Do you think they ever took a look at themselves and realized they were the baddies?
Do you think they ever took a look at themselves and realized they were the baddies?
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>good guys/bad guys
How's middle school, redditor?
normally I would agree that evil may often be a point of view, however, I think they've gone a bit far don't you think?
The crusades were like warhammer40k
A slightly-less evil human empire trying to eradicate the Cult of Chaos
Unfortunately they failed and nowadays, cultists have infiltrated the higher echelons of imperial society and insist that Abaddon is a good guy who is just misunderstood
for the most part it seems the teutonic order kept its crusading to baltic peoples and polish gold
Except it was the other way around.
the indignities and wrongs placed upon travelers to the holy land by the Muslims are well documented
not to mention the call for aid on the part of the eastern empire on the encroachment of those peoples
Don't you have an airport to bomb achmed?
What the fuck are you talking about you goddamn retards?
The Teutonic order spend more time/resources/lives fighting Christian Russians and Poles than it did pagan Balts, what a dumb comparison.
Doos Bolt is a helluva drug.
go piss in a lake
>the indignities and wrongs placed upon travelers to the holy land by the Muslims are well documented
Not really, not that it has anything to do with the Teutonic Order.
>the call for aid on the part of the eastern empire on the encroachment of those peoples
Why, Dondalo?
note that the original post was referring to crusades
and the post replying, to which he replied, connecting to that, while not directly naming which crusade it referred to, left ambiguous interpretation
>note that the original post was referring to crusades
No, it was referring to The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem, as is clearly evident from the picture provided, you bloody idiot.
you're a bloody idiot
are you asking about teutonic order or crusaders in general
He could be literally retarded and he'd still be 100% correct.
¨> See a bunch a knights with crosses
> Assume they are crusaders
My apologies Veeky Forumstorians
Teutonic order is something I conquer when I want to expand my Polish or Brandenburgian empire in EU4
I know nothing about them
Thought this was about the Crusades
there's a lot of confusion here, the post that began the chain of replies was referring to the crusades in totality
have some sense, and relax, you're all so tightly wound
Normie get out.
Livonian and Teutonic order did nothing wrong
>Lets pretend the Teutons just decided to set up in the Baltics for no reason
>Lets pretend that the Old Prussians and Pomeranians and Lithuanians and 'onians dindu nuffins and weren't wild pagan shitters intent on raiding Christian lands
Real tired of this
>when you head to battle and Finngolian day isn't till next week
>attack Lithuanians under the pretext of "filthy fukkin pagans endangering us christians reeee"
>Lithuanians convert
>lol jk we just wanted territories and influence ;) *declares war*
I suppose the Poles were also hardcore pagans too.
why do the bad guys always have the coolest kit?
The king of Poland-Lith was actually a pagan convert. He converted in exchange for the throne of Poland. He had spent his entire life fighting the Teutons so there was going to be war.
Sure they said his conversion was bullshit because they wanted land from Lithuania but they never intended to fight Poland initially. The Polish union with Lith just made it impossible to fight one without fighting the other. Poland was just the more logical place to attack.
>lesser partner in a union under a catholic crown
>"lol bullshit conversion"
What did they mean by this?
>lesser partner
>became king of Poland
U wot m8
>fighting Russians
OH MY GOD when will this meme finally end? There was hardly anything other than Battle of the ice which was an irrelevant border skirmish overblown by tsarist and Soviet propaganda.
I'm talking about the lordship of Lithuania in general. And the king was the Catholic King of Poland, an entirely catholic kingdom ruled by an entirely catholic aristocracy.
God those helmets are so fucking autistic.
I know. The knights still called bullshit because they wanted that strip of Lithuania so they could connect Prussia to their northern territory.They managed to control it for a while but lost it later causing immense butthurt.
Poland isn't blameless either. They fermented rebellion in Teutonic lands and had their own territorial disputes with them + they wanted access to those sweet rivers to the Baltic.
It could even be argued that the union with Lithuania was a move against the Teutons.
>In late 1408, Vytautas and Jogaila met in Navahrudak and agreed to support the Samogitians and provoke the Knights into declaring war against Poland.
Germanic manchildren out fucking skilled in the one area Germans always fail in. Diplomacy.
>had their own territorial disputes with them + they wanted access to those sweet rivers to the Baltic
They literally owned Pomerania and west Prussia before. And Poles as a reward for liberating Danzig from Brandenburgers offered half of Danzig - Crusaders took it all along with lands surrounding it and slaughtered local population.
I would say the Poles had themselves to blame for starting a war of conquest they couldn't win and inviting a fanatic order they couldn't control
The Russians and Baltic Pagans were mostly innocent though
>Thought this was about the Crusades
>Implying the Crusaders in general still wouldn't be equivalent to Chaos cultists
muslims are more chaos, some dark god whispering maddening passages to a man who has traveled off the beaten path into arcane desolate wastes, telling him to make war and conquer for him
Except it was the Crusaders going off to conquer on the whim of a wild cult, with the Greeks and Arabs ruling actual empires.
whim of a wild cult?
The bleedin' Pope sounded the call through the land for all of Christendom's efforts in the struggle
read up on the Teutonic order you meat head
Ergo cultists roused up by their cult leader.
but that's not a cult
>muslims didn't make war and conquer in the name of islam
how do you figure the umayyad caliphate came to be so large? why is it that those who are most vocal about the crusades on this board are also the most ignorant of its precursors?
>While sending swords as a formal gesture challenging the enemy to battle was customary at that time, adding insults was not. Hence the envoys' speech was considered grossly boastful and impudent, as can be seen from a letter sent by Jan Hus to King Władysław II where the Bohemian religious reformer praised the Polish-Lithuanian victory at Grunwald as a triumph of humility over pride.
>Where, then, are the two swords of the enemies? They were indeed cut down with those swords with which they tried to terrify the humble! Behold, they sent you two swords, the swords of violence and of pride, and have lost many thousands of them, having been utterly defeated -Jan Hus, Letter to King Władysław II, 141
they got royally BTFO
How ironic, I do agree the most vocal about Crusades are the most ignorant of its precursors.
>Making war in the name of anything but dynastic power and Arab imperium.