1914 - 1945

>1914 - 1945

The 1920's weren't that bad.

>weimar republic

Even in America the 20s sucked.

>fucking insane violent crime rates
>no more immigration

1890s-1913 are truly the patrician years to yearn for

>100,000 BC - 2017

I unironically agree with this. Obviously modern medicine etc. is all great, don't get me wrong, but still.

This is why the 1950's are so fondly remembered: the 4 preceding decades were complete shit.

>>no more immigration
>>fucking insane violent crime rates

prohibition just made liquor cheaper, and it was no more difficult to get than marijuana in states where it is still illegal

This was basically the zenith of European society, not counting antiquity.

1000% this. culturally speaking, a golden age for western civilization


I have a hard time believing that prohibition was actually a real thing. It seems so bizarre that there was a period of time when beer was actually illegal in the US. You'd think that any politician who even dared propose such a thing would be committing career suicide.

It's hard to believe now, but Protestantism was really weird about alcohol during the 1800s and early 1900s.

good song tbqh

1903-1946 is even worse.
You're old enough to see the horrors of WWI without being able of understanding. You grow up, deeply traumatized by war only to see it happening again, to a even greater extent. You survive WWII and die one year later for unrelated causes.

>weimar republic
>Not the best state Germany has ever been in

t. Hershel Israel Rubinstein

Nah, Jews would prefer East Germany.

t. Adolf Butthurtstein