What is your opinion on how schools in your country teach history?
What is your opinion on how schools in your country teach history?
It's been taken over by SJWs unfortunately. It's all about how bad the three Cs (Caucasians, Capitalism, and Christianity) are.
It's pretty bad to be honest, or at least when it comes to world history, mainly because it is more focused on national history (i live in Chile).
In what way is history taught the way you just described? Where do you live?
not even /pol/ but in hindsight there was a LOT of emphasis on how bad the white people were to the not white people. The north-african slave trade wasn't even discussed but they made sure to impress on me I should feel guilt for the sub-saharan slave trade.
t. dutch who had his last history course about 7 years ago
Well that doesn't match my experience in the US. What state and in what way is history taught that it rails against the three things you mentioned?
I went to private schools, so I haven't any idea how retards are taught history
First TX, then CO, then KS.
My experience was a lot like . Countless hours on the Islamic Golden Age, the "Dark Ages", the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the Holocaust, the Civil Rights Movement, etc.
No mention of Islamic slavery, the Holodomor, the Greek Genocide, the Armenian Genocide, the Assyrian Genocide, etc.
>If you don't go to school you're stupid.
fucking elitists, just die already
As a Bong, I feel it did have an element of what described, but I came out of the curriculum feeling proud of what my country accomplished, even whilst feeling like we could have fucked the brown people over less whilst accomplishing it.
I just wish that it had been more vague, oddly enough. Like, we should have spent several terms just going over all of human history in broad strokes before going into any detail.
Terribly, as is everything in the average american school. The public school system was a mistake.
We never learned this in TN. Our history was pretty okay actually, but then again I did Honors and International (IB) classes. I'm sure the kids in low level classes learned a shit ton about the civil rights movement and feminism bullshit.
In English we were supposed to read Dracula but our English teacher said it was "Stupid" and prefered to teach us about feminism and talk about her mixed race baby and black husband. Actually... all of our English books were almost entirely about Feminism now that I think about it. I dunno what the lower level kids did, but we really hammered it home with Feminism and race relations in English. Honestly really fucking annoying.
That's not a bad argument.
It was alright i guess, the books and the curriculum, they were generally objective, but gets a bit more nationalistic when talking about national liberation, it does so both in national and global parts of the curriculum, championing an end to multi ethnic empires in favor of nation states. There's a touch of romanticism in there.
It also get a bit commie apologetic.
So there's a bit of right and a bit of left wing bias i noticed.
As for the teachers...
The elementary school teacher was a half Croat half Serb married to a Muslim. Needless to say she had a mental breakdown when teaching about the holocaust and REEEEEEEEEEEED at the class about the evils of nationalism.
The high school teacher was incredibly based, was knowledgeable and had a good sense of humor. He also had a rolling R.
>Islamic Golden Age, the "Dark Ages", the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the Holocaust, the Civil Rights Movement, etc.
What level of /pol/ are you on?
My English teacher had a thing for post-colonialist literature. God damn Toni Morrison but I got back at her by picking Lolita for my mandatory reading list.
Toni Morrison can suck a dick. And it is fucking beyond me why anyone thinks Their Eyes Were Watching God is the best book they have ever read.
Are there any Americans that aren't /pol/ at this point?
Seriously, if learning that Muslims did good things, the fall of Rome led to religious conservatism (dunno where the fuck you got the idea that people push the Dark Ages meme, my Marxian professors and California teachers pretty much quelled the Dark Age meme at ever opportunity), you're fucked up in the head
The Holodomor was a famine and political bullshit, and the other genocides you mentioned are either minor footnotes they mentioned or so minor and unrelated to other things they aren't worth mentioning.
14 million people died in the Holocaust and an entire religion was virtually wiped off a continent. It's you know, the big one.
Why do we learn about atomic bombs being dropped more than other bombs
that is one strange looking man
first post best post
Don't group me in with /pol/ autists you fucking shitstain. Regardless of your political opinion it's obvious that the American education system is worthless and hopelessly broken. Yes I'm mad.
Massachusetts citizen here. The public education here is great and is globally competitive. The rest of the states are shit at education, it seems to me.
When the contentions are things like "They teach that muslims have contributed to society", "They teach the Holocaust and Civil Rights", there's too much feminism in literature. and you think the American education system is anticapitalist you're /pol/
More what happened in our own country and less of what happened in Europe (and the world) as a whole. Also less white guilt, we were not even a colonial power ffs...
This is a Blue board, you belong on /pol/
Sorry Ahmed, not everybody wants to learn about the history of the religion of piss
So am I really the only one in the world who pays attention to history and isn't redpilled on the greatness of Western Civilisation and the Negro's inferiority.
Except I didn't mention any of those things, you illiterate mongoloid. Learn to read before you try to argue.
Bringing up blacks for no reason
Damn you're mad, LOL!
Then it was a mistaken (you), you're a little too upset over getting an accidental (you)
Retard meme
We're allowed to have different opinion here user
I loved when we learned about muslims and the holocaust, a lot of it was eye opening. My problem was when I take an English class and they solely cover Feminism and Race relations, I am not really learning much about American literature or literature in general. I couldn't tell you shit about war literature or most non-feminist poetry.
Yeah, I am, because you guys make actual converation push bullshit that makes this board garbage
I think Holocaust Denial should get you permabanned desu
There are no blue boards. You need to go back.
You don't know how good of a thing that is.
You don't want classic novels to be ruined by the fact that you read it when you were 16.
Now you're bringing up holocaust denial for no reason
Damn you're autistic lmao
No, you're not. The term "red pilled" literally makes me cringe now. It's getting pretty ridiculous, yeah I understand that learning about different feminist movements or Marxism or whatever every course can get a bit annoying, but some of its genuinely interesting. And there's so much other good shit taught I find it hard to care.
The only ones that usually flip about this sort of thing are the insecure little storm fags who are upset that their worldview is being challenged.
They can't really go into details about anything because there is so much ground to cover. History education is basically cliff notes.
They can't go much into the crusades other than it happened, which is where everyone seems to have the wrong idea about it ad not as the 'my team controls the check point!' pissing match over who gets a pilgrimage site, a Mediterranean port town, and who the local Christians and Muslims pay taxes to. Freaking nobody knows the political or social context of the crusades, especially not the Middle-eastern part.
Slavery is important to talk about because black people in America are about 10% of the population, a significant portion. Plus slavery also ties into how Americas government was structured and a major cause of the civil war, you gotta talk about it because that shits important, yo.
Holocaust is important, because A) WW2, and B) Jews are about 2% of the population. Thus the story of the holocaust is the story of a large number of Americans, and thus apart of American history.
Native Americans are 1%-ish, that might not seem like a lot but that's 1 in 100 people. Its important to talk about not-white people in America because they are apart of our civilization.
Women's literature is important because there are lots of important women out there with more power than you, stop bitching. Also realize 'the yellow wallpaper' is a good story.
why are Californians self important dolts?
Went to high school back there, can confirm. Seeing my nephew's go to schools in the south and California is fucking worrying, the amount of shit they don't teach is startling. I'm pretty much their history teacher, but that's only by request.
I think we had two years of history in elementary school and then four more in high school (grammar school) and I think it did quite a good job of covering the important stuff considering it was elementary school basics of everything from Ancient Egypt to the 2000s and then the same in four years on a high school level, covering the history of our country as well as the wider world history. Of course, it could always be better if more time was allocated to teaching history and making it a bit less about names and dates and more about showing a more connected view of world history throughout the ages, showing cause and effect and making kids think instead of just memorising. But I suppose that's not contained just in history.
I can't talk about university history education because I didn't go in that direction, although I did think about doing it.
Terribly, the teachers usually skim over all the important parts then spend a third of the semester on whatever their historical fetish is, like Woodrow Wilson for one of my teachers back in high school.
that's "a part", not "apart,"
you absolute mongoloid, you've done that at least twice in that shallow post
you're effectively saying that they are separate from our civilization every time you do that
the absolute state of the English language amongst the millennial plebeians in this disrespected country...
I'm neither American or /pol/ you fucking faggot, but I'm glad you feel the quality of your post is so fucking great that you can reply to 8 fucking people at the same time with one single post you humongous fucking faggot.
You just reek of faggotry. Nobody cares about spelling here on an anonymous anime image board.
t. retardo who doesn't understand not everyone here is from the US.
>When the contentions are things like "They teach that muslims have contributed to society",
Except NOBODY made that contention. The problem was with the disproportionate amount spend on such subjects relative to other subject.
it's not spelling, it's a different word you ignorant sot
hell, it's even basic fucking grammar!
>pol autists
u are them retardedmanlet
>pol isn't here
>its the militant left
no normal people of all denominations are sick of you meme slinging apes
maybe if u ever said something novel we wouldn't blame pol
or you know, women's literature could be taught as part of general literature
Oh, I wasn't implying it should be a separate subject.
> there are people who look up to this cuck
you mean the passing over of a few books and a few reviews you can do in a HS class because people are so fucking lazy and expectations so low?
i feel like you didn't take an english course beyond 100s
when did purses become fashionable for men to keep about them?
Still don't give a shit, anybody can still understand what he was communicating. It's not like anybody proof reads their posts.
You... cantankerous flapper?
>Not keeping a satchel by your side
The thing is I don't think proof reading would have done him any good.
If your posts are idiotic nonsense pockmarked with exceptionally annoying grammar then you're going to have it!
About 8 years of learning about native tribes
>muh pemmican
>muh Buffalo
>muh noble savage
Literally two weeks on the world wars, a little about the Napoleonic wars, then the Cold War.
T. Leaf
Romania, history is shit here. You either have retarded teachers spew western propaganda or no teaching at all. Its extremely rare to find a decent teacher
>14 million people died in the Holocaust and an entire religion was virtually wiped off a continent. It's you know, the big one.
Get the fuck out of here. It's important, sure. But to teach it to the extent that it is in American schools is ridiculous. I had five courses with segments dedicated exclusively to the Holocaust in high school. We spent more time learning about the Holocaust than both World Wars combined. It's also taught in such a way that it's clearly the most evil thing in history, with no other event approaching it in moral repugnance, with the possible exception of the Rwandan Genocide. We ignore the fact that Human history is written in the blood of genocide victim.s
I just know I don't put nearly a fraction as much care into what I post here compared to some official document or what I had to do for essays. This post almost had hear instead of here just cuz I I don't analyze my typing on Veeky Forums. Being a grammar Nazi in this setting usually derails the whole argument and really just comes across as avoiding the topic at hand.
burger education lmao
Disgraceful really, where's your indifference to the indians spirit?
We learned about that fanciful confederacy the indians put together to combat settlers, but really other than the trail of tears they only made mention in my own schooling when they happened to be at war with the united states.
Although you could not turn on PBS without seeing a historical documentary about the Seminole war and the like.
Poor Canuck. Did they at least cover the history of hockey?
Surprisingly balanced and impartial. I am highly pleased by their quality, I just wish they were more comprehensive. But, you know, there is a limited number of class days. The books are pretty meme-free, too.
My goal is to make a brewery called Trail of Beers and focus sales in reservations.
there's being a grammar nazi, and then there's just being annoyed by someone typing like they were held back in the 2nd grade
>trail of beers
absolutely capital!
That's one of the things that I missed from history classes. We touched upon colonisation of the Americas, fast forwarded to American independence war (although it was a minor part - we talked about the French revolution more) and then again for the civil war. There were Aztecs and Mayas in the book but we never got there in the actual classes. But I suppose it was not so important and I read about it on my own before that anyway.
Born and raised in TX and this wasn't my experience at all.
Yeah I learned about the Islamic Golden Ages and the Civil Rights Movement, but they definitely weren't taught in a way that was trying to push a "fuck whitey" narrative.
I also learned a lot about the Armenian genocide and I remember learning about all the major East African city states and their ties to slavery.
I think you're just full of shit
Here in California it is pretty even keel. I have no idea what everyone here is talking about.
The Missions signaled the beginning of end for Californian natives as cultures and resulted in a high loss of life, yet we are also taught that the Missionaries weren't bad people and they did what they thought was right even though it didn't work out well and their values may have been different from ours. The civil war was absolutely about slavery but due respect was given to individual soldiers. World history was pretty big on Mesoamerica and South America with cursory look at Africa and Asia except for early history (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece). Probably could have focused a bit more on Rome. Colonialism was pretty broad and nonspecific. They put a big focus on the clusterfuck of politics leading up to WW1 but not much on the war itself. Only a couple class sections focused on the Holocaust and, the rest was tactics and big picture stuff. I wish we had focused more on the Pacific and Eastern Fronts.
In all, it felt like we touched a lot of things but weren't able to linger too long since we had so much ground to cover, though I was a history nerd so I may be a bit more critical.
>Seeing my nephew's go to schools in the south and California is fucking worrying
I feel you man. I come from a family of teachers and they tell me the system is a clusterfuck.
At no point did I feel like it was being unfair to whites. We don't learn as much about the Islamic Slave Trade for the same reason the Taiping Rebellion is left out, it had little impact on the country the histories are being taught in. We are taught about the Atlantic Slave Trade and the Holocaust because those were important to western history. Why would they go out of their way to discus an atrocity which had very little effect on our culture, politics or demographics with the limited time we had? Just to preserve the feelings of a bunch of asshurt /pol/tards?
Why is it that puns are only ever funny if they are in some way hurtful?
>I as an individual need to directly benefit from a government programme in order for paying for that programme to be justifiable
Why is America so cancerous?
why are you cancerous?
No u.
for myself world history was divided into ancient and modern, and only touched on south/ central america when it came time for the conquistadors to come a 'knockin
the focus was in the relevant european realm, or asia
starting with the fertile crescent, sumer, and the like
I fucking wish I'd learned anti-capitalism in HS instead of "le ebil gommunism killed 100 trillion billion innocent children"
you should have learned a little of both with the excesses of the gilded age being front and center through American history following the civil war
Because dark humor makes light of a tragedy, the contrast must have something to do with it.
>my experience in the 2nd largest state in the country was different from yours, ergo you're lying
flag (m00txico)
it's shit, i dunno if they have jumped in the WE WUZ pool but when i was a kid i remember the government-printed textbooks had scarce text, mediocre pictures and figures, and even some grammatical errors
also they painted a rosy picture of the mexican revolution as if it had gotten us to a much better relation between each other and our country and others
>14 million people died in the Holocaust
I'm pretty sure it was 11 million
Public school in Texas is pretty much the same in all the big cities. The guy I was replying to may have been to a private school or he went to some shitty school in the rural counties.If the latter is true, I doubt they were teaching him the evils of capitalism and how evil whitey is.
All schools fail abysmally in doing what they are there to do. They teach subjects, they teach language, they do not teach students exactly how to learn and what might interest them to learn, instead they go the route of rote learning.
99% of all information learned in school is useless and is just arbitrary shit they use to show you can "learn" and "remember" what is taught, critical thinking and judgement goes out the window and we have a world full of idiots.
Croat here. The curriculum is fine, though 19th century Croatian history is boring af. Some of the right wingers want more time dedicated to the War of Independence but they are just spewing shit. There's enough time dedicated to it in school and everyone learns about it from their parents and the culture anyway.
There's also a big curricular reform that some of the left wing is pushing for (and it'll probably fail), but I don't know if they want any notable changes regarding history, to be honest.
I had great teachers and professors, and I think that's what matters the most. Whenever the one in primary school (ages 11-15 here) started talking, the whole class would immediately become silent and attentive, not because we feared her but because she was such a good speaker. Keep in mind, this was a large group of otherwise dumb and loud teenage boys - but we would all listen to her anyway. No other teacher could create such a silence, except for one who was a bitch whom we feared.
The guy in high school (15-19) was extremely demanding and seemingly unpredictable, but if you "worked him out" he was the best. In the first two years I'd piss blood to get a decent grade but in the last year he gave me the highest final grade on the basis of two essays and a written exam that I did not completely fuck up. He was the scariest prof we had - one time when we were screwing with some other prof he walked down the stairs and we, expecting him to react, dispersed like a scared flock of pigeons. It probably looked really ridiculous, since we were 18 at the time, not really children. We didn't even know if he knew what was going on and I doubt he could punish us at all, but we feared him nonetheless.
At the same time he was a total bro, commenting on the current political events, exchanging jokes with a student who was a neo-fascist/ustasha and screwing with the obnoxious commie/atheist guy. He also had extreme breadth of knowledge. All in all, the most memorable prof I've had.
Sorry for blogging, I got carried away
Argentine here
The 6th to 9th grade you learn about western history, from pre history to ww2.
The last 3 years are Holocaust, nazis, Argentina in the WW2 period, peronism, anglo-argentine conflicts/falklands and then white/mid class guilt about our de facto goverments and mostly shitting on the upper class.
Learn your nations history before you learn the history of the world, you leftist cuck.
People here the US try to play up the SJW bogeyman way too much. Only in rare isolated cases is it taught that whites are evil, etc.
I'm an American. I don't think it matters much how schools here teach history. What matters is that most people don't have the slightest bit of interest in history. In any case, compulsory schooling rustles my jimmies. The idea that you can force people to become intellectual just seems plain wrong to me. People become learned because they naturally want to open their minds. You can't open minds by hammering people with weird authoritarian structures.
As for the actual material that I remember from school... well, the textbooks were actually pretty thick and seemed decent. But none of the classes ever had any hope of doing anything more than skimming the surface of the the textbooks.
>14 million people died in the Holocaust
it certainly was not a party to the history classes in grade school or HS for me
but then, I did not attend a public school