Made $250k from crypto

Now idk what to do. I know these gains are not as great as others and they are better than some, I'm not here to gloat. I legitimately want to keep turning my money into more money. I bought into ETH after the DAO with pretty much everything I had, savings and all.

What's next?

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Signatum, it's the next big thing.

just don't fall for this Signatum-scam what got shilled here all day long and you are totally fine.

you can buy my cats some food btw, not even kidding.
thank you sir.

Would you mind telling me more? Thanks for replying bro

you're welcome

>no premine
>no bullshit gimmicks
>600% in a week

fuck off retard

Listen to me. I worked very, very hard to save up the money to invest in ETH. I made decisions that led to me not having student debt, I lived as frugally as you can imagine my entire adult (16+) life. I believe in charity, but I'm not in a position to do something like just give money away, yet. I am going to do some amazing things in this world, but first, I need to find a way to turn my $15k that is now $250k into $2.5+ mil.

iota is next. read the white paper, the true flippening is IOTA

Put 50k into iota,
Got 10k in it myself, not selling until it hit the deserved 8MM marketcap

was it a scam when we told you, over and over, to buy at 700 sats? you retard

Now you can be a whale for many shitcoins. It's weird to imagine but it's true. Learn to manipulate prices, do your own pump and dumps, etc.

Skunk raptor algo whatever the fuck, just throw buzzy words at morons and they will buy anything.

I'm not quite interested in that sort of thing- I don't want to be less than genuine with how I approach making money. I believe in karma, and fucking someone else over through a p+d is just not something I would feel comfortable doing. I know it's part of the game, it's just not part of my game plan.

I think that in crypto, longer time frames make the most sense- if you have to trade instead of hold, then look at weeks broken down into days and hours, not hours broken down into minutes. That's where the real patterns show up. I am just wondering if my biz bros have any insight that may be able to help me on the next step in my journey.

>I don't want to be less than genuine with how I approach making money. I believe in karma, and fucking someone else over
nice bait faggot
crypto: zero sum, look it up

>was it a scam when we told you, over and over, to buy at 700 sats? you retard

self fulfilling prediction. i was here as the thread showed up where they was looking for people doing their PR. you guys make some bucks by advertising it here, shitting it all over the place, generating this hype.

IOTA. XEM. Stratis. long term hold, sure thing.

No bait, man. I live by what I believe in, and it has done me well so far.

you are taking money from other people regardless of how you feel about it. Any profits you have made have come from a thousand idiots who bought your bags. That's the truth. You may as well make more if you can—it's no more dishonest

I still think this is b8

Or you could save yourself the effort and buy KING IOTA. Read this if you need convincing

well you made your money by selling people a bunch of overpriced ETH, you scammer.

Thats incredible OP. Dont sell yourself short

when i made my first half a million i pulled out of crypto and started investing in actual stocks. Now i see a 12-15% return monthly and I spend that money.

Bought myself a tesla model 3 in march of 2016, order should be in later this year.

Do you play the market or did you hire a broker to do it for you?

I was thinking of forex and aggressive stocks, but I still think the timing in crypto is relatively early. Actually, I am almost certain it is.

What does your stock portfolio look like?

Thanks man :) I am still convinced it was mostly luck. I would like to alter my performance to be more certain and less lucky now, if possible

>I bought into ETH after the DAO with pretty much everything I had, savings and all

This interests me. I'm at a crisis point. I'm a 27 y/o neet and suck at life. I've never had a job and live with my parents. But I do have $27k in the bank. I realise with the $2k I've put into crypto I won't get anywhere. So you think I should put all my savings into crypto? I'm at a point where I just don't give a shit anymore. All my old high school friends have jobs, are getting married etc. I've done nothing since high school and I feel like crypto is my last chance to make something.

I've had the vast majority of my money in index funds. I decided fuck it, increased my crypto position from £2k to £10k

beware though, my money dropped from 10k to 6k. It then shot back up from the recent bull run and now I'm at £11.5k

I wouldn't wanna risk losing that much money. Put 90% into bitcoin and wait.

>buy the ATH bro its your only chance

thats just mean why would you give advice like that? You should buy BCC right now because its LOW, or wait for another coin you want to be LOW

Scared money don't make money, man. I took a huge risk and for me, it paid off. I can't recommend one way or the other what you do, but I know that now if I decided to sell all my ETH and walk away, I could at least buy a house and never pay a mortgage on it, just annual property tax. Think about living mortgage free for a moment. You could probably get by with working part time and then doing whatever you want the rest of the time.

>I realise with the $2k I've put into crypto I won't get anywhere. So you think I should put all my savings into crypto?

tl, dr : wasted $2k in crypto, then willing to waste $27k


Only 250k?

Keep it in crypto until you have 10m+
Not even joking user, no point in calling it quits until your life is set.
This is your opportunity to change the rest of forever for you
Don't squander it


You could probably make out pretty well in the long run by holding BTC in a secure wallet. Taking insignificant amounts that won't tank you and putting them into other investments. You could also hold BTC so you get any more upcoming chain splits, then sell those immediately to gain more.

Agreed with this to an extent. Cash out a little that you want to use. Find some hobbies, have fun with it. Just not too extreme. There really isn't a better risk/reward than crpyto for your money I don't think. Not to mention the tax hit you'd get if you cashed it all out at once.

The amount of larping that occurs in these threads is embarassing

I've been dollar cost averaging, buying bitcoin little at a time for the last 5 weeks. I've bought on all the previous ATHs during that time. It's done be very well. BCC is rising too, but I wouldn' go for it since it's a shitcoin.

Buying at ATH's isn't always a bad thing. People said not to buy ANS/NEO when it was $10... Look at it now.

I've never really looked at holding btc, only altcoins.

Huh? I put $2k in and it turned into $4k pretty fast.

I'm roughly in the same position, although I have less than you - thinking about going all in half xem half iota...

The people saying to put a substantial amount into Bitcoin are misguided. Your money would still have all the risks involved with crypto, but most likely you'd be losing less on bad runs and making less on good runs. And you'd still incur taxes from moving it from ETH to Bitcoin. Ethereum is a little more risky than Bitcoin, but in all likelihood, it's well past the point of going anywhere too.

>Now i see a 12-15% return monthly and I spend that money.
Nigger, the top hedge funds in the world average 30% a year.