Is it true?

Is it true?

Completely. Good post, OP.

Not really. If anything the Snow Elf should be the Roman republic or unified Roman Empire and the Falmer should be the ERE or Byzantines.

It's one hundred percent accurate.


The Fall of Constantinople remains one of the darkest days in human history

But the Falmer we see in Skyrim are the degenerate descendants of ancient Snow Elves. The Byzantine and Ottoman empires are two different entities.

Ok, so it's more like the ruins of the dwarves are what remains of Byzantium and the Turkish Falmer have overrun it.

>what is 1204
Latins damaged the city far more than Turks

>t. Mehmet Öztürk

You're right. Perhaps it's better labelling one as Ottoman and one as Turkish..

Nope, Georgian actually. Us Orthodox's remember know who did what. Go ask any Greek who caused the most damage, looting, rape and pillage. Not saying Turks were saints but by the time they came there was nothing much to pillage

Nothing get on my nerves than westerners bitching about 1453, ignore 1204.

More like Ataturk and erdogen

>t. Mehmet Öztürkashvilli

It's even more annoying that Orthodoxes forget that it was the Byzantines who caused the bad blood between them and the Latins.

Massacre of the Latins of 1182. Does it ring a bell?

Latins have no souls the Catholic Church is proof of that.

A more accurate analogy of 1453, would be what if Sauron conquered Gondor .

Turks would be red guard, nordicks are pic related


Numenor: Ancient Greece & Roman Empire

Gondor: Byzantine Empire

Rohan: Nordic and Germanic Peoples

Dale: Slavs

Arnor: Frankish Kingdom, France, Iberia and Italy (the Latin world)

Druedain: Celts

Orcs: Muslims

Easterlings: Persians & Mongols

Haradrim: Africans

Turks are the degenerate descendants of the Anatolians/Greeks so it makes sense

And who are the Dwarves?

Tolkien said it himself

>Incredibly insular
>obsessed with gold
Makes sense

No one denies that on this board you faggot. The fall of constantinople is dark not because hurr durr evil turks, its dark because it represents the end of eastern christiandom (until russia), the fall of dominating greco-roman culture, and the collapse and taking of the greatest city in history. Istanbul was and is great, but it will never be what Constantinople was to the world.

Given the context, wouldn't 'Dwarves' mean 'Dwemer'? But I can only think of mythological parallels (Atlantis, Nimrod and Tower of Babel) and even then, barely. The Dwemer remind me more so of if Anient Greece had had an industrial revolution, or if the Sumerians were high tech.

Concerning Tolkien's Dwarves, despite the obvious parallels with the Jews, they've still always reminded me more of the Swiss... hollow mountains and vaults filled with gold.

I think you perfectly explained it, take this compliment.

I would say Arnor is the western Roman Empire, more specifically Italy. After the collapse of Arnor, it was nothing but a petty realm that was in almost no way prominent. Also the men of Dale could be described Germanic people as well. IIRC they are the same stock as the Rohirram who actually came from the are around Dale, further in the north.

