why would you burn books, especially if you're doing it in the name of a party or government? there are more important things to do than to destroy media. The only legitimate reason would be if you wanted to censor people, and you censor people when you want control.
>It's not like you're burning the original or the one and only copy.
Ever heard of Timbuktu?
And you probably preach how it is bad when leftist censor and ban people on internet for opinions,
>tfw tuaregs and other terrorist scum destroyed thousands of manuscripts
because you burn the thoughts in them, you dont want to consider anything apart from what the state feeds you, no critical thinking, no questions, all hail the one true thought
turning citizens into zombies, americans learned alot from nazis
>Probably would chuckle and call faggy like richard Spencer did in that interview.
Tell me more.
>And you probably preach how it is bad when leftist censor and ban people on internet for opinions,
Correction: They preach about how bad it is when mods with no particular leaning ban them for trying to force a thread about The Bell Curve into a anime forum and claim it violates freedom of speech even though it's a private website.
are these the same fucking retards crying about MUH FREEDOM OF SPEEECH on pol
Burning shitty books is no problem for me, but many say this is a good book don´t burn it. Thus to offend nobody books shall not be burned. And i don´t want others that tell me the books i read are shitty so we will burn them, thus books shall not be burned.
Because burning books increases the chance that one day you will be burning the original or the one and only copy.
When the Qin ordered book burnings, they did so in order to maintain a monopoly on information, not to actually destroy information. Private copies were outlawed, collected, and burned, but the last copies were kept in the Imperial library.
Then the Qin collapsed and rebels burned the Imperial library down. Oops.
reminds me of drumpf and the age of alternative facts were in
it's not literally burning books that's bad, it's restricting the flow of information and ideas
How many times do you think this guy has cried "muh free speech" this week.