Excellent invention and civilization of ancient Rome was lost by Christianity.
For several hundred years from the Middle Ages, medicine and biology also stagnated due to it.
If Christianity did not exist, in the late 19th century it would already have had the same level of civilization as in the 2010s.
Christianity caused stagnation of civilization
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Go to sleep Gibbon. And take your Enlightenment memes with you. You're supposed to be dead.
Explain the Byzantine empire, if anything Christinaity sustained them for longer than it would have. Only big weakness they got in that regard was iconoclasm.
Rome was falling with or without christianity. It didn't cause it to fall but it didn't alleviate it either.
Byzanz was part of the stagnation at best and didn't make neither social no technical progress, intellectual work was curbed for centuries by this jewish end time sect.
but that's wrong you idiot
Notable byzantine inventions include...
Rome didn't do create anything technologically, scientifically, or intellectually of note. What they had was feats of engineering but that was a function of manpower not technology or science.
>church building techniques and church art
>insignificant modifications on existing technology
>copying what others did and putting byzantine in it
Yeah, the Byzantines invented nothing. That's why they lasted 1000 years longer than the WRE
>sell silk and spices from asia to europe
>pay others to fight for you or just to fuck off
>this continues for a while
I am curious what the kebabs would've done in possession of that asian trade wealth, but the Americas and western African coasts were discovered and colonized before they can properly utilize it once they settled down into a set territory and started administrative reforms.
Basically Byzantines ruled while the east was rich, and they died just before the east started getting poor. They lucked out. They did nothing else.
Funny, that's what people say about modern china.
Modern law.
Architectural wonders like the Hagia Sophia and the walls of Constantinople.
Greek fire and all it's ridiculous anachronistic-looking weapons such as flame throwers and grenades.
Modern China is genetically altering human embryos at the moment. There are living babies who were born after being modified for specific desirable traits.
wow really made me think
guess i better go LARP in the woods like an edgy teenager xD le heil Odin my white brother Ave Zeus!
>Modern law.
We have the expression "byzantine law" for a reason. Its not a positive statement and its not a synonym for modern law.
>churches xD
Yes, they built a lot of churches. Hooray them.
>greek fire
They inherited that, didn't invent it. Nor did they invent the more effective means of delivering them to enemy naval vessels.
this thread is terrible. rep**ted
This. The Fall of Rome was a process that spanned centuries and had its roots in issues that were prevalent long before Christianity until it eventually reached a cascading systems failure.
Religious tension certainly didn't help during the 4th and 5th centuries.
That said, Christianity did play a role in creating a unified identity across Europe after Rome fell and that eased some of the transition into the middle ages.
>They inherited that, didn't invent it. Nor did they invent the more effective means of delivering them to enemy naval vessels.
>Source: My ass.
Read Thucydides, he describes it being used 4-5 centuries BC.
There are also assyrian stone carvings showing flamethrowers used to siege.
>Every form of fire used in warfare is greek fire.
The actual formula for what we know as greek fire today was invented in the 7th century in the Byzantine Empire, and it's formula remained a state secret that died with the Empire.
It's like saying the Fluyt ship wasn't a dutch invention because other people made ships before.
>we added vinegar to the mix, its a new chemical now
>we wuz inventors and shiet
>Excellent invention and civilization of ancient Rome was lost by Christianity.
I miss those gruesome wars and occasional genocide with all the slave holding,
Aren't those all just rehashed or taken from the ancient pagan Greeks and Romans. I believe that the Justinian code was just reiteration of Roman law and Byzantine architecture is just copied from the Romans. The same goes for Byzantine fire. A similar weapon was used by ancient Greeks at a point in time and the mechanism for dispersing the fire was just a syphon which again Pagans developed.
>Aren't those all just rehashed or taken from the ancient pagan Greeks and Romans
the romans invented nothing
The architecture and concrete used to create it were Roman. The laws as well were Roman.
stop making incorrect bait threads
This is what a retard looks like, everyone.
Lol idiot. Do you still fill your car with kerosene too?
Implying Europe wouldnt have been chaos without the catholic church keeping everyone in check.
>I believe that the Justinian code was just reiteration of Roman law and Byzantine architecture is just copied from the Romans. The same goes for Byzantine fire. A similar weapon was used by ancient Greeks at a point in time and the mechanism for dispersing the fire was just a syphon which again Pagans developed.
It's almost like the Byzantines were Romans AND Greeks.
Fuck, I can't find the "hole left by the Protestant reformation" one
To be honest, it's an embarrassingly small list for an empire that inherited directly from the Classical Romans and Greeks and existed for several centuries. It's basically Ottoman tier.
Rome's prosperity and achievements were fueled by expansion. They're weren't even more advanced, they just had enough resources to leave a proper footprint. Keep in mind that the Rome that we dream didn't exist until the 1st century. It was all bricks and mud until some emperor eventually decided to stick some marvel infront of the facades.
>christianity was not Rome after Rome
bait thread
FUCK religoin..
it was the instability of the fall of Western Rome to the germanic pagan hordes. Once the successor kingdoms stabilized europe and everyone but the northerners were christianized, things got back on track.
in fact christian monks preserved a lot of knowledge in west/north/south europe. since they were literate and the ones making/copying books.
>germanic pagan hordes.
>in fact christian monks preserved a lot of knowledge in west/north/south europe. since they were literate and the ones making/copying books.
preserving knowledge is about the nicest thing you can say about them, they didn't burn some old books and thats about it. They did not study them, they did not learn, they certainly did not improve humanities knowledge. Reading and writing was in large parts monopolized by the church for religious fanfiction.
Stagnation is the correct therm, as Christianity effectively stalled progress.
As soon as we get knowledge back to the people, things like reformation and the downfall of the religious primate happens, and progress skyrockets.
Why didn't they just fly over the water?
The barbarian hordes were thoroughly Christian by the time Rome fell.
>germanic pagan hordes
Alarics was a Christian you uneducated American brainlet.