it started 3 years ago. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety I am taking amitryptilne drug prescribed from my doctor for 3 years now everyday but it only helps me sleep, I am afraid of going out my room im afraid to talk to people even to my familly because I know they will not understand, I lost many friends. I dont even reply on facebook messeages, when I am around people my heart starts beating faster I am getting sweaty I stutter when I talk, and all I really think of is to go back to my room and close the door, you dont even know how hard it was to make decision to talk about it here, I had job month ago on the warehose but I quit because I was bullied by workers, I couldnt just tell on them to manager because I was afraid and obviously nobody would like to work with snitch. I have 19 years old living with my mom, I eat what she buys, I have some money saved for couple of days, I cant even think what I am going to do when she be gone... everyday when I wake up I only think about suicide, nothing makes me satisfied, I am going out only to shop and back quickest way with my hoody and hat on. I need some type of job that I could do on my own I cant work with other people.. I don;t know if somebody is going to read that, but I want to know if there is somebody else like me. what can I do to get job that I could work by myself, my mom is mad at me because I am staying home all day and live from her pocket, I only want to make her proud not mad.. but I all I do is cry alone in my room where nobody notice me
I want to kill myself
Other urls found in this thread:
nice! just bought 100k
Sent ;)
So change your life?
youtube channel about eating hotpockets?
>what can I do to get job that I could work by myself
Drive a truck
I don't know. I wouldn't put money into that shitcoin.
Go work on personal development.
Start reading inspirational shit.
Use the internet.
Minister you satoshi
If you aren't already a faggot then start filtering the birth control out of your water, stop eating soy and start lifting weights. You aren't depressed, you have dangerously low testosterone.
Start small, get a paper route, move up to janitor, buy some prostitutes to get more acquainted with women, get to uni (I don't give a fuck what age you are), become a technician, move up to manager, fuck bitches get $$$$$$.
You should also try asking your mom for a blowjob, might get you motivated.
If you want to kill yourself then kill yourself. I lost a friend who killed himself. He was determined to do it. And he had it all. Great life. I'll never know wtf?
Or on the flip side you can start grabbing life by the balls and make the best of it. Up to you.
Stop being a pussy and be a MAN, crying is for women. Challenge yourself!
we are the digimarines
you have to get good at something before the fun begins, life is hard, stop being weak and go do whatever you are supposed to do, you'll see how things can get better.
Fuck. I love this board.
It's the best
OP, how well can you suck dick? I have a proposition for you
you could buy SIGT it's basically killing yourself
Legit suggestion here, OP. Good luck my man.
How do you filter your water for that?
This is a good idea plus you can relieve your built up anger by making lot lizards (prostitutes) scream and cry before you strangle them. For more information have your Mom buy you the book "I: The Creation of A Serial Killer" which was written about -er- a friend of mine.
Dude, don't go fora job -go for some. Mental health!!!! It will take time and a lot of even more pain because you have to start working with your fears, your anxietys and you will learn to manipulate your thoughts to be able to sustain a good mood over the time. After your treatment you can start looking for a job and not before that. Start as soon as possible, don't wait and B4 u know, you'll have your life back. And go meet another doc for a second opinion about your drugs, tell him that they are not helping in any way. But honestly, leave those anti depression pills behind and start a fight with your fears! Stare at them, let it happen, they won't kill you it's just fear!!! This pill only put a curtain over your problems and you won't see them to fight them! Go meet a doc!
An activated charcoal filter (like a Brita) is pretty effective. I use a distiller. We men of Veeky Forums need to eat our cruciferous vegetables.
Check it out:
Money is what you want, so go learn everything you can about it.
Cool, I use Brita, didn't realize it was effective for the hormonal crap
save up some cash and pay a prostitute for a girlfriend experience. trust me, it'll do wonders for your self confidence.
Im just like you bro i feel your pain
Im just want to get rich with crypto , i think this will help with my anxiety
And i will start to fuck paid hores , this maybe help with my self esteem
thought the same, i was thinkin bout buying ants
it was 0.15$ for 1 and now is 18$ for 1, what other crypto coin are worth to buy
Im all in on iota , already 50% up
Hey you were me 20 years ago.
>tfw nothing has changed
Start watching Jordan Peterson's youtube channel. It will help you understand what the fuck is wrong with you and how to fix it.
It will be hard, but only you can do it.
jiddu krishnamurti, alan watts and eckhart tolle changed my life
Who's this semen demon?
Not business related.
But in general, depression is from holding yourself to too high of a standard.
You need to lower the bar for a while to get your confidence back.
do you mean me or the picture I put there
on the picture is norway singer Aurora
I always been told to keep my expectations and head high
I can relate to that. I used to have all of this, to the point of having noticeable twitches whenever someone looks at me.
I'm feeling better now and all the twitches are gone, still have some sweating and heart racing but not as severe as before. I don't know what helped though, I've been doing a lot of shit like meditating, cutting out sugar, eating raw diet, supplementing with st. johns wort, smoking and so on.
You can try phenibut for short term improvement, take 1 gram on an empty stomach 4 hours before going out somewhere.
Trade memecoins. That's the only way out for people like us. Also learn programming, that could be useful
The only decent advice in this thread tbqh.
Do something that involves working outside at least part of the time, and being alone almost all of the time, like a telephone guy, cable installer or similar. Your co-workers will be way to busy to bother you, plus those guys tend to be well mannered and not vile enough to stoop to grade school bullshit anyway.
Be assured that you are not alone... life is basically shit for all of us as well. Even when you succeed, there are vultures around every corner.
Thank you all so much for all the words and time that u spend on reading this and replying I really appriciate, I will do all these things
When expectations are too high, it actually lowers your confidence, because you aren't hitting your milestones.
So you need to lower the bar to gain some momentum and get in the swing of winning.
Things won't always feel like this. I've been in a similar position and got through it. Imagine where you want to be in life. Then make a plan to get there, step by step, piece by piece. Eat healthy, do exercise daily and do small things every day that take you closer to your goals.
>tfw trucker was my dream job
>my country is too shit so being a trucker is worst than being a soldier.
I wish you good luck op.
I'm kinda down myself; got burnt out by doing too much math lmao.
I am like you op. Not as intense, but much of the same feelings.
Face your fears. If you cannot, spend your time learning how to face them.
Drugs can be a double edged sword. As long as you don't end up addicted, you could learn a lot about your mental state. It may be highly beneficial. But take the role of pharmacologist upon yourself. If you do go this route, I hope you are smart.
Hey buddy you seem to be lost
is three boards down
NAD+ infusion
dude if people dont like you then just get some weird friends or rejected friends! why change your self?