I am an Ashkenazi Jew who took a DNA test. Aside from other Jews, the only people who match my haplotype are about a hundred people in Saudi Arabia. How can this be, if scientists say that Jews come from the Levant and Anatolia and Arabs didn't leave the peninsula until Muhammad?
I am an Ashkenazi Jew who took a DNA test. Aside from other Jews...
You're from Khazar. They share genetic traits as Turks do.
One of your ancestors got kebab'd, homie
Jews came from the arabian peninsula user, why do you think the haplogroup of the Cohen is J1?
>How can this be, if scientists say that Jews come from the Levant and Anatolia and Arabs didn't leave the peninsula until Muhammad?
Cause Jewish tribes settled in the penninsula as far down as Yemen and converted Arabs to Judaism.
Even Muhammads own Grandfather was a ethnical jew after Hasheem married the Israelite Salma.
Yemenite jews
>How can this be
Because Arabs are unironically Semites. Yasser Arafat looks like the literal definition of Schlomo Shekelstein. Seriously, look at nose.
He said arabia dumb shit not the steppe. Anyway OP there were a significant minority of arabs that werenjews before the birth of islam. A big part of mohammeds story was subduing the jewish tribes around medina
>Arabs didn't leave the peninsula until Muhammad
that's where your wrong
Palestinians look like Jews
>Palestinians look like Jews
That's because they are literal Semites. Palestinians are descendants of Philistines. AKA the Jews who decided to stay in the Holy Land after the Exodus.
those are donmeh crypto-jews friendo.
>AKA the Jews
You cannot possibly be this stupid.
>The word "Philistine" and the modern term "Palestine" come from Old French Philistin, from Classical Latin Philistinus (found in the writings of Josephus), from Late Greek Philistinoi (Phylistiim in the Septuagint, also found in writings by Philo), from Hebrew Plištim, (e.g. in the Pentateuch: Genesis 21:34, "in the land of [the?] Plištim" בארץ פלשתים; in the MT Neviyim: Judges 14:3; 1 Samuel 17:36; Amos 1:8), "people of Plešt".
The Philistines were the biggest enemies of the Jews you fucking troglodyte and were native to the area the Jews invaded.
This shit again. If this theory is true then Ashkenazis wouldn't share so much DNA with Sephardis.
>the only people who match my haplotype are about a hundred people in Saudi Arabia. How can this be,
That's because there is literally no difference between Jews and Arabs, when it comes to genetics. They are both Semitic Hook-nosed bastard Kikes. I absolutely laugh my ass off, when an Arab gets called an ''Anti-Semite''.
Oh. Sorry, my mistake. That still doesn't refute my point, that both Jews and Palestinians are Semitic Kikes, and that both need to be genocided for the Aryan race.
The only possible way to interpret this retardation is that you somehow confused the Philistines with the Samaritans, and the Exodus with the Assyrian conquest of Israel. Well either that or you're being LE RANDUM xD in which case fuck off back to /b/.
>both need to be genocided for the Aryan race.
Go back to /pol/.
Just look at a map dude, Israel and Saudi Arabia are not a huge distance when traveling by camel. There were strong trade networks all across the Near East, so historically there would have always been some Canaanites in central Arabia and some Bedouins in the Levant.
Medina had a large Jewish community before Mohammed took it over and they all fled or became Muslim. There were also tons of Jews in Yemen until Israel sucked them all away. My guess is that you're partially descended from these guys in the pic, the Qatifi Jews of Saudi Arabia who lasted up until the 1950s.
What is intermingling?
The Philistines were of foreign extraction. They came to Palestine from elsewhere, probably Greece.
The Arabs (actual Arabs, not just arabized Levantines) lived as far north as Negev desert and Jordan. So there was plenty of contact.
t. Schlomo ben Avram
they were semites anyway
>the Jews who decided to stay in the Holy Land after the Exodus.
Umm... so, basically all of them?
>Russians are British
>no they're not faggot
>who cares they are both Indo-European
This is unironically how I think.
Tho the Russians have a lot of KHANG in them.
More like a lot of Finn.
It actually makes sense. If you're a Russian Jew you're not a pure Ashkenazi. You might have had family assimilated into Ashkenazic culture but Eastern Ashkenazim are very mixed with Babylonian Jews, Arab Jews, Persian Jews and Yiddish Speaking German Jews. Among the Arab Jews, some married Arab women just like European Jews did with European women.
I always say you're either 100% Jewish or 0% Jewish, their culture allows for intermarriage (Jewesses marrying Goyim) and their genes carry so much baggage with them in the form of inheritable disorders that even small amount of them will leave you marked.
All Semites descend, at some level, from an ancestral Semitic population
Arabs and Jews are both Semites. The Arabs didn't come out of Arabia to fuck your Grandma, they fucked her before they left
>You're from Khazar. They share genetic traits as Turks do.
The thing is, he probably had ancestors living in Khazaria, but only the rulers converted. The Jews who were living in Khazaria were Jewish refugees from Persia and Europe and the Caliphate. The majority of Jews in Khazaria were Israelites.
>their culture allows for intermarriage (Jewesses marrying Goyim)
Uhh... It allows for either as long as they convert. The fact that the vast majority of Jews trace their paternal lines to the Levant proves that didn't happen much back then. Also considering most European Jews trace their maternal line back to Europe it shows it was most likely Middle Eastern Jews with Roman women.
>if scientists say that Jews come from the Levant and Anatolia and Arabs didn't leave the peninsula until Muhammad?
That's not true. There had been an Arab presence in Levant for awhile. It was very minimal prior to the Arab invasions when they pretty much changed the whole landscape and turned the Middle East into the 'Arab world,' but there are records of Arab wars way back.
>when an Arab gets called an ''Anti-Semite''
>Anti-Semite: a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
What is a misnomer
The existence of nation state has so brainwashed people that everyone now thinks that ethnicity/religion of the people = ethnicity/religion of the ruler. While historically this is hardly the case when it comes to larger countries. You are now aware that:
>most people in the Avar Khaganate were Slavs
>most people in the Hunnic empire were Germanics and Slavs
>most people in the Roman empire were Greeks (and I mean the original Roman empire, not Byzanmemes)
>most people in the Aztec empire were non-Aztec
>most people in Austria-Hungary were Slavs
>most people in the Ottoman empire were Arabs
>most people in Khazaria were Tengriist Turks
It's a deliberate misnomer. The word Anti-Semite was invented by Moritz Steinschneider, a Jew. Anti-Judeism would be a far better term.
It was coined because Moslems were basically a nonfactor in the west before the latter half of the 20th century.
Semites meant Jews and no other, and if you think they're sharing it now, you're wrong. Moslems get Islamophobia, which is a stupid term.
counter-semitism is more accurate, it is used to snarl at those who are contrary to Jewish hegemony.
Moreover, islamophobia has been extended to include all Arabs and Middle Easterners. Which is downright fucktarded but I've seen it used in this sense in the (((media))).
>if you hate a Christian Lebanese Arab, you're an islamophobe
>if said Arab hates a Jew, he's an anti-semite
Pants on head idiotic.
Yeah, Semitic Moslems get the same Race/Religion privilege that Jews do. They're technically White on US rosters, but get to cry racism when attacked.
Semite/Near Eastern needs to be added as a category
>The majority of Jews in Khazaria were Israelites.
By the time Khazaria emerged, Israelites themselves already were no longer Israelites, literal centuries of intermarriage with Romans, Greeks, Idumeans, Arabs etc did that to them.
>The word Anti-Semite was invented by Moritz Steinschneider
No it wasn't. He said a word that was similar to it and you stormfags pretend he invented it like how you pretend Leon Trotsky coined "racism." Anti-Semite was coined by Wilhelm Marr to rebrand "Jew-Hatred," to make it sound less harsh. Jews had always called it Judenhass prior.
>In 1879 Marr founded the League of Antisemites (Antisemiten-Liga), the first German organization committed specifically to combating the alleged threat to Germany posed by the Jews and advocating their forced removal from the country.
>He argued that Jewish emancipation resulting from German liberalism had allowed the Jews to control German finance and industry.
>literal centuries of intermarriage with Romans, Greeks, Idumeans, Arabs etc did that to them
You're clueless. Babylonian Jews in Iraq have never mixed and they are still very closely related with other Jews. Groups like the Syrian Jews refuse to marry any converts, Jerry Seinfeld is half Syrian-Jewish.
>Syrian Jews refuse to marry any converts
>Jerry Seinfeld is !HALF! Syrian-Jewish
Good job BTFOing your own argument.
>By the time Khazaria emerged, Israelites themselves already were no longer Israelites
Yes they did. 600 years ago Jews and Arabs called themselves Israelites and Ishmaelites. Read Jewish and Arab travelers, they would use them both but most of the time they said Israelite/Ishmaelite. The whole Jewish identity it fairly new and a result of scientific racism. It's clear they were referred to as Israelites and Hebrews for most of their time in Europe/Middle East.
>Babylonian Jews
All 5 of them? Ashkenazim are mixed like crazy and genetic research proves it more than your baseless claims, a lot of them carry the Eastern European R1a haplotype and maternally they have a ton of South Italian admix for some reason.
>Marrying an Ashkenazi Jew =/= marrying a Gentile convert
I'm genuinely curious how you deny one of the Jewish ethnicities without denying them all.
Read up on the Hasmoneans converting a ton of Idumeans into Jews. Herod himself was a converted Idumean, which is kind of funny because they were the enemy according to the Torah and the Jews were forbidden from mixing with them.
>baseless claims
It's not baseless, learn your history. Khazaria was the place where Jews from Iraq/Iran and Germany took refuge. These Jews assimilated into Yiddish culture.
Nah, the place and proper names we get from the Philistines seem to be a more or less even mix of Semitic and Indo-European ones. Considering they were surrounded by Semites, it seems far more likely that they were IE's of some sort who borrowed Semitic names from cultural diffusion than they were Semites themselves who got the vocab from somewhere.
I know about the Hasmoneans, you do realize Edomites were just Israelites with a different religion? They weren't the literal descendants of Esau, Jews made it up to justify treating them like shit. Even when converted, the Edomites were in separate villages then the Israelites. Most of the Edomite and their identity was wiped out entirely. Phoenician, Hebrew, Edomite, Moabite, Ammonite were all dialects of the same language. This is why Lebanese show up as 14% Jewish diaspora.
>Edomites were just Israelites with a different religion
Do you have a proof of that? Even discounting Jewish fairy tales, they were probably related to Negev Arabs rather than Israelites.
>enemy according to the Torah and the Jews were forbidden from mixing with them
not true. that was the moabites and ammonites. the only group they really had a hate boner for was the amalekites
They worshipped the same Canaanite gods. Yahweh was just one of the many Canaanite Gods all of them worshipped and the Jews just chimped out and made up stories about how they conquered the land and there was only one God. Arabs were in Mecca worshipping Arabian gods back then, they made very little presence in the Levant. Saying they were Arabs makes no logical sense considering it was said they blended in with Jews.
They are still supposed to be eradicating the Amalekites.
>598 Deut. 25:17 – Remember what Amalek did to the Israelites
>599 Deut. 25:19 – Wipe out the descendants of Amalek
>600 Deut. 25:19 – Not to forget Amalek's atrocities and ambush on our journey from Egypt in the desertv
>They worshipped the same Canaanite gods
So did everyone in the region. Not to mention the Canaanite pantheon itself was imported from the Mesopotamia.
The Bible is a really shitty history book regarding any event from before the Babylonian exile. For example it claims the existence of "Jebusites" and that Jerusalem was originally called "Jebus" but this is proven to be total horseshit.
I don't know why you would think that Arabs would have a presence in that region at that time? They were desert nomads and were looked at as such prior to the Arab invasions. It's been 1,400 years since then of course the Middle East is filled with Arabs now but assuming it's always been like that is ridiculous. Samaritans are the closest thing we have to a pure Hebrew and they are closer related to Jews than Arabs.
>he doesn't know the Nabateans were Arabs
>he doesn't know they were still Arab invaders
Arabs need to stay in the Arabian Peninsula. Persians need to stay in Persia. If there were more Assyrians and Levantine Semites I would help push them all out. Arabs are occupying Jordan and LARPing as indigenous. Palestinians are to Jews what the Kurds are to me. Invaders who have a shit ton of kids so people respect them even though they are barbaric.
ܩܜܖܖܪ ܓܧܕܕܐܡܢ ܝܧܜ
You're not making any sense. First you said there were no Arabs there, now you admit there were indeed Arabs but they shouldn't be there? I don't really care about your personal sympathies to be honest.
>MENA niche-nationalist joins the discussion
And time abandon thread
The "Nabateans" came in 30 AD, weren't that relevant and didn't make any longing impact. Their sole contribution was raiding and Arab imperialism. Compare that to Assyrians/Hebrews/Mediterraneans who made that land relevant in the first place.
>The "Nabateans" came in 30 AD
No, they were already there during the Hasmonean times in 100 BC, they were allied with the Maccabees in their uprising against the Greeks, and Petra was founded even centuries before.
>Arab imperialism
>in the antiquity
Nice meme.
>they were allied with the Maccabees in their uprising against the Greeks
Source? I've read about it but never heard about Nabateans.
>Arabs are occupying Jordan and LARPing as indigenous
The Nabataeans were literally Arabs. They called themselves ''King of all Arabs'' and the Arabic script is the successor of the Nabataean script. Arabs ARE the indigenous population of Jordan.
>The Nabataeans were one among several nomadic tribes that roamed the Arabian Desert, moving with their herds to wherever they could find pasture and water. These nomads became familiar with their area as seasons passed, and they struggled to survive during bad years when seasonal rainfall diminished.[2] Although the Nabataeans were initially embedded in Aramaic culture, theories about them having Aramean roots are rejected by modern scholars. Instead; historical, religious and linguistic evidence confirm that they are a northern Arabian tribe.[3]
The only LARPing here is you.
>Arabs ARE the indigenous population of Jordan.
No they aren't. The Nabateans were not indigenous. It's like saying Phoenician colonies makes them indigenous in Sicily. Do you know what indigenous means?
Not him, but Sicily never was the center of Phoenician culture, that was always Tyre Carthage, it was just a trade colony like you said. Meanwhile Nabateans actually were the center of Arab civilization, hundreds of years before the shitholes of Mecca and Medina became relevant.
>No they aren't.
Yes they literally are. Jordan IS part of the Arabian peninsula. Every city in Jordan was built by the Nabateans. Petra, Irbid, Amman, you name it. They have been there for more than 2,000 years. I really hope you don't imply, that you, an Assyrian who basically invaded the place and built an empire in it. Claim that you are the real Jordanians.
Why do Jews have such IQs, my racial realist brothers?
>the Ashkenazim who migrated to Israel are 10 points lower than the ones who chose the US
Does it or does it not make you think?
Last time I checked, Ashkenazim were genetically European. About 1947 years ago, some European maidens got GEFILTED.
>Being the smartest European nation.
Into the garbage, this study goes.
It's Northern Italy boosting the stats. If Northern Italy was its own country they would objectively be richer than Switzerland, it's the shitskin southern half of the country dragging them down.
The Jews and Arabs are both Semitic peoples. Besides, it's not that unlikely that there were at least a couple small communities of Jews that migrated to Arabia pre-Mohammed.
>Palestinians are descendants of Philistines. AKA the Jews who decided to stay in the Holy Land after the Exodus.
No they aren't you fucking idiot. They've claimed since day 1 they were descendants of Arabs who came in the 7th century. It wasn't until Israel that they decided to simultaneously LARP as Canaanites, Philistines, Hebrews. If that were true they would be closer related to Palestinian Jews then Jews are.
It depends which Palestinians. Those living in and around Nablus are genetically identical to the Samaritans who dwelled in that area for millennia. I'm not really sure about Gaza, maybe those are different.
That may be true, pic related is the DNA results of a Samaritan. Israelites/Phoenicians in general share a lot of DNA with Mediterraneans which is why they sometimes cluster together.
t.trve-blooded palestinian who literally sprouted from the ground by the dead sea 4000 years ago
Do all ashkenazi jews have levantine blood from getting kebab'd?
That's one hell of a discovery
>two people's who originated in israel frequently intermingle
Similar story: I once heard that the guys who chose the name U.S.A. wanted to subvert South Americans by establishing it as "of America" and not "North America"
i.e. "Mexicans are Americans too"
Then why do all these Ashkis keep getting genetic tests proving the opposite?
How does this argument in any way affect Israel's "claim" to the dirt they occupy at this point? I assume that's the only reason you have to cling to these half-baked arguments.
Do Russians have a 100% pure genetic line extending back to the forming of Kievan Rus?
Do the Germans and their Rhine?
The Anglos and the Saxxons?
Some do, some don't. World keeps on spinning babby. Get a job. Nobody is holding you back except yourself.
>this entire post
Jewish psychosis on display, everyone.
>Do all ashkenazi jews have levantine blood from getting kebab'd?
It's more like they have European DNA because they got Slavic/Germanic/Italian women were kebab'd. Pic related is one of the last pure Jews in Europe, they were the first to go.
>Palestinians are descendants of Philistines. AKA the Jews
Reread the Bible.
Fuck off Euro scum. The Palestinians have been in that land for 8,000 years uninterrupted.