Why do white people we wuz greco-roman civilizations?
We wuz Romans and shiet
Although a minority trait, there are and were blonde greeks (perhaps around 8%)
. It was a prized trait in the greco-roman world; not uncommon for people to dye their hair blonde. It was also associated with the germanics more. Of course, actual greeks and romans (even blonde ones) were not of north european stock anymore than dark skinned egyptians were of west african stock out of virtue of that trait.
"White" in America is synonymous with "European", at least in common vernacular. But since I know this is a shitpost, I'm saging it and reporting it.
Because Greeks and Romans are European and white.
Exactly. Everyone knows Rome was founded and ruled by blacks.
>whites didn't rule Rome
theyre white when its convenient. you love the ancient greeks and romans yet you shit on modern day greeks and italians even though they are phenotypically the same as the ancients
Only Muslims and other retards honestly believe that there's a significant genetic difference between ancient Greeks/Romans and modern ones.
>yet you shit on modern day greeks and italians
That would be pretty schizophrenic considering I'm Italian myself.
Neither Greeks nor Italians are in your picture, retard
Who the fuck does that lol, apart of the ocasional and delusional butthurt snow nigger that's it.
The Spanish are. Spain is probably the closest country to Italy, genetics wise.
>Posts a pca plot map without Italians or Greeks
Are you autistic?
It isn't, it's close to n italy, Not n italy
I meant Not S Italy
Northern Italy is the real Italy. All of the industry, wealth and smarts are concentrated in northern Italy while southern Italy is just a bunch of inbred sheepfuckers and mafiosi.
>implying someone with a mjölnir necklace would be in the greco roman fanclub
bad bait is bad
>white people
>a thing
Why are americans such subhuman retards?
You realize that most of the faggots on /pol/ are self loathing shitskin muzzies and spics in love with Nordic history for some reason probably because of literally heetlir.
I can easily say that 80% of American posters are peon spics
Fucking this,reminder to avoid obvious burrito and Niard threads
(Portuguese being the exception though)
To be fair, their numbers are inflated as most Americans don´t know how write and are too fat to type so they need their Mexicans to post what their mumble.
Also hide Semitic """""masculinity""""" threads
Na france is more related to Spain and only slightly Italy is not even on the admixture or haplomemes
More like 20%
Na 60% spic
20% chink
15% white
5% semite mudcucks
But on /pol/ the Semite and spic percentage increases dramatically
I really don't notice many of them on Veeky Forums. Most of them have their own chan, Hispachan, Monstrochan and Lolnada.
Only european americucks do that, and they do that for the same reason african americans wuz on Egypt, because they are projecting the racial dynamic in the US in their conception of history. In the US european are one group and african are one group, so one european feel that all europeans who lived are in his group, same thing for africans
>muh muslim boogeyman
Why would they even care about this shit?
It helps justify Muslim displacement of Europeans.
"Yeah well, you're not the indigenous people anyways, quit bitching."
You're an idiot. Nobody is saying that all Europeans descend from Romans, but their culture absolutely does.
This.thats why most of those threads are cucky
>Muslim displacement of Europeans.
For that to happen not only does the entirety of immigration to Europe the last decades have to be Muslim (it isn't) - but you'll have to multiply it by some factor.
There is no Muslim displacement of Europeans.
Also, Islam isn't a race :^). People can easily stop being muslim.