What kind of historical/ancestral tattoos are ok for white people?

What kind of historical/ancestral tattoos are ok for white people?

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/pol/ will give you a better answer.

I'm not even joking.

one that says "I do not subscribe to the narrative"



Unless you're scandinavian you lay off those runes

tattoos were historically for marking criminals.
>inb4 British Royal family.
it's pleb-level behaviour, except perhaps for military tats, and even then.

What do you even mean "white people" literally an American non-word for like 30 + nationalities each with a different cultural history.

To answer your question, imagery from your particular *European* culture / land would be the most appropriate, like wood carvings, or insular art, or Carolingian art.

If you're an american ""white"" just get like a donut, or an eagle, or the constitution or something baka

Anything that makes clear it's about heritage and ancestry, not about nationalism or racism. For example, I once wanted to get a Wolfsangel because it's a symbol for the region where I grew up. But of course, Nazis appropriated it for their youth organisations and military divisions, and neo-nazi groups still use it today. The symbol's use is even illegal in some contexts. Maybe someday I'll get one that's broken in half, or clearly unaffiliated with fascists in another way.

To be fair they don't just belong to us Scandinavians, Germans and Anglos used rune variants too

But yea if you're a Slavic or Italian or something it makes no sense to get runes, get something significant to your own people

The blood pouring from a bullethole through their chest or skull.

I bet your country is nothing in the current world scene

Ideally none, unless you spent time in the military or in jail or on the ocean.

But any cross that has some link to the history your country or region isn't too degenerate. For instance the Occitan cross is fine for the Southern French, Northern Spaniards and Northwestern Italians.

Black people were not Roman you stupid nigger

Runic symbols literally originated from Italy

Tattoos are subhuman

Elaborate by providing argumentation.

tattoos are not acceptable in public use, and always are unsightly

except for when it is necessary to keep track of persons

antlers, the universal symbol for cuck

Kek. You probably hate those "leftists" who have lots of tatoos and a shit beard. BUT since you are a retard and think that looks good you want to do it as well, with ebin pagan tradition.

it's a bit more than that, something somewhat Etruscan and north italic in their origin, even to an extent the possibility of a greek inspiration, with some leeway for original characters

certainly there are many later variations in runic alphabets that followed an evolution of the languages using it running independently of any ancient foreign influences

Tattoos are for ppl who don't have personality

Something important to your culture and ethnicity than resonates to you. A Spaniard getting runes is as stupid as a slave getting painted a conqueror slaying natives, than is as stupid as a Skandi with SPQR tattoes.
but that shitty craze about tattoes is already losing steam, so unless you have a very definite reason to do so (band of bros or a very important feat/reason) why would you do this?

>projecting this hard

Man, this took ages to find. If only there was some quick way of confirming your statements through a very quick check using the internet. Someone should come up with a service that lets you do that. They could call it "Google". I bet it would make millions.


its a shame the Nazi's had to ruin such a cool symbol

Not an argument
>clothes are capable of being gaudy, overdone, and poorly designed
>ergo, clothes are subhuman
You are regally retarded.

Clothes have a practical purpose, tattoos do not.

Do ties have a practical purpose?

Everyone who has ever worn a tie confirmed subhuman

Ahahah yes which is why their styles have changed so much over the years. It is a well known fact that literally everything human beings do is for pragmatic reasons. I mean just look at this. So practical.

Post a single tattoo which isn't degenerate or decadent.

Only after you

'Ere you go


>implying the Nazis didn't make it over six million times cooler
you're just not edgy enough to be cool user

Depends on what runes your using. OPs pic is Elder Futhark which was used by all germanics.

My girlfriend has a really simple interlinked Alpha-Omega tattooed on her side. Looks alright and tasteful, not visible in public, and plenty meaningful given her Christianity.

Whats wrong with getting a nationalistic tattoo?

Cultural marxism dictates that whites are the only ones who cannot be proud of their heritage

I have of late taken an enthusiastic liking to labeling things such as content lists on boxes of office supplies, and note cards with the anglo-frisian futhark

it's really a lot of fun

You're underage
Hang your parents

Tattoos are hideous, don't get one.

>20 something immature tattooed retard calling ANYONE underage

Tattoos suck. Having a tattoo is only acceptable if you're a) a brown convict or b) a pre-Roman native of the British Isles

I'm back motherfuckers.

And I'm NEVER going away again!

Congratulations, you got cucked out of tattooing the symbol of your home town because you're afraid of what some leftist faggot is gonna think about it. You might as well kys because if you're white the left thinks you're an evil nazi just by being alive.

I think it's less fear of sjws more fear of being arrested for having a "hate symbol" tattooed on you

How drunk are you?

>the absolute state of cuckmany
