Tell me about pre-IE Europe
Tell me about pre-IE Europe
Cozy civs with probably bat shit crazy practices and gods. They had cities, probably one of the earliest writed languages than wasn't an ideoglyph an had an extensive trade network than travelled from Scandis, passing all the atlantic coast, roamed all the mediterranean coast (coutning egypt and north africa, the separation culturally of North Africa from Europe comes from the Islamic conquest), tradign all kinds of stuff but tin was probably the most important one, from the mines in wales (in Roman times they were called the casitherites island, being that the ore from were tin is extracted).
>separation of north africa came from islamic conquest
interesting user, did not know this
Not that guy, but that was one of Henri Pirenne´s thesis
basques are not indo european so just look up their culture
swarthy mother fuckers who were matriarchal and unwarlike, a total degenerate culture that got BTFO'd by the Aryans/Indo euros
This. Matriarchal societies are always the pinnacle of subhumanity.
old european statues
degenerate af
>a civilization of pussy whipped beta cucks bossed around by morbidly obese matriarch harpies
>wiped the fuck out by a warlike, masculine, patriarchal civilization
I'm seeing a pattern
>weak mudshit subhumans whose only mean to conquer Europe is by breeding are the same that based indo-europeans
Modern Europeans are still similar to Neoliths.
Stonehenge etc were clearly the product of a sophisticated and advanced people yet they had absolutely zero will to defend themselves.
>Shang dynasty
wew lad
>believing feminist propaganda about pre-history and using it to attack feminism
is this the next stage in post-modernism?
Pic related
Nuragics were Pree IE and they were warlike as fuck
Well before IE we had Netscape
Why does it wear the mask?
There was a cultural separation between the earliest Berbers, Phoenicians, Egyptians, etc.
So we wuz North African n shieet?
Should add the Tocharians to that too.
>Aryan founding of Sumer
Reminder that there is absolutely no evidence to support the theory that Old Europe was in any way shape or form "matriarchal" and said theory is a work of fiction concocted by some random feminist in the 70s.
It's pretty sure now Neolithic Europeans were decimated by the plague brought by the Proto Indoeuroepans.
They've found Yamnaya skeleton affected by it, I think it's the earliest evidence of it:
>Such outbreaks could have aided the spread of Eastern European steppe herders known as the Yamnaya during the Bronze Age, says Johannes Krause, an evolutionary geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany. The Yamnaya rapidly supplanted local farming populations in Western Europe between 3000 and 2500 bc. “How is it possible that the local farmers have been replaced by people from the steppe? A pandemic is a good possibility,” Krause says.
I have a quick question, are modern Europeans closer genetically to the IE invaders or is it a situation like the Turks where their language was replaced by IE but they were assimilated genetically?
How is the ultimate feminist culture collapsing and being conquered propaganda for feminists? I suppose future nazis will use the destruction of the third Reich as a glorious triumph.
very nice
What is it with pre-IEs and four eyed things, anyone remember the four eyed sitting female statues found at Triplian culture sites?
South Europeans are closer to the Neolithic farmers, French are in between, North and Central Europeans are closer to the PIE invaders
Because they weren't the "ultimate femminists", they were actually among the first to smelt copper and had weapons
And the Old Europeans which survived the Indoeuropean invasions such as the Sards, Etruscans and Iberians were war like.
>slav hordes have been unstoppable for thousands of years
Why havent you taken the gopnik pill yet?
Marija Gimbutas, the one who came up with the idea of "Old Europe" being some matriarchal post-scarcity paradise believed that Old Europe was a...Well, matriarchal post-scarcity paradise that, due to its niceness and perfection, was unable to amass the necessary military might to stave off the barbaric "androcentric" Proto-Indo-Europeans. It's not very GOOD propaganda, but some people just love beating themselves up.
>Everything could be perfect if you [x] would just fuck off and do what I say!
IE makes up the lions share of European genetics (Excluding Hungarians, Finns, Jews, Gypsies, and the Maltese). There are a handful of cases where the Pre-IE is quite large however, such as Sardinians.
More wisdom
*Except for the loads of evidence.
Are chads really white?
How do we know they didnt become warlike out of necessity too late? Would explain the amazons.
Because they already had obsidian weapons since the neolithic
Wow, were are those from?
They look like those from Neolithic Sardinia
Yamnaya was R1b
Nothing to do with Slavs
The balkanpill is the only pill......pleb
This and the Sardinianpill every other pill is a hoax
I feel like it's almost common sense, Muslims have a way of alienating everyone else.
Never happened.
The same occurred to the Upper-Paleolithic survivors when they've established contact with the Proto-Indo-Europeans.
You should add the Western Balkans to the list of the Upper Paleolithic survivors, we've one of the largest number and concentration of Cromagnid-mediated populations in Europe.