Who was the worst American president?
Who was the worst American president?
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Obongo ruined the US, made the frogs gay and took everyone's guns away.
It would take a lot to do worse than Buchanan.
Drumpf is objectively the most incompetent president
Reagan, Clinton, Grant, JFK
Because he was a black muslim and shipped all our jobs to China
The "standard" answers (which in my opinion are also the right ones) are: Buchanan, Pierce, and Hoover, in just about that order. Buchanan and Pierce are largely held responsible for the Civil War (especially Buchanan, who was an alcoholic, and spent his time getting drunk in the White House while his country teetered on the brink of collapse). Hoover is largely blamed for the Great Depression. Whether or not he could have fixed it, his response was ineffectual.
Grant isn't as bad as the Big Three, but he's not very well thought-of. Alcoholics don't tend to be good presidents. There's not much love for Carter's presidency either. It wasn't a disaster but there wasn't much to distinguish it. Nixon, LBJ and Andrew Jackson are special cases: too much good and bad for all three of them for them to be rateable.
Reagan is extra special unrateable. Just too polarizing. He's either one of the greats or in the bottom five, depending on your politics.
I'm sure we all have our own opinions of presidents Clinton, W. Bush, Obama and Trump, but in my opinion they're all just too recent to rate, and anyway that's more /pol/ than Veeky Forums and really isn't appropriate for this board.
FDR. He started an entitlement that indebted future generation to the previous generation for generations long after his death.
Next worst is Woodrow Wilson for obvious reasons.
Obama was a bad one as well.
The combination of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover probably caused greater damage to the world than any other US presidents, but they each only get part of the blame. I wouldn't have listed Harding, but he really fucked thing up with his "return to normalcy" nonsense.
Buchanan is definitely the worst single president we've had.
Trump is shaping up to be an awful president, I really can't see how the rest of his presidency can be successful. I don't think any presidents have accomplished so little this far in. Even Andrew Johnson got somethings accomplished.
>shipped all our jobs to China
That was Dubya Bush.
Wilson, FDR, LBJ and Buchanan are the anti-Mt. Rushmore.
James Buchanan
As an Australian what is with all the FDR hate?
The New Deal worked didn't it?
He got you out of the depression and was able to build a war economy in preparation for the most destructive war in history as well as providing adequate war leadership?
Or can you shed some light on this I am sadly uninformed about American internal politics.
From my perspective and I have no idea of the old dudes it must be clearly Obama.
Drone strikes, ISIS, Obama care, Iran deal ääännnd
Just say one thing he did not fail.
>He got you out of the depression and was able to build a war economy in preparation for the most destructive war in history
If WW2 didn't happen the New Deal would not have worked, Lend-Lease saved that policy
Two words: Doland Grummpfff
Buchanan, Pierce, Harrison, and Reagan are my top 4.
>I have no idea of the old dudes
Why are you on a history board?
he mean to go to pol
trump obviously
Some, I'd even say most, people aren't American and would have little reason to learn about all the American presidents.
I myself am not and only know the iconic presidents, either for being good or bad, and all the recent ones, wich for me starts at Teddy R.
Wow amazing man. I'm not American either. Why would you enter a thread about US presidents and give your opinion about them when you know next to nothing?
That's a terrible excuse. The United States is the current world super power. I'm American but I've made sure to study European and Chinese history. There's no excuse for that kind of willful ignorance.
Do you expect us to believe you know every European and Chinese ruler no matter how insignificant he/she might have been? Because that is a bold claim.
Jackson for killing all the indians
Kennedy for nearly exterminating humanity
DRUMPF because he got two scoops
Not him but it's still retarded that other guy would come in giving his opinion on US presidents while simultaneously knowing nothing about them
pic related
>/thread-ing yourself
stop breathing
expecting to abide constitution 100% during a civil war is like expecting to send all soldiers (not war criminal, all of them) to jail for murder and destruction of property
1/4 try harder plebbit
Go to bed and fuck your sister Cletus.
And my work is done here.
What ended the Great Depression was the end of WWII with USA being the last man standing basically. All other victors suffered economic colapses.
I'm right-wing and I fucking despise Reagan. Nothing but a brainless tool of neocon foreign policy advisors and Evangelical culture warriors. He's little better than George W. Bush and the veneration of him by the right in this country needs to end.
FDR, for not breaking the alliance with the soviets as soon as nukes were developed.
An a non american I think Obama is definitely in the running. Foreign affairs, economy, race relations, debt, health care, etc. Almost every aspect of the country was greatly worsened during his presidency
You fucking what m8? Polk is most certainly top five material, maybe even the best.
senpai knows his shit.
Anyone posting Obama is not to be taken seriously.
Advocated strong executive (which is against the constitution), started an aggressive war of conquest and risked another war with Great Britain. Perhaps that's what he's referring to.
Obama, quite easily. Not even qualified under the constitution as eligible for being POTUS, as he was not the child of US citizens.
Only of one US citizen.
(The place of birth is immaterial to natural born citizen status; we did not want people with split loyalties, and as Obama sent US special forces to fight battles for Kenya, and did his level best to take down the US on the global state, again our founding fathers proved to be prescient.)
Same for me.
Lets say from the last 100 years.
Clearly the two worst are:
second place: Reagan (Taliban, Watergate)
the gold Winner: Obama (ISIS, racial division, just everything he touched went out shit.)
The standard answers for whom? Liberal historians?
If the name Woodrow Wilson is not in the bottom 3, the list is defective.
Only commies and faggots hated Reagan. Which one are you? Both?
>second place: Reagan (Taliban, Watergate)
Profound ignorance.
>Only commies and faggots hated Reagan
>the Taliban are good boys
>those towers were ugly anyway.
>God Tier:
FDR (this is the true Mt Rushmore, but construction on the monument began in 1927, and FDR became president in 1933)
>Great Tier:
>Good tier:
>Anti-Rushmore (Eat Shit and Die Tier):
This. At the very list if Wilson is counted as one of the greatest just ask them "why." For good intentions?
FDR was an absolute gigantic failure home and abroad.
>Good tier
Tell me one and one good thing Obama did?
So both.
Don't bother. It's some retarded PBS-tier list.
Buchanan and Pierce.
Grant was pretty incompetent, and (unwillingly and due to his incompetence) started the trend of the corrupt Gilded Age presidents, who were all powerless shit.
Hayes, Garfield (although he died early), Arthur and Cleveland were all great and actual constitutional presidents not allmighty emperors.
He tried to base our budget on actual science and empirical evidence:
Well that explains it.
ISIS was an inevitability with the power vacuum Bush II created. Racial divisions got worse because mobile phones got cheaper and more widespread at the same time social media really took off. This meant that minorities had their own platform to share their views on the racial divide and no longer had to rely on corporate news or national organizations to give voice to their grievences. Obama didn't do anything to make the racial divide worse, it was going to get worse no matter what as technology made it possible for black and brown communities to have a voice.
>dat edge tho
There's basically unanimity around who are the three greatest presidents: Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.
You might argue that Jefferson shouldn't be on the top 4, but arguing that FDR shouldn't can only be considered b8
An existing debt ceiling isn't a relevant critique of Obama's budget decisions when he can only have influence on budgets when he is in power and congress controls the budget anyway. You asked for a good thing he did, I would say attempting to guide congresse ' decisions based on actual evidence and not gut instincts is a public good.
Post a better list faggot
All 3 of these just happen to be Democrats :)
Woodrow Wilson was one of the most consequential presidents for the US's rise to primacy on the world stage. He gets a bum rap from posters who hate central banking, think the US should have always remained isolationist, and hate presidents who wield extraordinary executive powers during extraordinary times. Nevertheless, WW was a man prescient foresight who drove the course of the American experiment into the new waters of international hegemon.
/pol/ and this website are some of the last of the old Goldwater conservatives, plus they hate admiting what was at the time radical policy saved the country.
> old Goldwater conservatives
"Gas the Jews, race war now" was not a Goldwater platform.
Whats with this forced meme of Colbert getting mad? Seems redditey
I definitely know all the really good and really shitty ones.
>Obama and Clinton not in shit-tier
>Teddy and JFK not in God-tier
Delete your life.
>Tier containing Washington, FDR, Lincoln
Pick one you edgy memetard
It massively improved from his start in the recession to the end you retard. Bait.
It can only be considered a historical misconception. He prolonged the depression by about 7 years, was yet another authoritarian powerful president and was overly friendly towards the Soviet Union.
>JFK on any tiers
He died too soon to be properly gauged desu
Good president who favored Hegel-like collectivist state. Wilson did.
Presidents who got noticed or lived in interesting times are appreciated for their "vision" even if that vision led to two economic depressions (1920 and 1929) and to some extent contributed to another world war.
Obama wasn't the best, but I'd say he's good to above average.
His primary failing was not using his 2008-2010 supermajority more effectively, and not doing "unethical political moves". He should have asked Ginsberg and Kennedy to resign the moment he got into office and nominate a pair of 50 year olds to take their place.
>but I'd say he's good to above average.
Only if we admit that vast majority of the presidents were race-baiting warmongers who ruined the economy.
There's a case to be made there.
The recession of 1920 was a quick correction of distorted markets from turning the faucet of wartime spending off. America benefited enormously from it's involvement in WW1, often said to be the only winner of the conflict.
> He prolonged the depression by about 7 years
Why not look at the numbers instead of just being a /pol/ack.
So your claim is that FDR prolonged the depression by about 7 years.
FDR was elected in 32, and took office in 33. Then look at the GDP growth numbers for the first 7 years of his presidency.
> -1.3
> 10.8
> 8.9
> 12.9
> 5.1
> -3.3
> 8.0
The economy had reached pre-depression levels by 1936, 3 years after FDR took office.
Most people would agree that the Depression was over by 41 at the latest. 7 years before 41 was 1934, one year after FDR took office. Unless you believe that Libertarian fightan magic can cause the economy to grow 36% in one year and reach pre-depression levels, I'd say FDR and his alphabet soup programs did pretty well.
/pol/ hates that a democrat (and to a smaller extent a socialist) saved the United States.
FDR was the closest thing we ever had to a dictator but the thing is he knew how to wield that power. His policies on manufacturing and internment would be seen as a power grab today. Its the same reason they hate Lincoln, they did what needed to be one even if it was not the morally right thing to do.
He was also one of the most popular presidents in his time, and that makes stormfags even madder.
The crisis was the effect of the post-war debt. The economy needed that to correct itself. A well-handled recessios that didn't develop into early great depression which is why it's so good to compare it to the big one FDR created a bunch of agencies that forced farmers to destroy their crops also useless jobs and regulations. They even admitted they were trying to emulate Herbert Hoover's own interventionism which also failed.
The economy was slowly getting back to normal before unprecedented depression within a depression in 1937.. The New Deal myth needs to be killed and killed again just to be sure.
JFK. He and his family literally criminal links that are open to the public but no one cares about that because he got his brains blown out in Dallas.
Not believing in keynesian fallacies doesn't equal /pol/ but believing in them apparently does. Tankies also like to send me there when I disagree with their propaganda. I think they belong there themselves.
JFK is a meme president, he did objectively nothing other than escalating the Cuban missile crisis and having pretty speeches.
For me it's Andrew Johnson, Reagan, Trump, G.W. Bush, Wilson, and Clinton
There's a great article about Obama becoming the next JFK for the Democratic Party. A man from the posters and nothing more. A failure but unlike JFK Obama has absolutely no lasting legacy and didn't die a martyr death but his ideological purity is the only thing that will make him the example.
Obama has no lasting legacy either now that Obamacare is history
Cuba was supposed to be his other legacy however:
1) Friendly gestures towards Cuba only strengthened the regime as the opposition is still divided.
2) This and Obama's kind words about Castro following his death angered Cuban population in Florida which could've contributed to Trump's victory.
>ideological purity
>get Nobel Peace Prize
>bomb many times more people than the guy you replaced, who you accused of being a war-monger
>1965 immigration act fucked demographics
>muh rights
>vietnam war
>killed kennedy
>bomb many times more people than the guy you replaced, who you accused of being a war-monger
T. born after 2002.
According to the article (which I can't find anywhere but was posted around Trump's inauguration) Carter is linked with failures (not quite fairly) and Clinton with sex scandals. If Obama is their best pick then the whole party should be disbanded ASAP.
He was a goddamn socialist piece of shit who began the bankruptcy of our country and the beginning of the cradle to grave entitlement culture.
Fuck him and fuck you.
> A well-handled recessios that didn't develop into early great depression which is why it's so good to compare it to the big one
The Recession of the early 20s and the Great Depression are hardly comparable. By 1929 Electrification had increased output while reducing the need of labor. There was a massive oversupply problem in America. Agricultural prices were at rock bottom at a time when most of Americans were rural. The Dust Bowl scoured the high plains and forced millions to migrate. "Begger-thy-neighbor" tariff policies, kicked off by Hawley-Smoot, strangled international trade. The banking sector in the early 30s was in effectively complete collapse, with more bank failures in one week then there had been over the entire course of the 1920s recession.
There's are very good reasons why the Great Depression was of the magnitude that it was and not a momentary economic blip, and it wasn't because of FDR's efforts.
you seem a little lost, sweetie, this isn't r/the_donald.