Which Soviet Ruler would make the best president of United States? Which president would make a best Soviet Ruler?
Which Soviet Ruler would make the best president of United States? Which president would make a best Soviet Ruler?
>No Chernenko
>No Malenkov
Not a Soviet ruler but if Putin was an American politician we would elect the shit out of him. Nixon would probably do well as Soviet premier, of the presidents who were around during and after the office's existence.
Gorbachev, because he was the best ruler the Soviet Union ever had.
>country collapses under his rule
what a great ruler wow
Lenin for USA
Grant for USSR
he's the most democratic one by far
also the most unpopular among russians by far
weirdly enough the russians love Kennedy, so there's that
Stalin for both answers. USA needs a great cleansing of porkies (corporate America) and kulaks (Middle America)
I would call the collapse of the Communist party a success for the Russian people. The difference with him was instead of allowing the people to starve again under an atrocious system he admitted it was the system at fault and that needed to go.
the collapse wasn't the fault of gorbachev. USSR was a man with cancer since at least Brezhnev, Gorby was there only to witness and state the time of death
A Stalinist America would be the greatest thing that ever happened. It would basically mean the end of all evil on the planet. It would be like beating the video game of reality.
Just imagine
>Thousands of capitalists and imperialists publicly hanged
>Soulless consumerism and materialism purged from American culture
>Massive factories dot the skyline, ultra-modern infastructure finally makes America a first world country
>American-North Korean-Syrian alliance
>Tomahawks level Tel Aviv
>World peace
>End of world hunger
>World poverty eliminated in a decade
>Singularity - humans merge with machines
>Technology accelerates exponentially
>Humans become omnipotent, omniscient, indistinguishable from God
Reagan and FDR would make great Premiers.
>World peace
>End of world hunger
>World poverty eliminated in a decade
>Singularity - humans merge with machines
>Technology accelerates exponentially
>Humans become omnipotent, omniscient, indistinguishable from God
Go die in a hole commie filth
>Mr Prime Minister, there is only one important question facing us, and that is the question of whether the white race will survive.
Brezhnev was /our goy/
Lincoln for USSR, Khrushev for USA (America needs a retarded president to be blamed for the mistakes of Congress)
Khrushchev for America. The 1965 economic reform was quasi-capitalistic and could actually be accepted by the American population.
FDR for the Soviets. He trusted the Soviets when basically no American ruler did, and he was obviously more open to government involvement in economic affairs than most presidents.
Khrushchev without a doubt.
Seems likable and had a big pair of nuts. Wasn't afraid to play hardball with Kennedy after all.
I think other Americans would appreciate his rusticness.
Stalin for America
Lincoln for USSR
>The 1965 economic reform was quasi-capitalistic
which led to the USSR's collapse
Couldnt be more wrong
Suck my dick kike
he was the worst, and russians know it
Brezhnev got rid of the 1965 reform ya dingus.
gorbachev more like garbage chef
t. russian
I don't know who's trolling who anymore.