How did you do it? Being a NEET doesn't count.
Who successfully escaped being a wagecuck?
Bought bitbeans
I'm wage cucking for $30/hr, it's let me save up $50k. I bought pic related for 20k plan to sell it for 45k, then I will invest that money in a sail boat and make money taking frat bros out
> Bought bitbeans
Cool story bro
you can sprout them for more beans/$ every day
Nice user. Boat biz idea is a good one.
Does a decent paying and a fun job still count as wagecuckery? I enjoy it and would be bored out of my head if i didnt do it, because even if you quit work all your friends are working so youre just bored alone. thoughts?
Great you love it, but they can also fuck you over anytime they please... still cucked
Became an entrepreneur and sold stuff online. Invested ALL of my profits into cryptos. I'm gonna be a crypto millionaire this year if one of my cryptos hits its price target and has a decent finished product this year.
I started a construction company. Now we just do new construction and buy rental property.
What did you sell online?
OP Listen to the wise one
Nice meme
hi del
I'm self employed, but still feel like wagecuck because of idiot clients. The only real freedom is great wealth
I make 6 figures wage wise
Have about 600k in cryptos
About 300k in regular stocks
I suppose I'm still a wage cuck because I work a M-F
I've traveled to 30 countries since 2013 and I'm married with a house, having kids soon, I'm 28
Make plays
No excuses
LOL does community property mean anything to you?
so much larp rofl
Please clarify
Jason go to bed jeez
He means you have to halve those crypto and stock numbers, because your future-ex-wife owns those. Not you.
What a shitty watch. It doesn't even have a calculator.
Your wife gettin boned by another dude in your bed, while you pay for the up keep
coins i have, a future ex wife i dont LOL
good luck kiddo
Nice LARP and fake Rolex. Even a complete noon would see that the logo of the Rolex was malformed
Tell me,
What was your goal in coming into this thread?
To attack anyone whose doing well?
youre not a wagecuck ur a regular cuck
Yep. Wife will divorce him and leave with over half his worth. GG
I escaped wage cuckery, mainly with BTC and LTC. Also a little ETH.
Also I live in authentic 3rd world toilet (pic)
I can live very nicely on $300 per week here
quit my job this year thanks to crypto feelsgoodman.jpeg
>300 per week
You can live for a month with that much in those shitholes
t. someone considering moving to Thailand
wtf is that? a firetruck?
>You can live for a month with that much in those shitholes
yes you can, but I live very well. I can afford anything I need here
Are 20 Bitcoin enough? ..
It's a shit pumper. user over there isn't going to be able to smell anything other than asshole for years.
What fugly ass shoes.
lol look at Veeky Forums get catty when theyre jealous.
You can live in a luxury apt in a first-worldy neighbourhood in Eastern Europe with that kind of money.
Why settle for a shithole...
70 sq ft in pic related costs 400/month furnished. It's in the mountain next to Sofia, but also 15 min from city centre.
Income tax is 10% flat.
Ordering food for every meal would be $15/day for legit good stuff.
Meanwhile you settled for a shithole and hepatitis, lol
I have 1100k in stocks, 80k in fiat and 45k in crypto. Still working 5days/week in my own company. Plan is to stop working at around 5mil net worth; then it's possible to live off the dividends and still afford a villa and some sports cars.
What a shitty watch. It doesn't even have a steam engine.
>70 sq ft
do you live in a closet?
Invested my life's savings in sia a year and a half ago.
Currently a millionaire. I will never work again.
What's sia?
Shitposting Innovation Associates GmbH
твa пpиличa нa Pилcкия мaнacтиp, плeб
worked as a plumber for 5 years then retired to Thailand to start an escort service
My bad, sry.
Siacoin, a cryptocurrency.
A singer.
WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?
Life is a constant hell. No wonder I resent women too.
Wrong board, go to /r9k/
Started a tech company, be in the right industry at the right time, ride a wave boys. Did it by starting a company with little to no knowledge in the area but faking it and getting connected then there came a point where it wasn't really faking it anymore.
Don't really have any time to enjoy much of anything, I'm booked abroad for 80days next year already. Meetings meetings meetings.
do you think your wife would love you if you went poor?
Next year. Thx BNT.
are you the guy who posts his blockfolio in every thread?
you've got balls of steel my man. hows your mental health been for the last month or so?
> Married with a house
Does your house have big tits?