Is it too late to buy? I'm considering going all in. No FOMOers please
Is it too late to buy? I'm considering going all in. No FOMOers please
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Your chance to go 100x is smaller but there's still hope.
You might lose everything, though. You know. Crypto meme and all.
Why didn't you buy at 800 when I told you to?
get in bro. below 5k sats means we haven't even started.
not too late, it's about to take off again
God I love this coin. Every night I go to sleep I fear it'll crash. And then I wake up to massive gains. Is this heaven?
wait for the dip. It's not breaking 5k sats until it's on bittrex.
this is the dip, dummy
pretty much
this coin is unironically going to be one of the bigger coins, even small loses now are incomparable to what gainz will be in the future
it's not even added on bittrex, lul
Not it's not. Have you seen those sell walls from 5k upwards? They're freaking huge.
so was 3k. so was 4k.
we are the sigtmarines.
serious question: am I slow retard for not daytrading this? I could've sold at .00399 LTC then rebuy for more SIGT. fuck. however, hindsight is 20/20 who knew that was this morning's top. oh well.
>inb4 newfag
Those weren't that big. They were 1, 2 BTC at most.
you can't daytrade it on craptopia. you're almost certain to mess up while manually enterring price in a hurry
wrong. do not try to rewrite our epic history, faggot.
look buddy, I love sigt as much as the next guy, but it's not going past 5k until it's on a non-shitty exchange. craptopia just doesn't cut it, it doesn't have enough volume.
who cares
it's rallying rn, just don't fuck up this time user
Just wait until them get removed. When
momentum picks up they usually get retracted.
it's not our fault you don't want free gainz when it is added on a good exchang
that's the point of buying it on cryptopia, moron
thanks bud I needed that pep talk
50 min and counting, LTC from slowrex to craptopia... still pending
someone is pushing down the price with fake sell orders, now could be a good time to buy in for you
good luck
What do you sigtmarines see this coin's value being in 1-2 years?
where can i buy it?
3k and 4k had around 12 btc just around 3000 , and 4000 mark , same with 5k on first aproach
Should I sell the rest of my BCH to buy more SIGT?
$.25 cents after the big trex pump.
why isnt it on bitrex
lol I saw 10 btc wall get eaten in 15 seconds today at 4k, you fucking bozo... made 15k today, was a good day, and this is my first coin ever.... waiting on your pink wojacks soon faggot
Jumping on now means that you'll only get 10x you investment instead of 100x.
I guess you can skip it if you hate free money.
enough volume....... except today is currently @ 723.47724641 BTC for SIGGIES
read their twitter, they filled but because of the long waiting list they're not on yet
lol user that's why i have 100% gainz, right?
stay poor idiot, hate money someplace else
How can I mine this shitcoin?
Good God guys, I'm not saying this coin isn't going to grow, just that it's going to dip right now. Stop letting greed blind you and look at things rationally.
hate money? These sell walls dont stand, they have been blown past, we are at 723 BTC volume on a shit exchange, approaching top 100 coins you fucking fag, I made 15k today off this and I will continue to make money, when I told you biz fags to buy at 600 and 700, you all called me a shill.... stay salty
Thanks bud, dont look like my transfer will go through in time tho.. and people said LTC would be faster even.
Can vouch, those sell walls didn't stand a chance, people know this coin isn't JUST another quick P and D.
we're in the dip right now, are u okay user
we're trying to leave it right now, sign/ltc is up 50%
just hodl man, think about how big the volume is on a shitty exchange, you cannot reliably day trade on cucktopia.. wait for Trex, the market place, the casino, ect.. to be announced and the halving isnt here. You would be a total retard to sell right now, I told everyone at 600 sats to buy in, they all called me a pajeet... when will biz learn
this. Nothing lasts when its up against SigNAYtum, nothing.
BIZ, you got that? I tried to help you fuckers, but what did you do? You called a white man pajeet, you called me schlomo and shill, all I tried to do was make you millionaire faggots, but noooooooo you couldnt listen. For once this was do as bizbro said, not the opposite. I mean... 600 sats, come on, thats dirt fucking cheap. The returns are incredible... I tried to help, you just wouldnt listen. Thats ok, I will post a pic of my lambo soon.
most of biz can't be helped, brah. you tried.
really hoping this gets shat on one more time.
>723 BTC volume
It was 28 BTC volume on Aug 1st
This bubble is gonna end in tears.
What block are we at now?
Anyone still holding? Or selling and buying the dips?
Anyone taken profit yet?
Amazing volume on cryptopia. I would buy now and wait for it to hit Bittrex in a week. I went all in.
buy the dip user
How much you got bro?
i just sold 3k at 4k sat approx
bought in at 800 sat
still holding 3k coins from mining. I think we're gonna dip though, too many grreedy ppl getting in
it's going to be listed on bittrex on the 14th. it's going through compliance review now
oh its just a rumor from the offical discord
>calls it shitcoin
Sorry kid this isn't the coin for you
2 hours pending deposit on bittrex, LTC. WTF?!
Whats the total supply of this
>didn't buy at the sub 3500 sats dip earlier
Keep going up mofo, I need my bills paid.
That's current, right? Aren't they added like millions a day through mining?
Is there a cap on the total supply?
I bought
11k Stigs at 2850
10k Stigs at 4000
How fucked am I?
super super models once we moon to $1
no cap
So it's a shitcoin
cap is approximately 137 million. don't listen to FUDsters here.
Do the math. Bittrex would make $5000 usd on that. Is that really worth a capital investment of dev time?
it's more volume than like 90% of bittrex coins you idiot
Are you guys fucking stupid? Are you just taking wild ass guesses? Check this link for real fucking facts.
137.5m coins available. Halving happens at 30k blocks. Rewards for mining go from 2500 to 1250. Halves again at 60k. Mining ends at 100k and it switches to pos after 100k blocks with 5% interest.
Fucking read a little bit
Volume would triple if it got listed on Bittrex, and that is per day, and more volume than almost all their coins. It's practically all the volume on Craptopia, and what isn't Sigt volume is mostly people moving other coins that transact faster to buy more Sigt.
Not to mention they risk losing customers to people who sign up to Cryptopia and buy other coins there.
Bittrex would have to be retarded to not try and get this out as quick as possible.
What the fuck is 5% interest? Where are those coins coming from if there is a hard cap of 137.5m???
Dipping now, when to buy in anons?
>Bought at 4k
>Less than 3.8k not even an hour later
I just hope my fucking BTC deposit clears before it rebounds again fuck.
Do so fucking reading. It's not hard to find the whitepaper.
137mil coins for the POW. I think around block 97,0000 it goes hybrid POS/POW and after 100,000 it's POS where the 5% he is talking about is.
>such denial
>such reading comprehension then
lamboland, no wait
arms heavy
knees weak
Block x reward. We're currently around 28.5k blocks... Times 2500... So 77m in circulation. They get harder to mine. Equation below will show you how we'll get to the end of mining and pos.
A week ago. If that's not possible, then RIGHT NOW.
Jesus, got into cryptopia just to buy this and I can safely say this is the shittiest exchange I have ever seen.
Fucking hell everything is slow and the orders barely even do the math. If it weren't for hoping to make some gains I'd have waited until BitTrex 2bh
>he's never been to etherdelta.
sigts is fine, If you had the chance to buy eth at 16 cents, would you?
ok im not the only one
im probably just going to mine it
Welcome to the sheepfuckingfest
The lying siggers don't care about you they just want you to buy their coins that they bought days ago that they're beginning to off load
VIrtually EVERYONE in these threads have already bought DAYS AGO op they do nothing but brag about it
you're LATE to the party and they ARE GOING TO DUMP ON YOU
Thanks just bought 100k always do the opposite of what biz says.
>Not swapping LTC
Nigger, come on.
Cost averaged your ahead right now, you bought late but there is still hope.
I'm seriously not dumping my shit. Maybe playing market movements against weak hands but I'm long on SIGT sand plan to make a lot of money on this coin.
SIGT is exploding in volume right now, and it is only on one real exchange. The rest was made from mining, which many of us are still doing before it gets halved. You'd have to be an idiot to see this dip and think "IT'S OVER!!"
The argument that it's not going to continue its rise hinges on the fact that a lot of the owners of the mined coins are going to get itchy holding onto their excess coins if they see they can make a decent profit by just unloading now and right after the halving. The fact that it projects to still be profitable after the halving is great news, but if that swings back the other way it can start a chain reaction of selling unless it's balanced out by some more good news from the devs. Hopefully they have some news ready to fuel the momentum at the same time as the halving. If I were them, I'd hold any bit of news right until then.
>t. no siggie
I own 20k.
same because i lost all faith in this coin when it dipped below 1k the last time
There are too many people invested in SIGT for it to have another crazy ass rise and fall like that again. Yeah, it could crash or dip hard, but it won't be nearly as fast as the first shit show.
So basicall,y you're a spineless little bitch that got rattled and your sweaty palms dropped all your shekels? Don't get involved with a project you don't believe in. Simple.
I held through the 5k pump and will hold through this pump. I'll take profit @ 20-50k SAT, but not sooner.
i never sold, i was just too scared to buy more
Haha. Shit man you should have cost averaged down if you held through the dip. Well, hopefully you've broken even now.
20-50K SAT is still too early to take profit IMO. It can be a $10 coin easily
you guys are masters at pumping.
first it was: this coin will go to $1 easily
now it is: this coin will go to $10
holy shit I don't know what to beelieve in anymore so I'll just stop checking SIGT...the halving gots me nervous though because I am a sweaty-palmed little bitch
Well if you're in it for the long run hodl you can wait until we get into pos. Who knows what's gonna happen but just keep holding. Almost certain 50 cents, anything else is gravy
Price is doubling tomorrow. Get in now.
Whats the best coin to buy this with?
Do I buy it in BTC or Litecoin?